ISBN-13: 9781119553373 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 304 str.
ISBN-13: 9781119553373 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 304 str.
Foreword xvPreface xixHow the Book is Organized xxiiHow to Read This Book xxiiiAcknowledgments xxvPart One Weapons of Mass Distraction 011 Noise, Noise, So Much Noise 3Kenny Chesney Gets it RightHearing Decline and the Loss of FocusAccess to Information Will Only IncreaseAttention Spans Will Remain ElusiveOur Minds Will Become Anemic and Impenetrable2 Huh? We're Going Collectively Deaf 11So, Why Do We Tune Out? A Variety of ReasonsThe Impact of the "Elusive 600" on Our ListeningHow Words Become Worthless--and Triggers for a Tune-OutMy Mom Thought I Had a Hearing Problem3 Brain Basics: Are Your Penguins Falling Off the Iceberg? 19Our Brains are ChangingWorking Memory in DeclineBrains are Like ComputersWe're Losing Impulse ControlOur Brains Get HookedHow Often Do We Check Our Smartphones?4 Living in an Info Junkie Crack House 31Training and Education Will Be the Gateway DrugImpending Health Impacts?A Potential Threat to ConsiderWho Can Stop This?More Brain CeleryPart Two The Big Tune-Out is Coming (Imagining The Unthinkable-Six Short Stories to Wake You Up) 415 Always Stuck at School 43Serious TriggersNew Protective BehaviorsTerrified ParentsDisturbing StatisticsOur Children in IsolationIs it Addiction?6 A Misleading Leader 53Streaming InformationLosing MomentumPowerful MonologueAll Talk, No Action7 The Loss of Civil Discourse 61Her Civic DutyUninformed and ConfusedNo RespectTower of BabelCatching Her Attention8 Mind-filled Momentum at Work 67Connected While ExercisingLast-minute BriefingDriving ConnectedYet More Tasks and E-mailsDiving Right into the WeedsTrying to Salvage Success9 2050: A Parenting Odyssey 77Technology Was Only a Mild Interrupter for ThemA Carefree TimeDeep Loss of Daily ContactStruggle to DisconnectTechnology is with You Everywhere You GoIt's Just Living for ThemWhy Did We Worry So Much?Parenting without a VoiceFighting a Force10 Safety Briefing with Near-tragic Results 85Part Three Time for You to Tune In: Awareness Management (AM 101) 9311 Awareness Management 101 95Lighting the Path Before UsLives Can Become a BlurMissing the Moment EntirelyOur Minds are Spinning Beach BallsThe Elusive 600: Your Enemy or Your Friend?Runaway ThoughtsWaking Your Mind from Mindlessness to MindfulnessDirected, Undirected, and MisdirectedCommit to "Awareness Management"What if We Don't Manage Our Awareness?AM Pre-set Buttons12 Take Aim: Set Your Sights on What Matters Most 109Essentialists versus Non-essentialistsNo More Deafening NoisePointless RoutinesA Minimalist Decision: Keep it SimpleAim Small, Miss Small--Tips to Direct Your FocusPost It: Simplicity Isn't ComplicatedTo Simplify is a Deliberate Decision13 Saying No to Noise 123Just Say NoThe Power of Self-MasteryOvercoming FOMONo, Here's How You Do ItAddictions Weaken WillpowerRunning to Yes on the Road Toward NoSelf-control is a Personal Way to Stop the NoiseImpulse Management: A Few Daily DistractionsFeel the Peace of SinglemindednessFive Small Steps to Make That Little Word a Big Part of Your Life14 Quiet Time: Restoring and Recharging Your Mind 135Dimly Lit Dinnertime: Our Brains Barraged and Batteries DrainedThe Extrovert Ideal and the Allure of Open SpacesWhy Be Quiet (I've Got Something to Say About That)?Risky IsolationRewarding IsolationSteps Toward QuietContemplatives in the Middle of the World15 Present Listening: A Gift Worth Giving Now 149Why is it So Exhausting to Listen?Professional Listeners: It Pays to Be Interested, Not InterestingBecoming a Present Listener--Seven Critical ConsiderationsA Special Reward for Special ForcesSelling Yourself Short with OthersThe Payoff of Present ListeningPart Four Getting Others to Dial In: Focus Management (FM 101) 15916 Focus Management 101 161Changing an Environment That Doesn't Want to Be ChangedPutting Fun Back into a PartyThe Role of a Focus ManagerA Program Manager for a Life Filled with Simplicity and ClarityFM Pre-set Buttons17 Wanted: BRIEF Communicators 169When So Many Words Become WorthlessLosing the MeaningYou Can Change ItMessage Lost in TranslationWinston Churchill's Brevity MemorandumConcise Communication: A Necessary Curriculum RequirementBRIEF BasicsClarity is Your Number 1 Priority18 Communicate Like a Magician 181Brain Science Behind Sleight of HandThe Power to Make the Restless RestA Baker's Dozen of Communication Techniques, Tips, and Tricks19 Preparing the Environment for Noise Abatement 191The Failure of Open Floor PlansScreens Everywhere at WorkHome Rooms UnpluggedOld-school SchoolsRemaking Healthy Environments to Filter Noise Naturally20 Herding Cats: Facilitating to Focus More, Fidget Less 205The Joy of a Canceled MeetingTeaching Students to Tune OutNeed Some Help Leading at Home?Fundamentals of Facilitation: At Work, School, or HomeMaking it Easy for Everyone to Work, Learn, and Live TogetherPart Five Pre-Sets: Simple Programming for Noise Reduction 21521 Personalizing Your Pre-Sets 217Personal Pre-set Programming: Customize Your Settings to Manage the Noise "The Lineup": Playing to Win by Keeping Score22 That Sounds Wonderful 235Recommended Reading 239Notes 241References 249About the Author 257About The BRIEF Lab 259Index 261
JOE MCCORMACK is passionate about helping people gain clarity when there is so much competing for our attention. He is a successful marketer, entrepreneur, and author. His first book, BRIEF: Make a bigger impact by saying less (Wiley, 2014) sets the standard for concise communication.Joe is the founder and managing director of The BRIEF Lab, an organization dedicated to teaching professionals, military leaders, and entrepreneurs how to think and communicate clearly. His clients include Boeing, Harley-Davidson, Microsoft, Mastercard, DuPont, and select military units and government agencies. He publishes a weekly podcast called Just Saying that helps people master the elusive skills of focus and brevity.He lives in Pinehurst, NC, and suburban Chicago, IL.
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