1. Recent advances and future perspectives in the application of nanotechnology in food industry 2. Nanoengineering tools in beverage industry 3. Modern analytical nanotechnologies for beverages quality control 4. Design of Nanoparticles for future beverage industry 5. Application of Nanotechnology in Food and Beverage development 6. Use of nanomaterials as an alternative to the inhibition of enzymatic browning in juices 7. Modulating functionality of beverages through nanostructured interventions 8. Nanoencapsulation of Green Tea Polyphenols 9. Metallic nanoparticles: Development, applications, and future trends in alcoholic and non- alcoholic beverages 10. Improving the Delivery System and Bioavailability of Beverages through Nanoencapsulation 11. Potential Applications of Nanofibers in Beverage Industry 12. Recent Advances in Application of nanoBiosensors in Beverages 13. A step forward on micro- and nanotechnology in beverage industry 14. Nanoparticles designed to enhance nutritional content of beverages 15. Improving wine quality and safety through nanotechnology applications