ISBN-13: 9781494730024 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 56 str.
Murphy BigDog was quite a character. His "tweets" capture quite closely his joyful, goofy, exhuberant and intelligent personality. He loved pretty much everybody and especially adored anything small; kittens, puppies, children, chipmunks, etc. He thought it was his duty to either protect, amuse or lick the hell out of said creatures. They in turn grew to love him almost immediately. Which explained oddities in his life, such as our geese, Bartley and Rufus, following him everywhere; or the chickens racing out to greet him when he went out in the backyard. The other resident cats, especially Bearhug, as well as Harry, would often be found asleep near, upon, or occasionally under Murphy. Well under his paw or chin anyways. At one point Murphy weighed about 140 lbs. No cat should find himself under that.: ) If you've ever wondered what your dog is thinking, check out Murphy's Twitter feed. You'll never look at your dog, or the neighbor's for that matter, the same again. A toast to all dog lovers, and a chewbone to all dogs
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