PART I THEORY AND PRINCIPLESImportance of Electromagnetic Field and ist VisualizationMaxwell's Equations Formulated by Special Relativityde Broglie Waves and Wave FunctionOutlines of General Relativity and Einstein's EquationsPrinciples of Electron HolographyRelated TechniquesSimulation of Holograms and Visualized Electromagnetic FieldPART II APPLICATION Electric Field AnalysisIn Situ Observation of Electric FieldMagnetic Field AnalysisIn Situ Observation of Magnetic FieldControl and Visualization of Collective Motions of ElectronsInteraction between Electrons and Charged Specimen SurfacesInterpretation of Visualization of Collective Motions of Electrons
Daisuke Shindo is Team Leader, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science and Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University. He is Fellow of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, and also Fellow of Korean Society of Microscopy. He has been involved in high-resolution electron microscopy and analytical electron microscopy for microstructure characterization of various materials for more than 30 years. He is currently interested in electromagnetic-field observation of advanced materials by electron holography of collective motions of electrons through electromagnetic field variations. Takeshi Tomita developed various instruments of electron microscopes, especially electron guns and lens systems in JEOL Ltd. for more than 40 years. He was involved in the project of the development of Cs-corrected TEMs. He is also attributed to the development of a secondary electron energy analyzer for TEMs. He has deep knowledge about the electromagnetic field and the special relativity.