ISBN-13: 9780415245319 / Angielski / Twarda / 2001 / 331 str.
ISBN-13: 9780415245319 / Angielski / Twarda / 2001 / 331 str.
This set demonstrates the increasing interest among Western people paid to civilisation in the East at the turn of the 19th century. Included are Kishio Satomi's studies on Nichiren and Japanese idealism, which were written from an Eastern viewpoint specifically for a Western audience. Also reprinted here is Chamberlain's translation from classical Japanese poetry which offers one of the first known attempts to interpret the literature of the Japanese to the Western world.
INTRODUCTION -- BOOK I -- PROIOGUE -- STROY I—The Prince and the Handmaid -- Description of Iove - -- Importunity of Shamsu-’d-I)in of Tabriz -- STROY II—The OHioan and his Parrot -- Confusion of samt8 with hypocrites -- STROY III—The Jewish King and the Vazir -- The Va’ir’s teaching -- SIeep of the body the souI’s awaking -- IaiIa and the KhaIifa -- The tweIve voIumes of theoIogy -- STROY IV—Another TyrannicaI Jewish King -- Second causes subordinate to the First Cause -- Praises compared to vapour -- STROY V.—The Iion and the Beasts -- Trust in God opposed to human exertions -- Wisdom granted to the weak -- Human wisdom the manifestation of Divine -- STROY VI—’Omav and the Ambassador -- God’s agency reconciIed with man’s free wiII -- STROY VII—TIie Merchant and his Parrot -- Saints preserved from aII harm - -- The jeaIousy of God -- CompIaints of God’s harsh deaIings - -- STROY VIII—The Harper -- ApoIogy for appIytng the term “Bride” to God -- ‘Omar’e rebuke to the harper -- STROY IX—The Arab and his Wife -- Mu subdued by WOIHIt&e wiIes -- Mciaes and Pharaoh both doers of God’s wiII -- Man and wife types of the spirit and the fIesh -- Adam made superior to the angeIs -- PartiaI eviI universaI good -- STROY X—The Man who was Tattooed -- Submbeiun to the SpirituaI Director - -- STROY XI—The Iion who bunted in Compeny - -- Man must deSTROY “seIf” -- STROY X11—Joseph and the ?eIfrror -- “Not-being’ the mirror of Being -- STROY t X[II—The Prophetic Scribe -- How phiIosophers deceive themseIves - -- STROY XIV—The Chinese iuid the Greek Arti’ts -- KnowIedge of the heartand of the achooIs -- &roai XV.—The Prophet and Zaid -- CounseIs of “esert” -- Spotty XVI—’AIi’u Forbearance -- The Prophet’s whisper to ‘AWe stirrup-bearer -- Adam rebuked for scorning thus -- EpiIogue to Book I -- BOOK II -- STROY 1—The SufI’s Beast -- The poet’s doctrines veiIed in fabIes -- Why the prophets were sent -- MysticaI meaning of “DayIight” -- Eapresaiotu of reIigious feeIing -- On bIind imitation -- EviI inIIuence of covetousnea -- STROY 11—The Pauper anti the Prisoners -- Satan’s otiIee in the worId -- The “BeIoved” the cause of aII earthIy beauty -- STROY III—The K4g and his two SIaves -- The aposIoicaI -- TURT I% —1tw raIcin and the OwIs -- The right use of forms -- &roar V—The Thirsty !iIan -- “It was not ye who shot” -- STROY Vi—Inqrnan and his Master -- Iove endures hardships from the BeIoved V -- STROY VII—MowsafIdtheShephcrd -- ReIigious forms indiffreut - - -- Why the wicked fIourish -- STROY VI1I—The Man and his Pet Bear - -- He who n mercy finds it V V -- The worshippers of the goIden caIf -- STROY IX—The Gardener and the Three Friends V -- STROY X—I3ayaxId awI the Saint VV -- The sweet uses of adversity V -- God the Author of good and eviI -- EviI turned into good for the good -- STROY XI— MoIvia and IuIIs -- The vaIue of sighs -- Wisdom the “beIiever’s Iust cameI”. -- FaIse doctrines eontain some truth -- STROY X(I—The Four Hinduqtanis V -- STROY XIII—The OId Man and the Physician -- Bed principice produce bad actions -- STROY XIV—TIie Carrier end the SchoIar V -- STROY XV—The Man who Boasted -- STROY XVI—The GIuttonous Sufi -- The “mean” is reIative VV -- The ecstatic state above Iaw -- The “inner voice” its owit evidence -- Svoav XVII—The Tree of Iife - -- Svoay XVHI—The Young Oucs -- book III -- STROY 1—The TraveIIers who ate the EIephant find’s care for His chiIdren -- EviI deeds maIts prayers stinkThe man who cried “0 AIIah !‘ -- STROY 11—The ViIIager and the Townensan -- Jesus heaIing the sick -- God’s cIaims to oar gratitude -- Tests of hypeciIey Sinai III—The JackaI who aped a Peacock STROY IV—Moees and Pharaoh -- Iust compared to the snake -- Sinai V—The EIeph ant in a dark Boone -- Outward sense aesnpared to the paIm of a hand -- Noah and his sun Canaan -- ReconciIiation of Iwo traiIiIineis -- The bewiIderment f Iove annuIs thought -- STROY TI—i he Iover and his Mistress. -- True Ioven seek “i” - -- STROY 111—The Man in the Time of David KnowIedge 9’P”° In opinion -- STROY 1111—The Dove and their Teacher -- STROY IX—The Darvesh who broke his VowAII things dependent on God’s wiII -- Divine decrees apparent in their effects -- STROY X—Tbe OId Man and his Sons - -- STROY XI—IIahIoI and the Dnrvesh STROY X11—The Visions of I)aqdqi -- Ideuziñcation of the wiII wish God’s wiII -- AII reIigions in substance one -- STROY VII(cwIentn)- The Man in the Tiiese of David CriminaIs betray themseIves Iu4 compaI’ed to the murderer -- STROY XIII—The Men of SaIe - -- Not aII csa use parabIes rightIy -- The arguments of the FataIist.i -- Mercy incIines the good to devotiin- -- The despair of the prophets -- PrehabiIity the guide of Iife -- Stoer Y—The Three Fishes - -- The wise. the haIf wise. and the fooI ‘The bird’s counseIs -- STROY VI—Ifoses and Pharaoh -- The tradgiun. “I was a hidden treasure” -- Pious men ask not where heaven and heII are * -- Arguments of a Sunni and a DaIiri -- STROY VII—The ungratefuI Courtier -- Why some are made for destruction -- STROY VIII—The Prince beguiIed by a Courwean -- He who grieves the Iogos must expect tribuIation -- STROY II—The MuIe and the CameI -- The evoIution of man -- Zu’I Qarnain visits Mount QAf -- (JabrieI appears to Muhammad -- Address to Husãinu’-d-t)in -- BOOK V -- STROY 1—Abe Prophet and his Guest -- Outward acts bear witnees of the thoughts Prayers for spirituaI enIightennient -- STROY II— The Arab and his Dog -- STOUT Ut—The Sage and the Peacock “Then is nà monkcry in IsIam’ -- Prayers for higher aspirations -- STROY IV—The RMtzis of SabrawAr Satan’s snares for riien -- 5mev V—The Man who cIaimed to be a ProphetThe Prophet’s prayer - -- STROY VI—The Youth who imitated a Shaikh WorthIessness of bIind imitation -- TheoIogians bIind to things of the Spirit -- STROY VII—The Creetion of Adani -- God the “OnIy ReaI Agent’ - - -- Deashiagain STROY VIII—Mahmdd and Aydz - -- Description of him who is made one with God -- STROY I’I—The Repentance of Nanib -- Mcns mcmbcr wiII bear witue spinet him -- STROY X—The Iion. the Fox. nd the Ass -- BIind imitators exposed by their actions -- WorId’y iIIuaions to be Jmken oiI -- The monk’s search for a man -- Seimi’ XI—The MusiiIinan and the Magian Iove puts reason to siIence -- Scoteir VIII( m’nnsI)—Mahmdd Mid AyiIzIove and faith a mighty speII -- God’s deaIings manifest to the spirituaI -- STROY XII—The Devotee who broke the Wine-Jar -- fIescriptwn of one who trusts to the Iight of nazun.. -- STROY VIII(vmtiaa )--MahmI1d and Ayfi -- Iyázi’s rebuke to his peasions -- Hearing Ie*ds on to seeing -- Those who deny the Iife to come -- “We aIIot to some Iuets. to others virtues -- BOOK VT -- PauwGUE -- Man’s worth depruiIa on the objects of his aspiration -- Fear of then hindera acceptance of truth -- Prayers for guiiIssicr -- STROY 1—The SIave who Ioved his Master’s Itisughter STROY II—The FowIer and the Bird -- Tue bird’s cries for succour -- STROY III—The Turkish A nib’ and the MiiistteI Intoxication a ñgure of spiritusI ecetaay -- Reasons for knocking at the empty house -- STROY IV—The iim’cIaase of BiIáI -- Growth in grace graduaI -- STROY V—Tbe Suti and the Qzi . -- The deed regret not dying. but Iost oppntuti -- Virtue impIies triaIs overcome -- Men’s inrnebrra bear witness of Gods bounty -- STROY VI-—The Fisqir and the Hidden Treasure (Iad ruIes men by hope and fear -- “I am about to pIace on earth a.KbiIifa’ (Iad Ia nearer to us than our neck-vein -- &IOIIY V1I—The TIu’ee TraveIIers -- Iofty specuIation diverts us from GaiI -- The uses cit chastisement -- The mouse and the frog -- He who discerns God in the worId is sate -- STROYVIII—The Pensioner of the Prefect of Tahriz FoIIy of trusting to man Joseph in the Iri1n -- STROY IX—The King and his Three Sons The significance of” forms -- The Truth hidden in our phenomenaI being -- The figurative Ianguege of the Prince -- Why the answer to prayer is deIayed -- The joys of “Fruit in D& inexpressibIe -- The death of the Second Prince -- Note on ApocryphaI SuppIements to the Mantavi.
E H Whinfield,
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