ISBN-13: 9783409114752 / Angielski / Miękka / 1999 / 146 str.
ISBN-13: 9783409114752 / Angielski / Miękka / 1999 / 146 str.
sity of Essen (Germany), Odd Nordhaug, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (Norway), Michael Poole, University of Wales (UK), Karl-Klaus Pullig, University of Paderborn (Germany), Max Ringlstetter, Catho lic University of Eichstatt (Germany), Ewald Scherm, University of Hagen (Ger many), Stefan Schmid, Catholic University of Eichstaett (Germany), Karl-Heinz Schmidt, University of Paderborn (Germany), Ursula Schneider, University of Graz (Austria), Wolfgang Weber, University of Paderborn (Germany) and Joachim Wolf, University of Hohenheim (Germany). For support in the organiza tion of the review process the editor thanks Christopher Gramley. The outcome of the review process was that 13 papers were selected for pub lication in two special issues which both address the field of international human resource management. There were many other very well-written and high quality papers but due to space limitations, the editors could not include more contribu tions. For those interested in the other papers of the IHRM-conference we recom mend the conference proceedings which are available from the University of Pa derborn (Email: ). The selected papers can be related to three broad IHRM-approaches which are described below: Cross-cultural management approach: early work in this field (especially in Anglo-Saxon countries) emphasized a cross-cultural management approach which examines human behavior within organizations from an international perspective. Comparative HRM: A second approach developed from the comparative indus trial relations and HRM literature seeks to describe, compare and analyse HRM systems in various countries.