Part 1 Overview; Chapter 1 Local Authorities and the Environment; Chapter 2 Issues for Local Action; Chapter 3 Local Government in Action; Chapter 4 Local Authorities and Worldwide Sustainable Development; Chapter 5 RecommendationsPart 2 Case Studies; Democratization and Consensus Building for a Sustainable Development Plan; Mobilizing Local Resources to Address Urban Environmental Issues: The Metropolitan Concepción Sustainable Cities Project; Part Icipatory Solid Waste Management; Greenpoint-Williamsburg Environmental Benefits Programme; Vision 2020 Sustainable Community Initiative; The Restructuring of Municipal Finances; Agenda 21 Kanagawa; Municipal Policy and Part Icipatory Dynamics; Solid Waste Collection and Treatment Programme; Ecological Waste Management Project; A Concerted Environmental Action Plan; The Fight Against Waste Pollution; Comprehensive Solar Energy Initiative; Rehabilitation of the Rio Torres Grande de Tarcoles; Environmental Audit and Green Strategy; The Troyan Environmental Action Project; Local Agenda 21 in the United Kingdom;
Gilbert, Richard ; Stevenson, Don ; Girardet, Herbert ; Stren, Richard