ISBN-13: 9781904808879 / Romance (Other) / Miękka / 2012 / 150 str.
ISBN-13: 9781904808879 / Romance (Other) / Miękka / 2012 / 150 str.
Lewis Carroll, c'est le spot chwazi pa Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, qui insegnot les mathematiques a Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson a couminche a raconter c'n-istware ci l' quate de julet 1862, pindant qu'i f'zot 'ne pourmenade in barkete su la Tamise a Oxford. L' Pasteur Robinson Duckworth eyet twas p'tites fiyes t de l' partie. Alice Liddell, el fiye de 10 ans dou Dwayegn de Christ Church et ses swers Lorina qu'awot 13 ans et Edith qu'awot 8 ans. El poweme o couminch'mint d' l'istware dit que les twas swers ont pousse Dodgson a leu raconter 'ne foke. Et c'es't-insi qu'i s'a mis a prezinter l' prumiere version de l' fauke, a conte-cwer pou coumincher, d'apres li. Douci doula, dins l' version pus largue, il est fet reference o c k qu' t' dins l'barkete; l'istware a ste eprimee pou l' prumier cop in 1865. "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" a ste tradwit in branmint de langues mes, dequ'a met'nant, djamins dins en dialekte picard. C' tradukcion-ci, in picard boregn devrot reparer ca. Su l' plan dialektal, l' picard, c'est 'ne grande famiye l gwistike qui s' tweve dins 'ne partie du nord-west de la France et dins tout l'west de l' - Province belge du Hainaut -. C'est ene des langues romanes qui form'te inchane cou qu'on loume - les langues d'oil -, come el - lorrain -, el - champenois -, el - normand -, el - poitevin -, el - wallon - etc. In Belgiqueon tweve quate de ces famiye: in plus du picard, on pale du - lorrain - et du - champenois - dins deus p'tites gnotes parties de l' - Province du Luxembourg - et des dialektes walons dins l'pus grande partie francophone de la Belgique. El picard boregn, c'est l' dialekte qu'on pale o Borinaje, ene rejion o sud-west de Mon, l' capitale du - Hainaut -, gne lon de l' frontiere ave la France. -- Lewis Carroll is the pen-name for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, who was a lecturer of mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson started the telling of this tale on July 4, 1862 during a rowing boat tour on the Thames River at Oxford. Pastor Robinson Duckworth and three girls were members of the party: Alice Liddell, the ten-year old daughter of the dean of Christ Church, and her sisters Lorina, aged thirteen, and Edith, eight years of age. The poem at the beginning of the story states that the threesome urged Dodgson to tell them a story. And so he set out to present the first version of the tale, admittedly with some initial reluctance. Now and then, within the broader tale, reference is made to all five of the boat party; the story first appeared in print in 1865. "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" has been translated into many languages but never before in Picard dialect. The present translation in "Borain Picard" is intended to fill in the gap. In its dialectal meaning, Picard is the name of an important linguistic family which covers a large territory in the north-west of France and the western part of the Belgian province of Hainaut. It is one of the Romance languages that make up the "langues d'oil," such as Lorrain, Champenois, Normand, Poitevin, Walloon etc. In Belgium, four of these families are represented: Lorrain and Champenois in two tiny parts of the province of Luxembourg, Walloon in the larger part of the Francophone area. Borain Picard is the dialect spoken in what is called "Le Borinage," an area situated south-west of the capital of the province of Hainaut, not far from the French border.
Lewis Carroll, cest lë spot chwâzi pa Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, qui insegnot les mathematiques a Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson a couminché a raconter çn-istwâre ci l quate dë julet´ 1862, pindant qui fzôt ne pourmënâde in barkete su la Tamîse a Oxford. L Pasteur Robinson Duckworth eyét twâs ptitës fîyes et´ dë l partîe. Alice Liddell, ël fîye dë 10 ans dou Dwayégn dë Christ Church ét ses swers Lorina quawôt 13 ans ét Édith quawot 8 ans. Ël poweme ô couminchmint d listwâre dit quë les twâs swers ont poussé Dodgson a leu raconter ne fôke. Ét cest-insi qui sa mis a prézinter l prumiere version dë l fauke, a conte-cwer pou coumincher, dapres li. Douci doula, dins l version pus largue, il est fet référence ô cek quet dins lbarkete ; listwâre a sté éprimée pou l prumier côp in 1865. "Alices Adventures in Wonderland" a sté tradwit in branmint dë langues mes, dëqua metnant, djamins dins én dialekte picârd. Ç tradukcion-ci, in picârd borégn dëvrot réparer ça. Su l plan dialektal, l picârd, cest ne grande famîye legwistike qui s tweve dins ne partîe du nôrd-west dë la France ét dins tout lwest dë l «?Province belge du Hainaut?». Cest ëne des langues romanes qui formté inchâne çou quon loume «?les langues doil?», come ël «?lorrain?», ël «?champenois?», ël «?normand?», ël «?poitevin?», ël «?wallon?» etc. In Belgique on tweve quate dë ces famîye?: in plus´ du picârd, on pale du «?lorrain?» ét du «?champenois?» dins deus ptites gnotes partîes dë l «?Province du Luxembourg?» ét des dialektes walons dins lpus grande partîe francophone dë la Belgique. Ël picârd borégn, cest l dialekte quon pale ô Borinâje, ëne réjion ô sud-west dë Mon, l capitale du «?Hainaut?», gné lon dë l frontiere avé la France. -- Lewis Carroll is the pen-name for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, who was a lecturer of mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson started the telling of this tale on July 4, 1862 during a rowing boat tour on the Thames River at Oxford. Pastor Robinson Duckworth and three girls were members of the party: Alice Liddell, the ten-year old daughter of the dean of Christ Church, and her sisters Lorina, aged thirteen, and Edith, eight years of age. The poem at the beginning of the story states that the threesome urged Dodgson to tell them a story. And so he set out to present the first version of the tale, admittedly with some initial reluctance. Now and then, within the broader tale, reference is made to all five of the boat party; the story first appeared in print in 1865. "Alices Adventures in Wonderland" has been translated into many languages but never before in Picard dialect. The present translation in "Borain Picard" is intended to fill in the gap. In its dialectal meaning, Picard is the name of an important linguistic family which covers a large territory in the north-west of France and the western part of the Belgian province of Hainaut. It is one of the Romance languages that make up the "langues doil", such as Lorrain, Champenois, Normand, Poitevin, Walloon etc. In Belgium, four of these families are represented: Lorrain and Champenois in two tiny parts of the province of Luxembourg, Walloon in the larger part of the Francophone area. Borain Picard is the dialect spoken in what is called "Le Borinage", an area situated south-west of the capital of the province of Hainaut, not far from the French border.