A high-level design process for neural-network controls through a framework of human personalities
Cognitive load estimation for adaptive human-machine system automation
Comprehensive error analysis beyond system innovations in Kalman filtering
Nonlinear control
Deep learning approaches in face analysis
Finite multi-dimensional generalized Gamma Mixture Model Learning for feature selection
Variational learning of finite shifted scaled Dirichlet mixture models
From traditional to deep learning: Fault diagnosis for autonomous vehicles
Controlling satellites with reaction wheels
Vision dynamics-based learning control
Dan Zhang is a Kaneff Professor and Tier 1 York Research Chair in Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University, Toronoto, Canada. Previously he was Professor and Canada Research Chair in Advanced Robotics and Automation, and he was a founding Chair of the Department of Automotive, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Engineering with the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at University of Ontario Institute of Technology. He is editor-in-chief for International Journal of Robotics Applications and Technologies, Associate editor for the International Journal of Robotics and Automation (ACTA publisher), and guest editor on four other international journals. He is the editor of 6 books related to mechatronics and robotics.
Bin Wei is an Assistant Professor at Algoma University, Ontario, Canada. He received his Ph.D. in robotics from University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada, in 2016. He conducts research in the areas of robotics, control theory, and computational mechanics. He has co-edited 5 books on robotic mechanics.