1. Research Themes about International Entrepreneurship: Tales from the JIBS Backlist and Onward Journeys; A. Rebecca Reuber. Part I. Theoretical Foundations of International Entrepreneurship as a Scholarly Field. 2. Toward a Theory of International New Ventures; Benjamin M. Oviatt and Patricia Phillips McDougall. 3. Creative Tension: The Significant of Ben Oviatt’s and Patricia McDougall’s Article ‘Toward a Theory of International New Ventures’; Erkko Autio. Part II. Factors Enabling Internationalization Under Resource Constraints. 4. The Survival of International New Ventures; Ram Mudambi and Shaker A. Zahra. 5. International New Ventures: Revisiting the Influences Behind the ‘Born-Global’ Firm; Terence Fan and Phillip Phan.- Part III. Networks and Entrepreneurial Internationalization. 6. The Network Dynamics of International New Ventures; Nicole E. Coviello. 7. Explaining the Internationalization of iBusiness Firms; Keith D. Brouthers, Kim Dung Geisser and Franz Rothlauf. Part IV. Practices and Entrepreneurial Internationalization. 8. Small Firm Internationalisation Unveiled Through Phenomenography; Peter Lamb, Jörgen Sandberg and Peter W. Liesch.- Immigrant Remittances and the Venture Investment Environment of Developing Countries; Paul M. Vaaler.
A. Rebecca Reuber is Professor of Strategic Management at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada, and Area Editor for International Entrepreneurship at the Journal of International Business Studies. She studies the internationalisation of very young firms, particularly those based on digital technologies.
This book provides a broad understanding of what it means to internationalise entrepreneurially. The collection of prominent articles provides insights into how entrepreneurs are entering foreign markets in order to fuel growth. Authors highlight the factors enabling internationalisation under the resource constraints of newness or smallness: human capital, capabilities, networks, processes and practices and environmental conditions. Attention is also paid to the institutional arrangements that impact the practice of entrepreneurship internationally. Inclusive of an introductory chapter that presents a comprehensive discussion of past research themes and identifies new areas of research, this book is essential reading for scholars, policy-makers and practitioners who want to understand how individuals and firms pursue opportunities across national borders.