"Food processing engineering, a branch of both food science and chemical engineering is rapidly evolving. The text covers the latest in innovative and non-innovative treatments, such as ultrasounds and pulsed electric fields. Each section opens with an article that covers the basic principles and applications of each technology." --Tecnica Molitoria
1. High Pressure Processing (High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing) 2. Pulsed Electric (and possibly Pulsed Magnetic) Field Processing 3. Ultrasound and Megasonics Processing 4. Hydrodynamic Pressure Processing (including high pressure homogenization and shockwave processing) 5. Advances in (conventional) food processing technologies 6. Cool Plasma Processing 7. Irradiation with Ionizing Radiation 8. Microwave, Radiofrequency and Ohmic Processing 9. Ultraviolet Light Processing 10. Infrared Processing 11. Super and subcritical fluid processing 12. Innovations in Food Nanotechnology