ISBN-13: 9781480208339 / Albański / Miękka / 2012 / 64 str.
Poezi romantike te frymezuara nga pasagjere reale (dy pjeset e para: "Sy muzikore shumengjyresh" dhe "Shfaqja e rrezeve te diellit" dhe nje pjese e trete (Iluzione Pasagjere) qe mund te quhej edhe "Pasagjere te jetes" ose "Pasagjere te endrrave." Mund te jete nje dhurate e pershtatshme per Shen Valentin.
Inspired romantic poems by real-life passengers (the first two sections: "Colorful Musical Eyes" and "The Appearance of Sunshine") and a final section ("Passenger Illusions") that could also be titled "Passengers of Life" or "Passengers of Dreams." Could be a good Valentine's Day gift."