Chapter 2. The Role of the Endocrine System in Determining the Explicate Order
Chapter 3. Epigenetics of the Endocrine System, or How we adapt to our environment
Chapter 4. Abnormalities of Endocrine Adaptation- Dissociation, Trauma, Sexual Abuse
Chapter 5. Transcending the Explicate Order- meditation, Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, Peak Experiences, meditation
Chapter 6. Bohm, Krishnamurti and ‘Switches’
Chapter 7. How the Arts Act to reinforce the Explicate Order
Chapter 8. Transgenerational Inheritance either Facilitates or Exacerbates Our Explicate Order
Chapter 9. Recognizing Our Relationship to the Implicate Order Allows us to Modify Our Explicate Order
Chapter 10. Segueing from Ambiguity and Deception to Taking Control of our lives
Chapter 11. Riding the Energy ‘Wave’ of the Cosmos Harmoniously
Chapter 12. Health and Disease as a Continuum, Not a Binary
Chapter 13. Piaget, Redux
Chapter 14. Darwin, Redux
Chapter 15. Einstein, Redux
Chapter 16. Whitehead, Redux
Chapter 17. Rethinking Man in a Post-COVID-19 world
Chapter 18. Life is a Mobius Strip
John S. Torday, MSc, PhD received his B.A. in Biology/English from Boston University (1968); MSc (1971) in Investigative Medicine, and PhD (1974) in Experimental Medicine from McGill University; Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Reproductive Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1976). He has held Faculty positions in the Departments of Pediatrics and Physiology, Harvard Medical School (1976-91); the Departments of Pediatrics and Gynecology, University of Maryland Medical School (1991-98); the Departments of Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Evolutionary Medicine, the University of California- Los Angeles where he is currently a full Professor of Pediatrics and Ob/Gyn and the Director of Guenther Laboratory for Cell-Molecular Biology. He is a member of numerous scientific societies, and is a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (2018- present).
A novel cellular-molecular approach to evolution has led to radical changes in our understanding of biologic principles ranging from the Cell, to the Life Cycle, Development, Homeostasis, Senescence/Aging, Heterochrony, Pleiotropy, Phenotype, and perhaps the purpose of life itself. Much of this new way of thinking about biology and medicine emanates from experimental evidence for epigenetic inheritance, which is a true game changer. This leads one to question whether our unicellular state is the actual primary level of selection.
One particular system that is now recognized as being under the auspices of epigenetic inheritance is the endocrine system, which is conventionally thought to regulate physiologic homeostasis. However, because the sex hormones play such a major role in behaviors related to the acquisition of epigenetic data, and the processing of such epigenetic data by the gonads during meiosis, their role in the evolution of the organism become tractable. The composite of the activities of the individual over the course of its lifetime can now be understood causally, resulting from the orchestration of its physiology by hormones, prenatally, postnatally and during the aging process, across the entire life span of the organism. Specific behaviors over the course of the life cycle during childhood, adolescence, puberty, adulthood and aging can now be understood mechanistically rather than merely as milestones in the various stages of life.
With the above considerations in mind, this book presents the cellular-evolutionary perspective towards the relationship of the organism with its surroundings, human and non-human alike renders biology and medicine a continuum instead of fragmented, un-related anecdotes.