Chapter 1: An Invitation to Explore the Processes, Puzzles and Ecosystems of Issues and Problems’ Globalization.
Part I: Globalization of Issues and Problems: Frameworks Revisited
Chapter 2: The Forgotten Guest: International relations and the Globalization of Social Problems.
Chapter 3: Hepatitis B, a Global Disease? On Some Paradoxes of The Construction of Global Health Problems
Chapter 4: Issue Competition in a Globalized World. The Causes of Cross-National Similarities and Differences in The Issue Content of Party Politics
Chapter 5: Field theory and the Foundations of Agenda Setting and Social Constructionism Models. Explaining Media Influence on French Mad Cow Disease Policy.
Part II: Mapping the Actors and Social Logics of Issues’ Globalization
Chapter 6: "Accidents Without Borders"? The Renationalization of a Global Problem in the French Media
Chapter 7: Same Topics with Different Meanings? Social Networks and the Transnationalization of Issues and Frames in European Public Policy Agendas
Chapter 8: Claims-Making and Transnational Spaces: Contesting the Scope of Climate change discourse on Twitter.
Part III: Arenas and Venues : Bringing Scales, Frames and Temporalities Back In
Chapter 9: Rationalization, Privatization, Invisibilization? On Some Hidden Dimensions of The Transnationalization of Occupational Health and Traffic Safety Policies
Chapitre 10: From Global Problem Framing to Local Policy Implementation: Swiss Bureaucrats and the “Antibiotic Resistance” Issue
Chapitre 11: When International Indicators Disrupt Party Competition: How Standardized School Tests and Preferences Affect Parties’ Issue Emphasis
Chapter 12: From The National to the European and Back. A Structural Reading of The Circulation of a Policy Frame Across Borders
Chapter 13: Global by Nature? Three Dynamics in the Making of ‘Global Climate Change'
Chapter 14: How Do European Lobbyists Frame Global Environmental Problems? A Case Study of the Biofuels Lobbying Campaign Through the Lens of a Major Agroindustry
Chapter 15: Media, the Public Sphere, and the Globalization of Social Problems
Erik Neveu is Emeritus Professor of Political Science in the Research Team ARENES/CNRS, University of Rennes, France. His research fields covers media and the public sphere, social movements and the construction of public problems.
Muriel Surdez is Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Her research interest is in the sociology of professions and of public policies.
This book is an invitation to question conventional and often misleading visions of globalization. No problem is global by nature: issues are transformed by the action of claims-makers to become ‘problems’ debated in supra-national forums, triggering policy choices and policy transformations. Contributions highlight how health issues, environmental issues and/or political issues are framed as global by a set of stakeholders (scientific experts, bureaucrats, political parties or actors, social movements, social networks, firms). As the volume maps the social logic behind the globalization of problems, it also presents an opportunity for the very cross-disciplinary collaboration it calls for: researchers mobilizing the “agenda-setting” paradigm of issue globalization and those working within the “social constructionist” model are both represented here, providing a unique opportunity to examine the dynamics of globalization from the perspectives of (political, media, economic) sociology, international relations, social movement studies, and beyond.