Editor Biography xxviiContributors xxixForeword of Editor xxxiForeword PES Substations Committee xxxiiiForeword GE Grid Solutions xxxvForeword Hitachi Energy xxxviiForeword Siemens Energy xxxixAcknowledgements xli1 Introduction 1Authors: Hermann Koch, John BrunkeReviewers: Phil Bolin, Devki Sharma, Jim Massura, George Becker, Scott Scharf, and Michael Novev1.1 General 11.2 Definitions 71.3 Standards and References 111.4 Ratings 162 Basic Information 21Authors: 1st edition Hermann Koch, John H. Brunke, and John Boggess, 2nd edition Dave Giegel, Hermann Koch, George Becker, Peter Grossmann, and Pathik PatelReviewers: 1st edition Phil Bolin, Hermann Koch, Devki Sharma, Markus Etter, Scott Scharf, George Becker, Noboru Fujimoto, Ed Crocket, Shawn Lav, Jim Massura, Tony Lim, Ricardo Arredondo, Chuck Hand, and Dave Giegel 2nd edition Arnaud Ficheux, George Becker, Pathik Patel, John Brunke, Michael Novev, Scott Scharf, and Nick Matone2.1 History 212.2 Physics of Gas-Insulated Switchgear 362.3 Reliability and Availability 412.4 Design 512.5 Safety 532.6 Grounding and Bonding 612.7 Factors for Choosing Gas-Insulated Substations 662.8 Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) 702.9 Alternative Gasses to SF6 1052.10 When to Use Gas-Insulated Substations 1202.11 Comparison High Voltage and Medium Voltage AIS, MTS and GIS 1253 Technology 153Authors: 1st edition: Hermann Koch, George Becker, Xi Zhu, Devki Sharma, Arnaud Ficheux, and Dave Lin; 2nd edition: Dave Solhtalab, George Becker, Xi Zhu, and Vipul BhagatReviewers: 1st edition: Phil Bolin, Hermann Koch, Devki Sharma, Markus Etter, Scott Scharf, Patrick Fitzgerald, George Becker, Toni Lin, Chuck Hand, Xi Zhu, Noboru Fujimoto, Dave Giegel, Eduard Crockett, Pravakar Samanta, John Brunke, 2nd edition: Scott Scharf, Michael Novev, and Nick Matone3.1 General 1533.2 Modular Components, Design, and Development Process 1563.3 Manufacturing 1693.4 Specification Development 1793.5 Instrument Transformers 2053.6 Interfaces 2073.7 Gas-Insulated Surge Arresters 2203.8 Gas-Insulated Bus 2223.9 Guidelines for GIS 2364 Control and Monitoring 243Authors: 1st edition Hermann Koch, Noboru Fujimoto, and Pravakar SamantaReviewers: 1st edition Noboru Fujimoto, Hermann Koch, Pravakar Samanta, Devki Sharma, Xi Zhu, John Brunke, Arnaud Ficheux, and Michael Novev, 2nd edition Michael Novev, and Arnaud Ficheux4.1 General 2434.2 GIS Monitoring 2434.3 Local Control Cabinet 2514.4 Digital Communication 2575 Testing 271Authors: 1st edition Peter Grossmann, Charles L Hand, 2nd edition Dave Giegel, Coboyo Bodjona,Reviewers: 1st edition Phil Bolin, Xi Zhu, Noboru Fujimoto, Dave Solhtalab, Jim Massura, Eduard Crockett, Hermann Koch, and 2nd edition Hermann Koch5.1 General 2715.2 Type Tests 2715.3 Routine Tests 2765.4 Onsite Field Testing 2795.5 Guidelines for Onsite Tests 2825.6 Best Practice for On-Site Field Testing 2836 Installation 293Authors: 1st edition Hermann Koch, Richard Jones, James MassuraReviewers: Phil Bolin, John Brunke, Michael Novev, Pravakar Samanta, Devki Sharma, 2nd edition John Brunke, Michael Novev, and Pravakar Samanta6.1 General 2936.2 Installation 2936.3 Energization: Connecting to the Power Grid 3237 Operation and Maintenance 325Authors: 1st edition Hermann Koch, Charles L Hand, Arnaud Ficheux, Richard Jones, Ravi Dhara, 2nd edition Richard Jones,Reviewers: 1st edition Phil Bolin, Noboru Fujimoto, Dave Solhtalab, Richard Jones, Devki Sharma, George Becker, Dick Jones, Hermann Koch, 2nd edition Ryan Stone, Patrick Fitzgerald, Gerd Ottehenning, Coboyo Bodyona and Hermann Koch7.1 General 3257.2 Operation of a Gas-Insulated Substation 3267.3 Maintenance 3447.4 SF6 Gas Leakage Repair 3457.5 Repair 3487.6 Extensions 3497.8 Overloading and Thermal Limits 3567.9 Maintenance and Operations Pointers 3617.10 Lessons Learned 3668 Applications 371Authors: 1st edition Hermann Koch, William Labos, Peter Grossmann, Arun Arora, and Dave Solhtalab, 2nd edition Hermann Koch, and Dave MitchellReviewer: 1st edition Phil Bolin, Hermann Koch, Devki Sharma, Ewald Warzecha, George Becker, John Brunke, Peter Grossmann, Arnaud Ficheux, Pravakar Samanta, Scott Scharf, Ravi Dhara, and Chuck Hands, 2nd edition Denis Steyn, Petr Rudenko, Stefan Schedl, Scott Scharf, Mark Kuschel, and Bala Kotharu8.1 General 3718.2 Typical GIS Layouts 3718.3 Reference Projects 3748.4 GIS Case Studies 4188.5 Mobile Substations 4538.6 Mixed Technology Switchgear (MTS) 4648.7 Future Developments 4688.8 Underground Substations 4778.9 Special Substation Buildings 5029 Advanced Technologies 525Authors: 1st edition Hermann Koch, Venkatesh Minisandram, Arnaud Ficheux, George Becker, Noboru Fujimoto, and Jorge Márquez-Sánchez 2nd Edition Hermann Koch, Maria Kosse, George Becker, George Becker, Mark Kuschel, Aron Heck, Dirk Helbig, Uwe RiechertReviewers: 1st Edition George Becker, Devki Sharma, Noboru Fujimoto, Venkatesh Minisandram, Phil Bolin, Pravakar Samanta, Hermann Koch, Linda Zhao, Xi Zhu, John Brunke, Dick Jones, Linda Zhao, David Lin, Devki Sharma, and Patrick Fitzgerald, 2nd Edition Michael Novev, Pablo Gonzales Toza, George Becker, Hermann Koch, Dick Jones, Bala Kotharu, Johne Brunke, James Massura, Dirk Helbig, Mark Kuschel, Arnaud Ficheux, Robert Lüscher, and Aron Heck9.1 General 5259.2 Environment 5269.3 Life Cycle Cost Analysis 5379.4 Insulation Coordination Study 5459.5 Very Fast Transients 5489.6 Project Scope Development 5599.7 Risk-Based Asset Management of Gas-Insulated Substations and Equipment 5639.8 Health and Safety Impact 5729.9 Electromagnetic Field 5739.10 SF6 Decomposition Byproducts 5749.11 Condition Assessment 5779.12 Gas-Insulated Substations for Enhanced Resiliency 6189.13 Vacuum High Voltage Switching 6359.14 Low Power Instrument Transformer 6549.15 Digital Twin of GIS and GIL 6649.16 Offshore GIS 6899.17 HVDC GIS 7269.18 Digital Substation 74810 Conclusion 765Author: Hermann KochReviewer: Dave SolhtalabIndex 767