L. Reznik, V. Dimitrov, J. Kacprzyk: Preface.- Philosophical and Mathematical Fundamentals of Fuzzy Systems Design: P.A. Duignan: Fuzzy Leadership: Dancing with Organisational Reality; H.T. Nguyen, V. Kreinovich: Multi-Criteria Optimization: an Important Foundation of Fuzzy System Design; V. Korotkih: A Mathematical Framework for Human Decision Making as an Integrated Part of the Whole; A.E. Gorodetsky: Fuzzy Decision Making in Design on the Basis of the Habituality Situation Application; B. Pham: Fuzzy Logic Applications in Computer Aided Design; J. Kacprzyk: Including Socioeconomic Aspects in a Fuzzy Multistage Decision Making Model of Regional Development Planning.- Fuzzy System Design for Social Applications : R. Woog, V. Dimitrov, L. Kuhn-White: Fuzzy Logic as an Evocative Framework for Studying Social Systems; V. Dimitrov, K. Kopra: Fuzzy Logic and the Management of Social Complexity; M. Smithson, B.Hesketh: Using Fuzzy Sets to Extend Holland's Theory of Occupational Interests; A. Anderson: A Model for Fuzzy Personal Construct Psychology; D. McNeil, V. Dimitrov: On the Topology of Uncertainty.- Fuzzy System Design for Engineering Applications: L. Reznik: Fuzzy Controller Design for Different Applications: Evolution, Methods, and Practical Recommendations; L.T. Kóczy, D. Tikk: Approximation of Transfer Functions by Various Fuzzy Controllers; L. Berrah, G. Mauris, L. Foulloy, A. Haurat: Fuzzy Performance Indicators for the Control of Manufacturing Processes; N.K. Kasabov: Advanced Neuro-Fuzzy Engineering for Building Intelligent Adaptive Information Systems; W. Mielczarski, M.E. Khan: Linguistic Variables in Surveys of Intentions to Purchase Energy Efficient Equipment; O. Ghanayem, L. Reznik: A UniversalApproach to Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller Design with an Application to a Power Generator Excitation Control; T. Rauma, M. Kurki: Fuzzy Logic Applications in Diagnosing Mechatronic Systems; P.S.K. Leung: Application of Fuzzy Logic to Handoff Control in Cellular Mobile Communication Networks.