...[a] fascinating collection...rather than dutifully map out the state of the field, Further Reading pushes at its boundaries and makes new connections, as its title suggests...This book is a substantial contribution to the study of reading not because it delivers a definitive picture of its subject, but because it delivers a sprawling and heterogeneous one.
Matthew Rubery is Professor of Modern Literature at Queen Mary University of London. He is the author of The Untold Story of the Talking Book (Harvard, 2016) and The Novelty of Newspapers: Victorian Fiction after the Invention of the News (Oxford, 2009). He also co-curated 'How We Read: A Sensory History of Books for Blind People', a public exhibition held at the UK's first annual Being Human festival.
Leah Price is Distinguished Professor of English at Rutgers University. Her books include What We Talk About When We Talk About Books (Basic, 2019),How to Do Things with Books in Victorian Britain (Princeton, 2012) and The Anthology and the Rise of the Novel (Cambridge, 2000). She has written on media old and new for the New York Times, London Review of Books, Times Literary Supplement, San Francisco Chronicle, and Boston Globe.