ABOUT THE AUTHORFOREWORDPREFACEACKNOWLEDGMENTSPART I: INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS1 Introduction to Food Regulation in the United States2 What is Food?PART II: REGULATION OF LABELING, ADVERTISING, AND CLAIMS3 Labeling4 Nutritional Labeling and Nutrient Level Claims5 Health Claims6 Credence Claims 7 Advertising and Other Regulation of LabelingPART III: REGULATION OF THE COMPOSITION OF FOOD8 Economic and Esthetic Adulteration9 Regulation of the Safety of Unintentional Poisonous or Deleterious Substances in Food10 Regulation of the Safety of Intentional Components of FoodPART IV: SPECIALIZED FOOD REGULATION11 Dietary Supplements12 Biotechnology and Genetically Engineered Organisms13 Food Defense14 Importation and Exportation15 Animal FoodPART V: INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT16 Inspections17 Federal Enforcement18 State Laws and Their Relationship to Federal LawsPART VI: GENERAL CHAPTERS19 Private Actions20 Administrative Law and Food Regulation21 International Food Law22 EthicsGlossary of Abbreviations and Specialized TermsTable of CasesIndex
Neal D. Fortin, JD is an attorney specializing in food and drug law, food safety, food labeling, ingredient evaluation, biotechnology, and advertising. He is a Professor in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition and Director of the Institute for Food Laws and Regulations at Michigan State University, where he teaches courses in Food and Drug Law, Food Regulation, Codex Alimentarius, and International Food Law.