1 OVERVIEW OF FLEXIBLE ELECTRONIC ENCAPSULATING TECHNOLOGY1.1 Flexible electronics overview1.2 Development of flexible electronic encapsulating technology1.3 Encapsulating technology of several important flexible electronic devices 1.4 Flexible electronic encapsulating materials1.5 Overview of the development of flexible electronic packaging at home and abroad2 BASIC CONCEPTS RELATED TO FLEXIBLE ELECTRONIC PACKAGING2.1 Composition of Flexible Electronic Packaging2.2 Flexible Electronic Packaging Structure2.3 Encapsulation Principle2.4 Packaging Technology2.5 Packaging Stability2.6 Encapsulated Products2.7 Chapter Summary3 FLEXIBLE SUBSTRATES3.1 Concept and connotation of flexible substrates3.2 Development history of flexible substrates3.3 Flexible substrate materials3.4 Molding technology of flexible substrate3.5 Performance evaluation of flexible substrates3.6 Application of flexible substrates3.7 Development trend of flexible substrates4 TEST METHODS4.1 Sealing test4.2 Bending test4.3 Mechanical performance testing4.4 Stability testing5 FLEXIBLE ELECTRONIC ENCAPSULATION5.1 Inorganic encapsulating material5.2 Organic encapsulating material5.3 Organic-inorganic hybrid encapsulating material6 DEVELOPMENT OF FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS PACKAGING TECHNOLOGY6.1 Flexible Electronics Packaging6.2 Thin Film Packaging Technology7 APPLICATION OF FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS PACKAGING7.1 Industry chain analysis of flexible electronics packaging7.2 Packaging applications of flexible OLED devices7.3 Packaging applications for flexible solar cells7.4 Packaging applications for flexible electronic devices7.5 Packaging applications for flexible electronics sensors8 TESTING STANDARDS8.1 Terminology and alphabetic symbols8.2 Mechanical test method (deformation test)8.3 Environmental test methods8.4 Mechanical test methods (impact and hardness tests)9 ANALYSIS OF FLEXIBLE ELECTRONIC PACKAGING ENTERPRISE9.1 Flexible Electronic Packaging Enterprise9.2 Analysis of Flexible Electronic Packaging Enterprises10 FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS PACKAGING DEVELOPMENT TRENDS10.1 Flexible electronics packaging trends overview10.2 Introduction of three packaging technologies for flexible electronic devices10.3 Flexible electronics packaging development trend summary
Prof. Hong Meng received his Ph.D. from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2002. He has been working in the field of organic electronics for more than 30 years. His career experiences including working at the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IMRE) in Singapore, Lucent Technologies Bell Labs, DuPont Experimental Station. In 2014, he moved to School of Advanced Materials at Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School. He has contributed over 230 peer-reviewed papers (citation: 11000) in chemistry and materials science fields, filed over 46 US patents, 140 Chinese patents.Professor Wei Huang obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD from the Department of Chemistry, Peking University in 1983, 1988, and 1992, respectively. After teaching Physical Chemistry in Peking University from 1992 to 1993, he began his postdoctoral research with National University of Singapore (NUS) since 1995. In November 2011, he was elected as Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In April 2017, he was appointed as Deputy President & Provost of Northwestern Polytechnical University, China.