ISBN-13: 9789813295735 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 443 str.
ISBN-13: 9789813295735 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 443 str.
1. Nutritional quality of Fish
2. Extraction of macro- and micro-molecules
3. Proximate Composition/ nutritional quality3.1. Physical:
3.1.1. Measurement of yield
3.1.2. Measurement of pH
3.1.3. Analysis of moisture
3.2. Chemical:
3.2.1. Analysis of carbohydrate and saccharide
3.2.2. Analysis of protein
3.2.3. Analysis of crude lipid
4. Analysis of non-protein nitrogen5. Analysis of minerals, vitamins and trace elements
6. Analysis of polyphenols
7.Enzyme assays- protease, lipases, lactic dehydrogenase, transglutaminases (glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase),
8.Quality of protein: Protein efficiency ratio, Biological value, Net Protein Utilization,
1. Processing of various fish and sea food
1.1. High and low thermal preservation techniques
1.1.1. Chilling and Freezing
1.1.2. Drying and Curing
1.1.3. Smoking1.1.4. Canning
1.2. Novel non-thermal processing and preservation techniques.
1.2.1. High-Pressure Processing1.2.2. Pulsed Electric Field Processing
1.2.3. Ohmic processing
1.2.4. UV processing
1.2.5. Microwave processing
1.2.6. Radio Frequency Electric Fields
1.2.7. High-Intensity Pulsed Light Technology
1.2.8. Irradiation
1.2.9. Biochemical and Chemical hurdles/ hurdle technology
1.2.10. Cold Plasma
1.2.11. Ozone
1.2.12. Combined microwave vacuum drying
1.2.13. Hybrid drying technologies
1.2.14. Infrared
1.3. Value addition
1.3.1. Mince or mince based products Surimi and surimi based productsChikuwa
1.3.2. Battered and breaded or coated productsFish ball
Fish roll
Fish finger
Fish cutlet
Fish nuggets
Fish batter fry
Fish sandwich
Fish samosa/ pakora
1.3.3. Extruded fish products
Fish sausage
Fish burgers/ patties (Brunei Darussalam)
Fish noodles
Fish papad/ chakli/ wafers
1.3.4. Allied seafood delicacies
Fish satay
Fish curies
Chilli fish
Fish paturi
Fish pickle/ prawn pickle
Frozen Fish Dessert
1.3.5. Miscellaneous products
Fish protein concentrate
Fish soup powder
Fish hydrolysate
Fish paste
Fermented fish products
Fish oil
Imitation products
Shark fin rays
1.4. Packaging and storage
1.5. Fermentation technology
2. Trends in quality control and assurance in seafood processing industry
2.1. HACCP
2.2. ISO
3. Determination of functional quality of processed food
1.1. Determination of color and odor
1.2. Determination of salt content
1.3. Determination of water activity
1.4. Evaluation of sensory parameters
1.5. Evaluation of texture
1.6. Determination of whiteness
1.7. Determination of electrical properties/ redox potential
1.8. 5-point Folding test for surimi
1.9. Specific gravity of fish oils
1.10. Analysis of starch in breaded and battered products
4. Determination of freshness indices of processed food
4.1. Protein
2.1.1. Determination of α-amino nitrogen
2.1.2. Analysis of buffering capacity of fish muscle
2.1.3. Analysis of free amino acids
2.1.4. Analysis of biogenic amines
2.1.5. Determination of extractable protein nitrogen
4.2. Lipids
4.2.1. Determination of FFA
4.2.2. Determination of oxidative rancidity (PV)
4.2.3. Determination of TBA/ TBARS
4.2.4. Determination of refractive index
4.2.5. Determination of total volatile acids
4.3. Carbohydrates
4.3.1. Determination of lactic acid/ metabolites
4.4. Non-protein nitrogen
4.4.1. Determination of TVBN
4.4.2. Determination of TMA/ DMA
4.5. Nucleotides
4.5.1. Determination of nucleotide catabolites
4.5.2. Determination of Hypoxanthine
4.6. Miscellaneous
4.6.1. Determination of Na+/K+
4.6.2. Determination of formaldyhyde
4.6.3. Determination of ammonia
4.6.4. Determination of G/P value
4.6.5. Determination of ethanol
4.7. Microbiological parameters
4.7.1. Evaluation of total plate count
4.7.2. Isolation, identification and characterization of seafood bacteria
4.7.3. Detection and identification of fecal Streptococci
4.7.4. Detection and identification of Salmonella4.7.5. Detection and identification of Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus
4.7.6. Detection and identification of E. coli
4.7.7. Detection and identification of Staphylococcus aureus
4.7.8. Detection and identification of Listeria monocytogenes
4.7.9. Detection and identification of Klebsiella
4.7.10. Detection and identification of Shigella
4.7.11. Detection and identification of Campylobacter
4.8. Quality evaluation of dried seafood products
4.8.1. Determination of water activity
4.8.2. Determination of salt soluble nitrogen
4.8.3. Determination of non-protein nitrogen and total volatile base nitrogen
4.8.4. Determination of PV, FFA
4.8.5. Determination of TPC, total fungal count/ mold growth
1.1. Instruments used for physiochemical analysis
1.1.1. pH Meter
1.1.2. Moisture meter
1.1.3. Protein Analysis
1.1.4. Dietary fiber fractionation
1.1.5. Muffle furnace
1.1.6. Soxlet apparatus
1.1.7. Electrical Conductivity Meter
1.2. Chromatography
1.2.1. HPLC
1.2.2. GC
1.2.3. HPTLC
1.2.4. Conventional methods
1.3. Electrophoresis and blotting techniques
1.3.1. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Native PAGE SDS – PAGE DGGE
1.3.2. Agarose gel electrophoresis AGE for Nucleic acids AGE for Complex carbohydrates
1.3.3. Isoelectric focusing
1.4. Photometry, Colorimetry and Spectrometry
1.4.1. Flame photometer
1.4.2. Spectro - Colorimeter
1.4.3. UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
1.4.4. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
1.4.5. FTIR
1.4.6. NMR
1.4.7. Mass-Specctrometry
1.5. Microscopy
1.5.1. Dark field
1.5.2. Oblique illumination
1.5.3. Dispersion staining
1.5.4. Phase contrast
1.5.5. Differential interference contrast
1.5.6. Interference reflection
1.5.7. Fluorescence1.5.8. Confocal
1.5.9. Single plane illumination microscopy and light sheet fluorescence microscopy
1.5.10. Wide-field multiphoton microscopy
1.5.11. Scanning electron microscopy
1.5.12. Transmission electron microscopy
1.5.13. Atomic force microscopy
1.5.14. Ultrasonic force microscopy
1.5.15. Ultraviolet microscopy
1.5.16. Infrared microscopy
1.5.17. Digital holographic microscopy
1.6. Refractometer
1.7. PCR
1.8. Centrifuge
1.9. Texture Analyzer
1.10. Rheometer/ Viscometer
1.11. Differential Scanning Calorimeter
1.12. XRD
1.13. Torry meter
1.14. CHNS Analyser
1.15. Geiger Muller counter
1. Fish as biomedicine2. Collagen and gelatin
3. Glycosaminoglycans/ Proteoglycans
4. Vitamins and pigments
5. Biogas/ biodiesel
6. Biomanure/ bio-fertilizer
7. Polysaccharides
8. Polyphenols
9. Polyunsaturated fatty acids
10. Miscellaneous
1. Analysis of food additives, regulations, permitted food additives and safety management in seafood products1.1. Analysis of pesticides
1.2. Analysis of antibiotics
2. Analysis of natural toxins/ poisons/ antinutritives
2.1. Analysis of heavy metals and metallothionines
2.2. Analysis of aflatoxin
2.3. Finfish-Ciguatera, Scombroid, pufferfish poisoning, sardine poisoning (clupeotoxism), hallucinogenic fish poisoning
2.4. Shellfish—red tides, paralytic shellfish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, diarrheal shell fish poisoning, amnestic shellfish poisoning (domoic acid poisoning), azaspiracid poisoning
2.5. Others: Botulism, escolar, whelk, yessotoxin, pectenotoxin, maitoxin
2.6. Analysis of filth
2.7. Emerging pathogens
1. Physical characteristics
1.1. Determination of temperature
1.2. Determination of color
1.3. Determination of taste
1.4. Determination of turbidity
1.5. Determination of odor
1.6. Determination of pH
1.7. Determination of specific conductance/ conductivity
1.8. Determination of total dissolved solids
1.9. Determination of total suspended solids
2. Chemical characteristics
2.1. Determination of alkalinity2.2. Determination of hardness
2.3. Determination of calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulphate, floride, nitrate, phosphate
3. Toxic metals
3.1. Determination of copper, chromium, cadmium, zinc, lead, mercury, iron, manganese
4. Organic nutrient and demand
4.1. Determination of biological oxygen demand
4.2. Determination of chemical oxygen demand
4.3. Determination of phenols
4.4. Determination of oil/ grease
4.5. Determination of pesticides
4.6. Determination of nitrates
5. Microbiological characteristics
5.1. Determination of most probable number
5.2. Determination of standard plate count
5.3. Determination of total coliforms/ faecal coliforms
5.4. Determination of biofouling and biofilm formation
5.5. Determination of pathogens
6. Biological characteristics
6.1. Determination of phytoplanktons and zooplanktons
7. Radioactive elements
7.1. Alpha emitter
7.2. Beta emitter
1. Seafood waste disposal methods
2. Waste water characterization
3. Waste water treatment and monitoring
3.1. Hydrolysis
3.2. Bioremediation
3.3. Anaerobic treatment
3.4. Filtration/ screening
3.5. Miscellaneous
Prof Dr. Saleena Mathew has got over 35 years of research experience of which 30 years of teaching at Post Graduate level. Was Director, School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science & Technology for one term of 3 years from 2005 to 2008 and retired from the University as Professor in 2016.For the last 27 years of service, was engaged in teaching and research in the field of Fish Processing Technology and Fish Biochemistry at the School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science & Technology and catered trained personnel for the seafood industry. Is a recognized guide of Cochin University of Science and Technology for the last 25 years. Served as expert member and chairperson of various Scientific and Academic Bodies of Cochin University of Science & Technology and as expert member for various programs of other universities and research institutes. Was appointed as Associate member of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Italy in 1998 and has visited Argentina, Italy and other foreign countries as part of research work. Has coordinated and conducted various symposia, workshops and training programs at the School in the field of fish processing, quality assurance and food safety. Has got more than 50 research publications in the specialized areas of biochemistry, fish preservation and bioactive substances from fish and fish discards.
Dr. Maya Raman is presently working as Associate Professor (Meat and Fish Processing), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Cochin. She graduated in Botany, and received her M.Sc. (Industrial Fisheries) and Ph.D. Degree from School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology, India in 2006. Her doctoral area of study was in Fish Biochemistry and Fish Processing Technology. She also worked as Post doc at Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund University with the scholarship from Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows Lot 15 Programme. She also worked as Women Scientist at Indian Institute of Technology Madras with the Women Scientist Scheme (WOS-A) Funding by Department of Science and Technology, India. She was selected as Young Student Speaker IFCON 2003 by Association of Food Scientists and Technologists, India. She also worked as faculty at Department of Food Science and Technology, MACFAST, as certified Technologist (Export Inspection Authority, India) at Koluthara Exports Limited, and as Research Officer at NGIL, India. She has 17 peer-reviewed publications to her credit and has published a book and 8 book chapters. She has also presented in 14 papers at national and international symposia/ conferences. Her area of expertise is fish biochemistry (collagen), fish processing technology, nutrition and health (cancer), nanotechnology, bioactive marine compounds, dietary fibers (cereal, vegetable, marine algae) and colon cancer (in vitro and in vivo), molecular modelling and dynamics, gut simulation techniques, drug encapsulation, hydrogels, antimicrobial biodegradable food wraps etc. She is also life member of AFST(I), SOFT(I), SASNET, member of ACS. She also qualified NET conducted by ASRB in 2001. A patent on hydrogel from cyclic beta-glucan for cosmetics/ food applications has also been filed in 2016.
Dr. Manjusha Kalarikkathara Parameswaran graduated in Zoology at the St. Teresa’s college Ernakulam and attained the M Sc. in Biochemistry from School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University in 2002. She qualified the joint UGC- CSIR National Eligibility Test (NET) in 2002 and was awarded Junior Research Fellowship (2004-2009). She has also qualified the NET (Plant Biochemistry) conducted by ASRB-ICAR in 2018. She was awarded the Ph.D. in Marine Sciences (Biochemistry) for the studies pertaining to the bioactive potential of glycosaminoglycan’s in cephalopods from School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT), India, in 2011. She has worked as faculty in Biochemistry at Mar Athanasius College Kothamangalam, St. Mary’s College Thiruvalla, School of Aquatic Food Products and Technology – Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and at the Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry – School of Marine Sciences, CUSAT. She is a lifetime member of the Society of Marine Biologists (SOMB) and Annual member of the Society of Fishery Technologists - India (SOFT-I). She has published three papers and presented six articles in various National and International conferences. Her research interests are Marine bio actives, Biopolymer hydrogels.
Dr. Dhanya Pulikkottil Rajan is presently working as Assistant Professor at M.E.S Asmabi College, Thrissur. She also worked as faculty at School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) and St.Albert’s College, Ernakulam. She is a post-graduate in Industrial Fisheries from CUSAT and holds doctoral degree in Marine Sciences. Her doctoral study investigated the effects of spice oleoresins in microbial decontamination and their potential application in quality stabilization of tuna (Euthynnus affinis) during storage. She has qualified National Eligibility Test under Indian Council of Agricultural Research in 2013 and is a Lifetime member of Society for Fishery Technologist (India). She has 5 years of teaching and 4 years of research experience in the field of fish processing. She had worked as certified Technologist at CAP Seafoods, Kerala, before pursuing research. Her research interests include biopreservation, enhancement of safety and sensory qualities, value addition and microbial spoilage of seafood products by psychrotrophic and histamine forming bacteria. She has presented/ published 14 research papers in various international and national journals/conferences and published one book chapter.
This novel and informative book discusses the various aspects of seafood quality. The book is divided into 7 broad sections, each tackling a different aspect. The first section covers the general aspects relevant to the nutritional quality of the fish and the various extraction protocols for macro-/ micro-nutrients. The second section provides insights into handling and the principles of thermal and non-thermal processing techniques for commercially important fishery products. The quality standards and safety concerns in the seafood industry and consumption are discussed in this section. The freshness indices of the processed products including biochemical, microbiological and toxicological characteristics are also included. The third section discusses the physico-chemical characteristics and quality parameters of potable water/ ice. The fourth section includes the quality assessment of various toxicants related to seafood products. The fifth section deals with the specific aspects such as principle, instrument and procedures of conventional and novel analytical instruments relevant to the seafood industry. The sixth section deals with the seafood waste management including solid and liquid seafood wastes. Presently, there is a great awareness regarding environmental sustainable processing/ preservation techniques. The final chapter discusses the bioactive compounds from under-utilized marine sources showing pharmaceutical/ nutraceutical applications.
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