Foreword viiPreface xiiiAcknowledgments xviiPart I The Great Betterment1 Right Here, Right Now 3Part II Fewer2 The Population Explosion, Malthus, and the Ghost of Christmas Present 193 The Demographic Transition: Running Out of and Into People 314 Having Fewer Children: "People Respond to Incentives" 435 Age Before Beauty: Life in an Aging Society 59Part III Richer6 Before the Great Enrichment: The Year 1 to 1750 797 The Great Enrichment: 1750 to Today 898 Food 1019 Health and Longevity 12110 Energy: A BTU is a Unit of Work You Don't Have to Do 13511 Cities 15512 Education: The Third Democratization 17113 Conflict, Safety, and Freedom 19114 The Alleviation of Poverty 217Part IV Explorations15 Robots Don't Work for Free: A Meditation on Technology and Jobs 24516 The Mismeasurement of Growth: Why You Aren't Driving a Model T 26917 The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie: Deirdre McCloskey, Capitalism, and Christian Ethics 28518 Simon and Ehrlich: Cornucopianism versus the Limits to Growth 29919 Obstacles 30520 "He Shall Laugh": Why Weren't Our Ancestors Miserable All the Time? 319Part V Greener21 Prologue: Why Poor is Brown and Rich is Green 33122 A Skeptical Environmentalist: The Greening World of Bjørn Lomborg 33923 Dematerialization: Where Did My Record Collection Go? 35524 "We are as Gods": The Fertile Mind of Stewart Brand 36925 Ecomodernism: A Way Forward 379Afterword 403Reader's Guide: Annotated Suggestions for Further Learning 407References 415Index 439
LAURENCE B. SIEGEL is the Gary P. Brinson Director of Research at the CFA Institute Research Foundation and a writer, speaker, and consultant specializing in economics and investment management. Siegel is the author of more than 200 articles on investing and related topics. He has won many writing awards including the Graham and Dodd Award, Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award, and the EDHEC/Robeco Award.