Chapter 1 Strategic adaption (capabilities) and the responsiveness to the COVID-19´s business environmental threats
Chapter 2 Change-readiness as an essential Meta-Dynamic Capability (MDC) tested under the effect of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Chapter 3 Knowledge Management (KM) as performance amelioration´s first-order capability
Chapter 4 Essentials on Financial literacy, Up/reskilling and Firm Performance: Empirical evidence from South-Asian public-owned companies (POCs)
Chapter 5 What can companies do to adapt their business models towards a circular economy?
Chapter 6 Linking strategic with operational efficiency: Lesson learnt from Lean Startup strategies
Chapter 7 Online trading and platform-capabilities on the Chemical Industry in Germany
Chapter 8 Blockchain technology and the future of accounting and auditing services
Bruno F. Abrantes is an Integrated Researcher at ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal) and an Associate Professor at De Monfort University (UK) and Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (NBCBC, Denmark) in the field of Strategic Management. Currently, he is also the Program Manager for the Master of Science (MSc) in International Business and Management at NBCBC (Denmark). His past experience included strategic advisory and membership roles in corporate boards of directors or management within banks and consultancies. He is an affiliated member of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), the European University Network on Entrepreneurship (ESU), and the Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions, and Alliances (IMAA). His research interests encompass the fields of internationalization processes; global dynamic capabilities and contemporary crisis, topics on which he has several publications, including in top-ranked internationally peer-reviewed journals.
Jesper Lind Madsen is a PhD student at De Montfort University (UK) and an Associate Professor at Middelsex University (UK), De Monfort University (UK) and Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (NBCBC, Denmark) in the field of Leadership and Strategic Management. Currently. His experience included consultancies and leadership and training within corporations domestic and international. The combination of practical and theoretical approach qualifies him as supervisor of Executive MBA students. His research interests encompass the fields of Leadership, Corporate Social Responsibility and global dynamic capabilities.
This book is about dynamic capabilities (DCs) in the context of the 21st century, in which global challenges seem to come from different quadrants. For instance, an environmental threat to the planet´s sustainability, or technological advancements disrupting the traditional value chains call for new business models accompanying societal trends. Although the usual approach in dealing with these business models is from a competitiveness perspective, the editors of this book avoid it as the approach seems reductive of what the organizations are required to be aware of and cope with in the modern world only to their organizational ecosystems.
The book offers a compilation of studies on dynamic capabilities covering both cognitive and non-cognitive DCs, according to the managerial and leadership aspects of technological capabilities. Each chapter obeys a certain order, within a particular category of DCs, and their reading along the book is telling a story, showing seminal DCs that a company cannot neglect in the current world. Their grouping also is structured in one way that one might be a preparatory reading for another. Researchers working on the dynamic capabilities approach will particularly benefit from the discussions provided within this book.