1. Fundamental concepts2. Birth and evolution of thermodynamics3. Teaching entropy4. The common source of entropy increase5. Most efficient engine6. Endoreversible heat engines7. Irreversible engines-Closed cycles8. Irreversible engines-Open cycles9. Entropy and fuel cells
10. Entropy and chemical equilibrium
11. Exergy
Yousef Haseli is an Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering and Technology, Central Michigan University. He has conducted research on various subjects in the field of thermofluids and energy sciences for over a decade, and has the experience of working with renowned scientists at some of the world's top universities. He received a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, followed by a postdoctoral position at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Haseli has presented his research findings in numerous international conferences. He is a recipient of several awards, the most distinguished one being the Academic Gold Medal Award of the Governor General of Canada. His research interests include thermochemical conversion of biomass (torrefaction, gasification, pyrolysis), advanced energy conversion systems, clean energy and fuel production, two-phase/reactive flows, and engineering thermodynamics. Dr. Haseli's research activities have led to one book and over 30 journal articles.