"Wie können wissenschaftliche Themen besser kommuniziert werden? Antworten auf diese und ähnliche Fragen enthält das von der Europäischen Kommission in englischer Sprache veröffentlichte Buch 'Communicating European Research 2005'. Das neue, in diesem Jahr anlaufende Forschungsrahmenprogramm lege besonderen Wert darauf, dass Empfänger von EU-Forschungsmitteln der Öffentlichkeit ihre Ergebnisse näher bringen, erklärte die Kommission. Der genannte Band ... enthalte dazu nützliche Anregungen ..."
(Wissenschaftskommunikation, in: FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 30. Jan. 2007, S. 17)
Introduction.- Why communicating European research?.- Background information.- Thinking science, talking science.- Opening speeches.- Let's make science the next headline.- Information and communication technology research and its impact on growth and job creation.- The evolving context for science and society.- Science communication on demand.- Scientists and communication.- Bringing scientists to the people.- 'Science meets Parliament'.- The science-media interface: interactions of scientists and journalists.- Science news on the net.- The changing paradigm of science communication: challenges for researchers.- Training scientists in communication skills.- Communication of science, communication in science.- Advancing European protocols for science communication.- Science goes local: local media matters.- Communication and training.- Debate, communicate, educate.- Media skills workshops: breaking down the barriers betzeen scientists and journalists.- Training for dialogue and debate.- Training science communication in a swift moving society.- Science Events.- The Science Days - Contact with science.- The challenge of showing and discussing the unknown.- Science & the city.- The Genova science festival.- Science education.- Science class 2012.- Scientific literacy.- Perceptions and images of science and science education.- Television.- Representing science through multiple-channel digital television.- Radio.- How to get science in the news.- I heard it on the radio!.- Communicating research in developing countries.- Media and press.- Getting R&D results into the press.- Towards more responsibility in communicating science.- European media: two cultures of science communication.- How to reach the business media?.- The same old future.- Sectoral communication.- Europe in space - taking off without the public.- Population exposure to air pollutants in Europe (PEOPLE).- Communicating EU food and health research.- Communicating environmental research.- Talking nano – what makes nanotechnology special.- Communicate internationally- with partners from the New Independent States (NIS).- How to communicate an interdisciplinary project?.- Conclusion.- When diversity means richness.- List of authors.