Contents: Preface. J.W. Thomas, W.D. Rohwer,Jr., Proficient Autonomous Learning: Problems and Prospects. The Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt, Toward Integrated Curricula: Possibilities From Anchored Instruction. D. Cervone, The Role of Self-Referent Cognitions in Goal Setting, Motivation, and Performance. B. Means, Cognitive Task Analysis as a Basis for Instructional Design. G. Gabrys, A. Weiner, A. Lesgold, Learning by Problem Solving in a Coached Apprenticeship System. A.C. Graesser, N.K. Person, J. Huber, Question Asking During Tutoring and in the Design of Educational Software. S.J. Ceci, A.I. Ruiz, Inserting Context into our Thinking About Thinking: Implications for a Theory of Everyday Intelligent Behavior. A. Elstein, M. Rabinowitz, Medical Cognition: Research and Evaluation. G.A. Klein, R.R. Hoffman, Seeing the Invisible: Perceptual-Cognitive Aspects of Expertise.
Dr. Mitchell Rabinowitz is a Professor in the Division of Psychological and Educational Services at the Fordham University Graduate School of Education.