Section 1: Market outlook, factors and trends 1. Global coffee market: Socio-economic and cultural dynamics 2. Perspectives of global coffee demand 3. Brazilian specialty coffee scenario 4. The Coffee Quality Program in Brazil
Section 2: Coffee farmers perception and contribution: Certification and strategies 5. Certifications for coffee cultivation: Characterizing personal values of producers and consumers 6. Certification: Facts, challenges, and the future 7. Farm innovation: Nine cases of Brazilian coffee growers 8. What fills your cup of coffee? The potential of geographical indication for family farmers' market access
Section 3: Coffee industry strategies: Case studies 9. Procurement strategies in the coffee industry: Cases of local coffee roasters in Paraná state 10. Cerrado Mineiro Region designation of origin: Internationalization strategy 11. Business history and challenges for coffee cooperatives in Brazil: The case of Cooxupé Cooperative 12. Illycaffè and flexible strategies: A case of a resilient company
Section 4: Retail and consumer 13. The waves of coffee and the emergence of the new Brazilian consumer 14. The consumption of experiences in specialty coffee shops 15. Does coffee origin matter? An analysis of consumer behavior based on regional and national origin 16. Behavioral aspects of the coffee consumer in different countries: The case of Brazil 17. Coffee and health in the perspective of young consumers
Luciana Florêncio de Almeida is PhD in Business Economics at FEA / USP. She also holds a Master of Science in Business Administration at the Federal University of Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil. She was former CEO of the Brazilian Coffee Exporters Council (CECAFE). Her international experience includes conference participation and also, research and teaching collaboration through visiting scholar periods in the AgEcon department at Missouri University and at Food and Agribusiness Chair at Macerata University. In 2018, she was Senior Post Doc fellow at TUM (Technical University of Munich) the International Agribusiness Department. Her consulting career includes Strategic Management and Marketing projects through PENSA (FEA/FIA) and Stracta Consulting, attending more than 15 applied projects in agribusiness companies. She is associate professor at ESPM (School of advertising and Marketing) for Master and Doctor Programs in Business and Marketing. Her research focus is based on Agribusiness, Food, Strategy, Alliances, Long Term Relationships, Customer Journey and Customer Engagement.
Eduardo Eugenio Spers earned his post-doctorate from Wageningen University (WUR), Netherlands, in 2011 and his doctorate in business administration from the University of São Paulo in 2003. He is currently a fellow in research productivity, CNPq, level 2, professor at the master in International Business at Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) and Associate Professor at University of São Paulo, campus ESALQ. He has published 86 articles in specialized journals and 243 in annals of events as well as 37 book chapters and three books. He has created 400 technical production items and participated in 17 international events. He was an adviser of 13 specialization projects, 34 master theses, 23 scientific initiation and 201 graduate conclusion projects. He has participated in 40 research projects. His subjects of interest include business administration with emphasis in marketing and strategic management.