Introduction 1Part 1: Getting Started 5Chapter 1: A Quick Overview of Canning and Preserving 7Chapter 2: Gathering Your Canning and Preserving Gear 15Chapter 3: On Your Mark, Get Set, Whoa! The Road to Safe Canning and Preserving 31Part 2: Water-Bath Canning 43Chapter 4: Come On In, the Water's Fine! Water-Bath Canning 45Chapter 5: Simply Fruit (Yes, a Tomato Is a Fruit) 57Chapter 6: Sweet Spreads: Jams, Jellies, Marmalades, and More 83Chapter 7: Condiments and Accompaniments: Chutney, Relish, Sauce, and Syrup 99Chapter 8: The Art of Pickling 109Part 3: Pressure Canning 129Chapter 9: Don't Blow Your Top: Pressure Canning 131Chapter 10: Preserving Your Vegetable Harvest 149Chapter 11: Don't Forget the Meats! 187Chapter 12: Combining the Harvest: Soups, Sauces, and Sides with Beans 207Part 4: Freezing 225Chapter 13: Baby, It's Cold Inside! Freezing Fresh Food 227Chapter 14: Meals and Snacks in a Snap: Freezing Prepared Foods 239Chapter 15: Freezing Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs 249Part 5: Dehydrating and Storing 283Chapter 16: Light and Nutritious: Dehydrating Food 285Chapter 17: Dehydrating a Variety of Delicious Fresh Fruit 295Chapter 18: Dehydrating Vegetables for Snacks and Storage 319Chapter 19: Drying Herbs 353Chapter 20: Helping Your Food Keep Its Cool: Cold Storage Spaces 371Part 6: The Part of Tens 385Chapter 21: Ten (Plus) Troubleshooting Tips for Your Home-Canned Creations 387Chapter 22: Ten Common Food Storage Problems and How to Solve Them 395Appendix: Metric Conversion Guide 401Index 405
Amelia Jeanroy is passionate about packing her pantry with tasty foods from her small farm and using them to create delicious, healthy meals. She is the blogger behind and the author of a weekly newsletter full of recipes for using and storing summer garden produce. Amy has been canning and preserving foods for more than 20 years.