ISBN-13: 9781507697108 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 30 str.
There are 7.1 million deaths worldwide resulting from heart disease. That is greater than the population of some countries. A few years back 7.9 million deaths were due to cancer. In a few years it is estimated that cancer will claim 11million lives per year. In the year 2031, 336 million people worldwide will be diabetic. At the moment, 2/3 of Americans over the age of 20 are obese. In UK, the government is considering declaring obesity as a disability. The above statistics are very scary yet intriguing. When it comes to green drinks, raw foodism is the best way to go. Raw foodism promotes the ideas that the greater the percentage of raw food in your diet, the greater the health benefits you derive, and that raw foods can prevent and or heal many forms of sicknesses and chronic diseases. Ordinarily, organic is the way to go. Eating organic produce reduces the amount of toxic chemicals you would have unknowingly ingested. Going organic increases the amount of beneficial vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids (like omega 3 and omega 6). Organic produce also has other benefits, which we will not discuss here. Organic produce has also been found to taste better. All fruits and vegetables, regardless of how they are stored or how you prepare them, are healthy and nutritious; for most fruits and vegetables, eating them raw may give you the maximum nutritional value possible.