About the author xiAcknowledgements xiiiPreface xvIntroduction xxiPart I: What to Do If You ... Work For One 11 ASSESS your position 32 STRATEGISE your options 193 ACT with intent 374 REFLECT on progress 55Part II: What to Do If You ... Manage One 655 ASSESS the situation 676 STRATEGISE the path forward 857 ACT with purpose 958 REFLECT on outcomes 105Part III: What to Do If You ... Are One 1159 ASSESS where you're at 11910 STRATEGISE your development 14311 ACT with integrity 15912 REFLECT on growth 171Where to next? 181A message from Michelle 183Sources 185Index 189
MICHELLE GIBBINGS is bringing back the happy to workplace culture. The author of three books and a global keynote speaker, she's on a mission to help leaders, teams and organisations create successful workplaces-where people thrive and progress is accelerated.