Section A: Geography in the School Curriculum 1. Working with the National Curriculum 2. Geography at GCSE Level 3. The New AS and A2 Specifications for Geography 4. The Contribution of Geography to Vocational Courses Post-16 Section B: Geography in (and Out of) the Classroom 5. a) Continuity Across the Primary-secondary Interface b) Continuity Across the Primary-secondary Interface: Some Curriculum Initiatives in Hampshire 6. Planning for Enquiry 7. Talking, Reading and Writing: Language and Literacy in Geography 8. Thinking Through Geography 9. Teaching About the Language of Maps 10. Towards Deeper Fieldwork 11. Inclusive Geographies a) Differentiation in Practice b) Disability and Inclusive Landscapes 12. Assessment in Practice a) Improving Formative Assessment b) Assessing Students' Thinking c) Marking and Homework: Sunday Evening at the Kitchen Table 13. Evaluating and Using Resources 14. Teaching Geography with Televisual Resources 15. ICT and Geography Section C: Geography for the 21st Century 16. Geography and Race 17. Geography and Citizenship 18. Teaching and Learning about Development 19. Envisioning a Better World - Sustainable Development in School Geography 20. Young People's Geovisions 21. The Image of Geography in Schools Section D: Research Geography and Professional Development 22. An Overview of Research in Geographical Education 23. Corked Hats and Coronation Street: Children's Imaginative Geographies 24. The World of Girls and Boys: Geographic Experience and Informal Learning Opportunities 25. Facilitating Research in Geography and Environmental Education