ISBN-13: 9784431681977 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 1111 str.
ISBN-13: 9784431681977 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 1111 str.
Five years have passed since the breakthrough in the critical temperature for superconductors. During this period, many superconducting materials have been discovered and developed, and our knowledge of the physical and other properties of oxide superconductors has deepened through extensive and intensive research. This knowledge has advanced superconductivity science and technology from the initial questioning stage to a more developed but still uncertain second stage where research activity in superconductivity now overlaps with fields of application. Generally speaking, science resonates with technology. Science not only complements but also competes with or stimulates technology. New scientific knowledge has triggered the second technological research stage. Much progress has been made in the development of practical devices, encouraging the application of superconductors in areas such as human levitation, a high speed levitated bearing, large current transforming leads, and high frequency devices. This technological progress has increased our understanding of the science involved, such as flux pinning and dynamics, and anomalous long-range superconducting interactions. At this important stage, international cooperation and collaborative projects can effectively sustain aggressive research and development in order to advance superconductivity to the next stages. The ISS Symposium is expected to serve as a venue for increasing our knowledge of superconductivity and for exchanging visions for future research and applications, through the presentation and discus of the latest research results. These proceedings also aim to summarize sion annual progress in high-Tc superconductivity in all fields."
1 Plenary Lectures.- The Pinning and Motion of Flux Vortices.- N.A.S.A. Space Applications of High-Temperature Superconductors.- Microstructural Issues Concerning the Critical Current Properties of High Temperature Superconductors.- Flux Pinning in Bulk Oriented-Grained YBa2Cu3Ox/Ag Composites: Effects of Ag and Y2BaCuO5 Inclusions.- Superconducting Properties and Microstructure of YBa2Cu3O7-?/ PrBa2Cu3O7-? Superlattices.- Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) Application in Japan.- 2 Physics.- 2.1 Theoretical Studies.- Present Status of the Theories on High Tc Superconductors.- Superconducting Phase Diagram of the Two-Band Model Investigated by the Exact Diagonalization Method.- A Microscopic Theory of Tunneling Effect of High Tc Superconductors.- Superconductivity in Pseudodegenerate Overlapping Bands Systems: Copper Oxides and C60Kx.- Role of Ion-Oscillations and Electronic Excitation for the Pairing Interaction in the Oxide Superconductors.- 2.2 Electron Spectroscopy.- Experimental Observation of Superconducting Gap Anisotropy in the a-b Plane and Its Theoretical Implications.- Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of Pb2Sr2Eu(1?x)CaxCu3O(8+z) (x=0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) Superconductors.- Changes of Electronic States of Superconducting Oxides by Various Surface Treatments Studied by XPS and SEM.- The Effect of Oxygen Nonstoichiometry on the Structure of the Low Tc Phase in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors.- 2.3 Transport and Thermal Properties.- The Effect of Nd Substitution on Crystal Structure and Resistivity in La2?ySryCuO4-?.- Influence of Magnetic Ordering on Transport Properties of Pr2?xCexCuO4.- Quantum Phase Fluctuation and Conduction Properties of Highly Resistive Superconducting Weak Links.- The Properties of Tl2Sr2CuOz.- Thermoelectric Power of Cation Substituted Bi-232 Superconductor.- 2.4 Magnetic Resonance and Mossbauer Studies.- Tin Doping in High-Tc Superconductor YBa2Cu3O7?y.- 63Cu and 17O Nuclei Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Y1?xCaxBa2Cu4O8.- Oxygen NMR Study of Magnetically Oriented Powder Samples of YBa2Cu4O8.- 151Eu Mössbauer Analysis of T’-Phase Superconductor Eu1.85Ce0.15CuO4.- 2.5 Optical Properties.- Raman Spectroscopy as a Probe of Electronic Structure. Superconducting Gaps, and Electron-Phonon Coupling in HTSC.- Lattice Vibrational Modes in 1222 Phase of Pb-Sr-La-Ln-Cu-O System (Ln; Gd, Dy, Ho, Er).- Infrared Refrection and Raman Scattering in Ba1?xRbxBiO3.- Photoinduced Effects of YBa2Cu3Oy Thin Films.- Doping Effect on the Magnon Scattering Spectrum of (Eu,Ce)2(Ba,Eu)2Cu3O8+z.- 2.6 Magnetic Properties.- AC Hysteresis Loss, Lower Critical Field, and Critical Current Density at 77 K in Melt Processed YBa2Cu3O7-? Wires and Rods.- A New Method of Determining Tc(H) of Single-Crystal La2?xSrxCuO4 from the Field-Dependent Susceptibility Above Tc.- Anomalous Field Dependence of Magnetic Susceptibility in the Normal State of High Tc Superconducting Cuprates.- Nonlinear Microwave Electrodynamics of Superconducting NbN and Nb Thin Films.- 3 Chemistry.- 3.1 Synthesis.- Preparation of “124” Superconductors Containing Ca from Alkoxides.- Synthesis and Properties of Tl-Based “2223” Superconductor with TcR=0=127 K.- T’ — and Impurity Phases Appeared in Nd2?xCexCuO4 and Eu2?xCexCuO4 Systems.- Preparation and Properties of (Pb,Cu)(Sr,La)2(Y,Ca)Cu2Oz.- Synthesis of Superconducting (La,Sr)2(Ca,Y)Cu2O6 Ceramics.- The Critical Annealing Condition to Superconductor-ize La1.8Sr0.2CaCu2O6(La-326) Phase.- New Organic Superconductor, (BEDT-TTF)4Pt(CN)4H2O.- A New Type of Molecular Superconductor Based on C60 Doped with Cesium and Rubidium.- Preparation and Properties of Alkali-Fulleride Superconductors.- Preparation of Ba1?xAxBiO3(A=K,Rb) and Phase Separation in Nitrogen Atmosphere.- 3.2 Substitution and Doping Effects.- Superconductivity in Pb-Based “1222” Copper Oxides.- Cation Substitution Effect on Oxygen Nonstoichiometry in Bi-232 Cuprate Superconductors.- Effects of Li-Doping on the Superconductivity of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 Whiskers.- Effects of Ti Addition for Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox.- Structural and Superconducting Properties of Iodine Intercalated Bi2Sr2Can-1CunOy (n=l,2,3).- Superconducting Properties of Pb-Based Layered Copper Oxides (Pb(1+x)/2Cu(1?x)/2)(Sr1?yCay)2(Y1?xCax)Cu2O7+?.- Magnetic and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Characterization of Silver Substitution in Pb2Sr2Y0.5Ca0.5Cu3O8+z Superconductors.- Ca Doping Effects in YBa2Cu4O8 Prepared by the Citrate Pyrolysis Method.- 3.3 Structures and Properties.- Infrared and Raman Spectra of Cuprate Superconductors.- Formation OF Y2BA4Cu7OY at Ambient Pressure.- Defect Chemistry of High Tc Superconducting Oxides.- Changes in the Bi and Cu Valences and Structure of Bi 2212 Phase By Ar Annealing.- The Determination of the Oxygen Content in YBa2Cu3O7-? Superconductors Using Thermal Analysis.- Low temperature phases in the (Ba1?xLax)CuOy System.- New Layered Perovskite Vanadium Oxide with Negative Magnetization.- Syntheses and Physical Properties for Tl-Sr-V-O System.- Effects of Aging on Tc and Jc of YBa2Cu3O7?y Irradiated by Electron Beam.- Rapid Rate of He Ion Etching for the High Tc YBa2Cu3O7?y.- STM Observation on Bi-O Surfaces of Bi2Sr2Ca1?xYxCu2Oy Single-Crystals.- 3.4 Crystal Growth.- Crystal Growth of YBa2Cu3Ox Phase By Crystal Pulling.- Use of a Thermal-Gradient Furnace to Study the Effects of Liquid Phase on the Formation Of Bi-HTSC.- 4 Flux Pinning.- 4.1 Flux Pinning Properties.- Flux Pinning Behavior in Twin Boundaries of Single Crystal YBa2Cu3O7-?.- Flux Pinning and Flux Creep in Neutron Irradiated (Y,Gd)Ba2Cu3Ox.- Flux Pinning Study of YxRE1?xBa2Cu3O7-? Superconductors.- The Pinning Centers in MPMG-Processed YBCO Observed by Using Bitter Pattern Technique.- Microstructures of MPMG Processed YBaCuO.- Critical Current Properties of YBCO Prepared by Melt Processes.- Effects of MgO Doping on Bi-Containing Superconductors Prepared by a Partial Melting Process.- Effects of Cation Substitution on the Magnetization for Bi-2212 Phase.- Uniform Distribution of Precipitates in Bi-Base Low Tc Single Crystal-like Samples.- Flux Pinning Characteristics in Superconducting Bi-(2212) Single Grains with Normal Particles.- High Resolution Electron Microscopy of Sintered YBa2Cu3O7?x.- 4.2 Critical Current Characteristics.- Jc Derived from Pinning Potential on Epitaxial YBCO Thin Film.- Decay Rate Measurement of Magnetization and Transport Properties in Bi-2212 Single Crystal.- Irreversibility Lines and Doping Effect in (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy.- AC Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement and Irreversibility Line in (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy.- The Irreversibility Line of MPMG Processed High-Jc YBa2Cu3Ox.- High Critical Current Densities at 77 K Under High Magnetic Fields Observed for BiSrCaCuO Thin Films Prepared by an MOCVD Method.- Anisotropy of Irreversibility Line in QMG Processed Y-Ba-Cu-O.- 4.3 Flux Motion.- Unusual Vortex States in High-Tc Superconductors — What Determines Jc- Values? -.- 4.4 Flux Distribution.- Polarized Neutron Studies on Magnetic Flux in Superconductors.- Magnetization Study of High-Tc Oxide Superconductors by Magneto-Optical Observations.- Flux Density Distribution in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Sintered Specimens.- Superconducting Current Density Profiles Estimated from the Flux Density Distribution in YBa2Cu3Ox Thin Films.- Simulation of Magnetization Curves of Oxide Superconductors and Shape Effects.- 5 Wires, Tapes and Bulk.- 5.1 Bulk — (l)YBCO.- Growth Mechanism During Directional Solidification on Y-System Superconductors.- Process and Properties Of QMG Crystals.- Microstructural Control of QMG Crystals.- Flux Penetration and Shielding Properties of QMG Crystals.- Magnets Made of QMG Crystals.- A Comparison of Melt Processes to Prepare YBaCuO with High Jc.- Cerium Oxide Doped YBCO Superconductor by Melt Growth Method.- Enhanced Melt Growth of YBa2Cu3O7-? Superconductor by High-Energy Ball Milling.- Solidification of High-Tc Oxide Superconductors by a Laser Zone Melting Method.- Stress Dependent Tc for Y-Ba-Cu-O System.- Heat Treatments After High Temperature Deformation in Oxide Superconductors.- 5.1 Bulk — (2)BSCCO.- Crystal Growth of the High Quality 80K-Phase Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Bulk Single Crystals.- Effects of Doping Impurities into the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Ceramics on Superconducting Properties.- Properties and Application of High Ic Bi Based Oxide Superconductors Prepared by Laser Pedestal Growth Method.- Microstructure and Jc of BiSrCaCuO Superconducting Fibers Prepared by Laser Pedestal Growth Method.- Silver-Coated Fibers Prepared from Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O FZ-Rods.- Textured Bulk Sample of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O.- The Effects of Process Parameters During Solidification by the Vertical Bridgman Method in Bi-Containing Superconductors.- Effects of Heat Treatment on Tc of Liquid-Quenched Bi Oxides.- 5.2 Wires and Tapes — (1) YBCO.- Development of High Temperature Superconductor Coated Metal Fiber and Multifilamentary Wire.- a-b Plane Aligned YBa2Cu3O7?x Thin Film Tapes.- Enhancement of the Reaction Diffusion in High-Tc Oxide Composites by Additional Elements.- Fabrication of YBCO Thick Films on Ceramic Substrates by the Gas Deposition Method Using Fine Powders.- Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Tapes Fabricated by Excimer Laser Deposition.- Fabrication of Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconducting Filament by Solution Spinning.- Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Ag-Doped Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Tapes.- Forming of YiBa2Cu3O7?y Superconductive Thick Film on Metal Substrate with Sprayed YSZ Buffer Layer.- 5.2 Wires and Tapes — (2) BSCCO.- Fabrication of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Tapes and Coils.- Preparation and Electrical Characterization of Melt Textured 2212 Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-Oxide Layers on Ag-Tape.- Bismuth Superconducting Wire and Application.- Microstructure Control and Critical Current Density of Silver Sheathed Bi2223 Tapes.- Preparation of Ag-Sheathed Superconducting Wires Based on the Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO Oxide.- Multilayer Composite Wires of Bi-Based Superconductor Prepared by Doctor-Blade Method.- Preparation of Multi-Layered Conductors Using Bi-Based Superconducting Tapes.- Preparation and Properties of Ag-Sheathed Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+? Superconducting Tapes.- Processing and Properties of Superconductor Wires.- Effect of Internal Stress in BSCCO/Silver Plates on Critical Current Density.- Preparation of Bi-Based High-Tc Superconducting Thick Films Using Combinations of Low-Tc Powder and PbCa1?xSrxCuO3 Sols.- Development of Silver Sheathed Bi-Based Superconducting Coil.- Trial Fabrication of Silver Sheathed Bi2212 Superconducting Coils.- Preparation of Bi-2223 Tapes by Partial-Melt Process.- Observation of Interface Between Bi-Superconducting Oxide and Metals Using HREM and STM.- 5.2 Wires and Tapes — (3) TBCCO.- A Superconducting Wire with Strongly Pinned Tl-(1223) Phase In Liquid Nitrogen.- Power Current Leads Using Ag-Sheathed High-Tc Superconducting Tapes.- Properties of Silver-Sheathed Tl-Series Oxide Superconducting Tapes and Coils.- 5.3 Characteristics.- ac Losses in YBa2Cu3O7 and Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 Superconductors at Power Frequencies.- ac Transport Properties of High-Tc Superconductive Wires.- Critical Current Density and Microstructure of Hi-Tc Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors.- Current Flow in Large Size Bulk Oxide Superconductor.- Evaluation of Brittleness of HTSC.- Mechanical and Magnetic Properties of Zr-YBCO Superconducting Composites.- 6 Preparation and Properties of Thin Films.- 6.1 YBCO and Related Films.- Role of Ozone in the Oxidation of YBa2Cu3O7?x Thin Films.- Growth of Yb-Ba-Cu-O Thin films by Low-Energy O+ Ion Beams.- Low Temperature Synthesis of YBa2Cu3O7?x Thin Films at Post Deposition Annealing.- Superconducting Properties of YBCO Thin Films Deposited on Grainboundary Free Y2O3 Substrates.- Effects of Oxygen Pressure on Sputtered Y-Ba-Cu-O Films.- Biaxially Aligned YSZ Buffer Layer on Polycrystalline Substrates.- High-Tc Superconducting Thin Films on Si with Buffer Layers.- Preparation of YBCO Thin Films Using an Off-Axis Sputtering Technique.- Growth and Characterisation of Gd-Ba-Cu-O Films on MgO (100) by Face Target Sputtering (FTS).- A Low Kinetic Energy PVD Process for Low Température Synthesis of Y-Ba-Cu-O Films.- Optical Emission Spectroscopic Studies of O2+Ar Plasma During the Deposition of YBCO Films by Facing Targets Sputtering Method.- YBCO Thin Films with [110] Axis Orientations on LaSrGaO4(110) Substrates.- Effect of an Oxygen Pressure on Crystal Growth of a-Axis Oriented YBa2Cu3O7?x Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition.- Effect of Ozone as Active Oxdizing Gas on YBCO Film Deposition by Laser Ablation.- DC Bias Effect Using Mesh Ring Electrode on Properties of YBCO Superconducting Thin Film by Laser Evaporation.- Preparation of a-Axis Oriented YBCO Films by Template Procedure.- 123-Structure with Elongated c-Lattice Length in HoBa2Cu3Ox Thin Films Prepared at Low Temperatures.- Texture Development of YBaCuO Film Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition.- Photo-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of YBaCuO Films.- Rapid Synthesis of the Y-Ba-Cu-O Tape on Metal Substrate by CVD Technique.- Growth Mechanism of a-Axis Oriented YBa2Cu3Ox Films on MgO(100) by Laser MOCVD.- Growth of Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films on Al2O3/Si by MOCVD.- Fabrication of Thick Films of YBa2Cu3Ox Superconductors Using Fine Particles Prepared by Mist Pyrolysis Method.- Novel Chemical Analysis for Thin Films: Scanning Electron Microscopy & Total-Reflection-Angle X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-TRAXS).- Magnetic Penetration Depth of YBa2Cu3O7-? Thin Films Determined by the Power Transmission Method.- Zero-Field-Cooled, Field-Cooled and Remanent Magnetization of Epitxial YBa2Cu3Oy Films.- Optical Response of YBa2Cu3O7?x Epitaxial Thin Films.- High Tc Superconducting Bandpass Filter.- High-Frequency Surface Resistance of Sputtered EuBa2Cu3O7?x Thin Films.- 6.2 BSCCO and Related Films.- Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Ultrathin Films Fabricated by MOCVD.- MOCVD Growth of High-Tc and High-Jc Superconducting BSCCO Thin Films.- RHEED Intensity Monitored Growth of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors.- BiSrCaCuO Thin Films Grown in One Direction by Using Off-Oriented SrTiO3(110) Substrates.- BiSrCaCuO/BiSrCuO Superlattices: A Prove Of Cu-O Plane Superconductivity.- Preparation of (Tl,Bi)Sr2CaCu2Ox Thin Films.- Film Growth Mechanism for Non-(001) Orientations in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O.- Angular Dependence of Magnetoresistance for (11n)-Oriented Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films Below Tc.- XPS Studies of As-Deposited Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films with Critical Temperature of 98K.- I-V Characteristics and Transport Critical Current of Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films on PbTiO3.- Selective Growth of BiSrCaCuO Thin Films with (11n) and (001) Orientations.- Preparation of BiSrCaCuO Superconducting Films on Ag Tapes by MOCVD Method.- Thermal Stability of Source Materials Used for MOCVD of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Film Superconductors.- Resistive Transition of YBa2Cu3O7-? Ultrathin Films Down to One Unit Cell Thickness in Magnetic Fields.- Microwave Properties in Bi-Based Superconducting Thin Films.- Anomalous Behavior of Low Field Microwave Absorption in Ultra-Thin Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Films Fabricated on MgO by MOCVD.- Enhanced Anisotropy of Resistive Transition and Critical Current Density in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films.- LT-SEM Studies of Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Film.- 6.3 Other Superconducting Films.- Molecular Beam Epitaxy Of Ba1?xKxBiO3 Films And Heterostructures.- Formation of (Ba,Rb)BiO3 Superconducting Thin Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy.- Laser MBE of Tetragonal BaCuO2?x Films and Their Characterization.- 7 Device Application.- 7.1 Multilayer Structures and Junctions.- Bi-Epitaxial Josephson Junctions in YBa2Cu3O7 with Controlled 45-Degree Grain Boundaries.- Electric Properties of YBCO/PBCO/YBCO Junctions.- Electrical Characteristics of All-Oxide S-N-S Junctions.- Long-Range Josephson Coupling in BiSrCaCuO-Based Coplanar Junctions.- Tunneling Spectroscopy of Bi2Sr2CaCu20x Single Crystals and Analysis Using a Superlattice Model.- Properties of Junctions with Layered Structure.- Artificial Grain Boundary in BiSrCaCuO Films.- Fabrication of Au/MgO/Ba1?xKxBiO3 Tunnel-Type Junctions Using the PMQ-Processed Ba1vxKxBiO3 Substrate.- All High-Tc Sandwich-Type Josephson Junctions of Bi-Systems Using a New Barrier Material.- Electric Characteristics of High Tc Superconductor/Semiconductor Junction.- Fabrication of the Superconducting Devices Using the 80K-Phase Bi-Based Single Crystal.- Preparation and Characterization of a Superconductor-Semiconductor Junction: Ba1?xKxBiO3/Nb-Doped SrTiO3.- 7.2 Application to Microwave Devices and Antennas.- High Temperature Superconductors in High Frequency Fields — Fundamentals and Applications.- Surface Resistance in High-Tc Superconductors and Their Application to Microwave Devices.- Advanced High Tc Superconducting Active Antennas.- Small Helical Antennas Made Of YBa2Cu3O7?x Ceramics.- 14GHz Y-Ba-Cu-O Microstripline Resonators.- Properties of Superconductive Delay Line Using EuBaCuO Films on MGO (100).- Hybrid HTS and III-V Microwave Oscillators.- Application of Superconducting Thin Films to RF Cavities.- Low Surface Resistance of Ag-Added YBa2Cu3O7?x Ceramics.- Surface Resistance of the BSCCO Microstrip Lines.- Responsivity and Noise Characteristics for a Microwave Detector Using High-Tc Superconductors.- Properties of Josephson Mixer Fabricated By High Tc YBaCuO Film.- 7.3 Other Superconducting Devices and Basic Properties.- The Basic Study of HTS/Semiconductor Hybrid Device.- Experimental Study of HTS FET Device Based on Superconducting Phase Transition.- AC Impedance of Thin-Film Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O.- Dependence of the Inductance Characteristics of Bi System on the External Magnetic Field.- Characteristics of Josephson Junctions Using the Cracks in YBCO Thin Films.- Single Layer HTS-DC-SQUIDs with Large Flux-To-Voltage Conversion at 77K.- 8 System Application.- 8.1 Application for Electric Power System.- Present State of Alternating Current Superconductors and Its Applications to Power System Apparatus in France.- Stability of Rotating Superconducting Magnet Under Large Centrifugal Acceleration.- Basic Study on Current Limiter Using Thin Film High Tc Superconductor.- Development of 6.6kV/1.5kA-Class Superconducting Fault Current Limiter.- A Study on a High-Tc Superconducting Fault Current Limiter.- Quenching Characteristics of a 400V-100A Class Superconducting Fault Current Limiter.- Test Results of the SMES System in the Ariuragawa Hydropower Station.- Development of a 1 MJ SMES System with Use of a Superconducting Magnet Having Function of “Enthalpy Protection”.- Temperature Rise in a Superconducting Transformer Winding Overheated by Quenching.- 8.2 Application of Electric Railway and Other Industry.- Levitation Studies in High Tc Superconductors at Lower Temperatures and High Fields.- Magnetic Shielding by HTC Superconductor.- Static and Utility Frequency Magnetic Shielding by High-Tc Superconductors.- Large Vessels of Bi Oxide Superconductor for Magnetic Shield.- High Field Magnetic Shielding Using Superconducting Rings.- Magnetic Shielding in High-Tc Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Cylinder.- Numerical Analysis and Evaluation of the Stability of Superconducting Magnets in Maglev System.- A Conceptual Design of a Superconducting Magnet for a Magnetic Levitated Train Using a High Tc Oxide Superconducting Wire.- Advanced Design for Load Capable Superconducting Bearings.- Characterization of Superconducting Magnetic Bearings (Vibration Damping and Hysteresis of Magnetic Force in Superconductor).- Superconducting Magnetic Bearing Using MPMG YBaCuO.- Induction Linear Accelerators with a High-Tc Bulk Superconductor Lens (Supertrons).- Author Index.- Key Word Index.
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