ISBN-13: 9783540241423 / Angielski / Twarda / 2005 / 276 str.
Theareanorthwardof50 N. Source: AMAP(2003). EstablishmentinMay,1937, ofthe?rstdrifting'NorthPole-1'(NP-1)stationin the Arctic Ocean and organization of the ?rst 'Sever' airborne high-latidudinal expedition(AHE)continuedtheSecondIPYinthestudyoftheArctic.Theexpe- ence of these expeditions convincingly proved the possibility of organizing and conducting(directlyfromtheice)long-termcomplexmeteorological, oceanographic andiceobservations. WorldWarIIinterruptedforalongtimethelarge-scalestudiesintheArctic. The'Sever'AHEswereresumedin1948, andorganizationofdriftingstationsin 1950. Todate, whilsttheRussianresearch'NP-33'stationdriftsinthevicinityofthe NorthPole, itcanbestatedthatourknowledgeoftheArcticOceanforthelast70 yearshasachievedaleveldi?eringlittlefromthelevelofknowledgeoftheother " # # # $%&'( ) * ], -, ) . / $%&01 $%&02 $%&01 $ %03 / 4%5 /%' $%&'' /%' $%&16 $%&1& $%&'( ) $%&10 ) ), 7 7 7 / 87 8 9 / 8 8: : 8 8; 7: : 8 * 8 ) 8 / 4 > * 4 4 B, * - C A 7 7 7 + + + + + + 7 4 - 7 4 - 7 7 - 7 7 - - 8 8 8: A A A A A A 8: + - 7 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ + - 7 C C 7 7 C C 7 7 C C 7 C C - $ 7 C C 7 7 7 - C C C C @ @ @ 8;;