Europa The Ocean Moon tells the story of the Galileo spacecraft probe to Jupiter's moon, Europa. It provides a detailed description of the physical processes, including the dominating tidal forces that operate on Europa, and includes a comprehensive tour of Europa using images taken by Galileo's camera. The book reviews and evaluates the interpretative work carried out to date, providing a philosophical discussion of the scientific process of analyzing results and the pitfalls that accompany it. It also examines the astrobiological constraints on this possible biosphere,...
Europa The Ocean Moon tells the story of the Galileo spacecraft probe to Jupiter's moon, Europa. It provides a detailed descriptio...
Eugene Sharkov, of the Space Research Institute in Moscow, has here put together the most comprehensive description of the physical findings of an investigation into the spatio-temporal characteristics of the gravity of breaking waves. He s also described the foam activity in the open sea using methods and instruments of optical and microwave remote sensing. Numerous practical applications and illustrations are provided from air-borne, ship-borne and laboratory up-to-date experiments.
Eugene Sharkov, of the Space Research Institute in Moscow, has here put together the most comprehensive description of the physical findings of an ...
" The] physical insight and presentation in this volume made it a pleasure to read ... I would heartily recommend this book to any researcher or graduate student working in shallow water acoustics. It presents an overview of a very active field from a fresh viewpoint, and with a fine feel for the basic physics of the medium. It is a book that is well worth the rather high price ... I would encourage you to add it to your bookshelf."
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Contents: Shallow Water as an Acoustic Medium - Fundamentals of Sound Propagation - Approximate...
" The] physical insight and presentation in this volume made it a pleasure to read ... I would heartily recommend this book to any researcher or gr...
This book, the first in a series of forthcoming volumes, consists of topical and timely reviews of a number of carefully selected topics in solar systemn science. Contributions, in form of up-to-date reviews, are mainly aimed at professional astronomers and planetary scientists wishing to inform themselves about progress in fields closely related to their own field of expertise.
This book, the first in a series of forthcoming volumes, consists of topical and timely reviews of a number of carefully selected topics in solar syst...
Theareanorthwardof50 N. Source: AMAP(2003). EstablishmentinMay,1937, ofthe?rstdrifting'NorthPole-1'(NP-1)stationin the Arctic Ocean and organization of the ?rst 'Sever' airborne high-latidudinal expedition(AHE)continuedtheSecondIPYinthestudyoftheArctic.Theexpe- ence of these expeditions convincingly proved the possibility of organizing and conducting(directlyfromtheice)long-termcomplexmeteorological, oceanographic andiceobservations. WorldWarIIinterruptedforalongtimethelarge-scalestudiesintheArctic. The'Sever'AHEswereresumedin1948, andorganizationofdriftingstationsin 1950. Todate,...
Theareanorthwardof50 N. Source: AMAP(2003). EstablishmentinMay,1937, ofthe?rstdrifting'NorthPole-1'(NP-1)stationin the Arctic Ocean and organization o...
Sound waves are the only practical means of remote investigation of the sea and its bottom and transmission in seawater. Underwater acoustics has become one of the major technologies used in the exploration and exploitation of the oceans for scientific, industrial, or military/naval purposes. It is widely employed in the fields of ocean engineering, seafloor mapping, defence, oceanography, navigation, and fisheries.
Dr Xavier Lurton is a renowned specialist in underwater acoustics. He has worked in this field as a scientist, engineer, project manager and teacher since 1981 and has...
Sound waves are the only practical means of remote investigation of the sea and its bottom and transmission in seawater. Underwater acoustics has b...