ISBN-13: 9781484882764 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 2013 / 198 str.
"Cuando lloran los delfines" toma lugar en Cuba y en Los Estados Unidos. La primera parte, "En Noches sin Luna," esta inspirada en la verdadera historia de un joven cubano, Rafael, y sus tres hermanos que atravesaron nadando la Bahia de Guantanamo--a pesar de los tiburones y barcas patrulleras castristas--en medio de la noche para pedir asilo politico en La Base Naval. La increible escapada fue la culminacion de anos de prision, trabajos forzados, y haber solicitado inutilmente permiso de salir legalmente de Cuba. La segunda parte, "Arenas Rojas," es la historia fascinante, repetida a traves de los anos, de la desesperada huida atravesando el Estrecho de la Florida en barquichuelos y balsas improvisadas. El lector conocera un fascinante collage de cubanos desesperados cuyas vidas se cruzan al tratar de escapar de su patria en un viejo barco pesquero: Amalia, una determinada profesora universitaria; Gustavo, un oceanografo enamorado de Amalia; Pedro, un pescador atormentado por sus circunstancias; Aquilina, su esposa; y Maribel y Arturo, disidentes politicos perseguidos. Cuando el barco se hunde durante un huracan, los sobrevivientes logran llegar a un cayo. Son descubiertos por un avion de "Hermanos al Rescate," que promete volver a recogerlos. Se salvaran el resto de los sobrevivientes, o pereceran como miles de victimas que han muerto en el mar durante los ultimos 50 anos, tratando de escapar? "When the Dolphins Cry" takes place in Cuba and the United States. Part I, "In Moonless Nights," was inspired by the true story of a young man, Rafael, and his three brothers who swam across the shark-infested waters of Guantanamo Bay in the dark of night to seek political asylum in the United States at the American Naval Base. Their daring escape to freedom capped off years of being in prison for political dissent and repeated efforts to obtain permission to emigrate legally from Castro's Cuba. Part II, "Red Sands," is a gripping blend of fiction and actual historical events; it pays tribute to the thousands of Cuban men, women, and children who have risked all in pursuit of freedom by crossing the Straits of Florida in anything that will float. The reader will meet, and come to know, a fascinating collage of desperate Cubans whose lives intersect as they flee their homeland in an old fishing boat: Amalia, a young, resolute University professor; Gustavo, an oceanographer in love with Amalia; Pedro, a veteran fisherman and captain of the boat; his wife, Aquilina; and Maribel and Arturo, political dissidents. After their boat capsizes during a hurricane, a "Brothers to the Rescue" plane appears on the horizon. Will the survivors be saved? Or will they perish like countless others whose voices have been forever silenced by the sea?"