On Modernism from the Periphery, Carlos Blanco Aguinaga * The Industrial Imaginary of Modernity: The Totalizing Gaze, Iris M. Zavala * A Modernization That Holds Us Back: Culture under the Neoconservative Regression, N stor Garc'a Canclini * Rethinking the Theory of the Avant-Garde from the Periphery, George Yoedice * The Limits of Modernity in Latin American Poetry, Alvaro Salvador * Seven Islands in Search of an Author: The Canary Islands Avant-Garde, Jacqueline Cruz * Gender and Modernist Discourse: Emilia Bardo Baz n's Dulce Due-o * Bu-uel: A Cinematic Impugnment of Modernity/Modernism/Avant-gardism and Other Options, V'ctor Fuentes * Recycling the Popular: Lorca, Lorquismo, and the Culture Industry, Anthony L. Geist * Cultural Liaisons in American Literatures, Guido A. Podest * Brazilian Modernism: An Idea Out of Place?, Randal Johnson * Counterhegemonic Subjectivities in C sar Vallejo and Oswald de Andrade, Leslei Bary * Borges: Tradition and the Avant-Garde, Beatris Sarlo * Dangerous Southern Islands: Modern Aesthetics as Anaesthetics in Carpentier's The Lost Steps and borge's 'The South', Santiago Col s * El siglo de las luces: Modernism and Epic, Neil Larsen * Afterword, Ren Jara