Preface to the Transaction EditionPrefaceChapter I, News Sources & Newsmen: Introduction Information-dispensing and newsgathering in the nation's capital. Nature of research and analysis.Chapter II, Information Officers & Newsmen: Political Communicators The information officer and political communication. Newsmen and political communication.Chapter III, Sources & Channels in Political Communication A classification of news sources. A classification of news channels. Patterns and trends in communicator relations.Chapter IV, External Influences on Political Communicators Organizational influences. Alternative sources and channels. Audience perceptions. Personal friendships. Competence and confidence in the source-channel relationship.Chapter V, The Source-Channel Relation: Patterns & Variables The "good" news source and the "good" newsman. News story values. Information and news as professional values. Performance judgments. Cooperation, compatibility, and competition.Chapter VI, Tools of the Trade: The Practitioners' Views Expressed preferences of PIO's and newsmen. Appraisals of individual techniques. The institutionalizing of political communication.Chapter VII, Significant Issues of Political Communication The politics of secrecy and publicity. Press performance and political administrations. News definitions as interest conflict. The origin of government-press tension in the source-channel relationship.Chapter VIII, The Source-Channel Relation between Government & Press Cooperation, compatibility, and competition. Factors affecting the source-channel relationship. The significance of the institutional setting of source-channel relationships. Leadership in political communication: trends and implications.Appendix I: Nature and Method of Analysis Research literature. The exploratory study. Sample selection and description. Interview phase. A note on statistical techniques.Appendix II: PIO Interview ScheduleAppendix III: Newsman Interview ScheduleBibliography
Dan Nimmo, Georgie Anne Geyer
Nimmo, Dan Dan D. Nimmo has been a professor of political sci... więcej >