Preface xvAbout the companion website xviiChapter 1 Role of forensic science in criminal investigations 1Chapter 2 History of forensic entomology 17Chapter 3 Role of insects and other arthropods in urban and stored product entomology 35Chapter 4 Introduction to entomology 55Chapter 5 Biology, taxonomy, and natural history of forensically important insects 77Chapter 6 Reproductive strategies of necrophagous flies 103Chapter 7 Chemical attraction and communication 121Chapter 8 Biology of the maggot mass 143Chapter 9 Temperature tolerances of necrophagous insects 167Chapter 10 Postmortem decomposition of human remains and vertebrate carrion 195Chapter 11 Insect succession on carrion under natural and artificial conditions 217Chapter 12 Decomposition in aquatic environments 241Chapter 13 Microbiomes of carrion and forensic insects 265Chapter 14 Postmortem interval 283Chapter 15 Insect stains and artifacts: alterations of bloodstain and body fluid evidence 311Chapter 16 Necrophagous and parasitic flies as indicators of neglect and abuse 333Chapter 17 Wildlife forensics 355Chapter 18 Forensic entomotoxicology 365Chapter 19 Application of molecular methods to forensic entomology 383Chapter 20 Archaeoentomology: insects and archaeology 409Chapter 21 Insects as weapons of war and threats to national security 427Chapter 22 Insects and arthropods that cause death 451Chapter 23 Professional standards and ethics 475Chapter 24 Forensic entomology case studies 487Appendix I Collection and preservation of calyptrate Diptera 505Appendix II Getting specimens identified 511Appendix III Necrophagous fly and beetle life table references 515Appendix IV Current names for species in Aldrich's Sarcophaga and allies 521Glossary 525Index 537
David B. Rivers is Professor of Biology and Director of Forensic Studies at Loyola University Maryland. His efforts are currently focused on training the next generation of biologists to assist in criminal investigations.Gregory A. Dahlem, PhD, holds a teaching position at Northern Kentucky University and whose research involves the evolution, identification, and behavior of calyptrate Diptera.