Introduction, Carroll B. Johnson * Part One: Cervantismo and the Crisis of Hispanism * Theory vs. the Humanist Tradition Stemming from Am rico Castro, Anthony J. Close * Romance, Ideology, and Iconoclasm in Cervantes, Anthony J. Cascardi * Where Does the Novel Rise? Cultural Hybrids and Cervantine Heresies, Diana de Armas Wilson * Generational Conflicts within Hispanism: Notes from the Comedia Wars, John J. Allen * Part Two: Re/Visioning Cervantes Studies * Anatomy of Contemporary Cervantes Studies: A Romance of Two Cities, Charles D. Presberg * Cervantes and the Spanish Philological School, Pablo Jauralde Pau * The Politics of Identity and the Enigma of Cervantine Genealogy, Ellen Lokos * Cervantes and His Feminist Alliances, Anne J. Cruz * Rereading El amante liberal in the Age of Contrapuntal Sexualities, Adrienne L. Mart'n * The Jealous and the Curious: Freud, Paranoia and Homosexuality in Cervantine Poetics Nicol s Wey-G-mez * Part Three: The Future of Cervantes Studies * The Crisis of Hispanism as an Apocalyptic Myth, George Mariscal * The Ideologies of Cervantine Irony: Liberalism, Postmodernism and Beyond, Alison Parks Weber * Cervantismo as Social Praxis in the Neo-Post Age: Are We Kidding Ourselves?, James Iffland * Afterword Nicholas Spadaccini, University of Minnesota and, David Cascillo, University of Oregon