1. Botany and Anatomy2. Phenology and Growth Cycle3. Water Relations and Nutrient Uptake4. Photosynthesis and Respiration5. Partitioning of Assimilates6. Developmental Physiology7. Environmental Constraints and Stress Physiology8. Living with Other Organisms
Dr. Keller received his master's degree in agronomy (plant science) and doctorate in natural sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. He has taught and conducted research in viticulture and grapevine physiology in three continents and is the author of numerous scientific and technical papers and industry articles in addition to being a frequent speaker at scientific conferences and industry meetings and workshops. He also has extensive practical experience in both the vineyard and winery as a result of work in the family enterprise and was awarded the Swiss AgroPrize for innovative contributions to Switzerland's agricultural industry.