ISBN-13: 9781533286390 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 56 str.
The 100 Best Hooked on Haiku for each year are selected for publication from among those poets who submit their haiku in the Annual Contest. From among them the publisher selects the 10 Best Hooked on Haiku. These are identified in the book. Also from among the published Best Hooked on Haiku, first, second and third place haiku are determined by ballots submitted by purchasers of Best Hooked on Haiku in accordance with the Rules set forth in the book and at http: // The book is then republished to identify the winners. 2015-16 Winners are: 1st Place--Marshall Harris for "Mid-life men clad in...;" 2nd Place--brett brady for "soft as a whisper...;" and 3rd Place--Carlos Viegas for "comes the procession..."