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Death and Afterlife: A Theological Introduction
ISBN: 9781587431838 / Angielski / Miękka / 220 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This biblical examination of the afterlife addresses both contemporary and perennial human questions about death and what lies beyond.
This biblical examination of the afterlife addresses both contemporary and perennial human questions about death and what lies beyond.
118,15 zł |
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The Antichrist and the Second Coming: A Preterist Examination
ISBN: 9781615790371 / Angielski / Miękka / 468 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
114,03 zł |
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The Antichrist and the Second Coming: A Preterist Examination
ISBN: 9781615790388 / Angielski / Twarda / 468 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
168,78 zł |
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The Parable of the Fig Tree: Discerning the Signs That Herald Christ's Return
ISBN: 9780981527642 / Angielski / Miękka / 236 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Have you learned the parable of the fig tree? If not, you are commanded by Jesus to learn this lesson. End-times speculation and scenarios continue to flood the land. how are we to discern the true markers of Christ's return from the false? The Lord ha announced the signs and conditions that will herald His return. We are called to read and pay attention. He Himself warned us: Take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance (Mark 13:23). In this book, pastor and teacher Ryan Habbena explores the scripture's primary texts regarding the second coming of Jesus Christ and the events that...
Have you learned the parable of the fig tree? If not, you are commanded by Jesus to learn this lesson. End-times speculation and scenarios continue to...
114,39 zł |
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ISBN: 9780802814555 / Angielski / Miękka / 88 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The study of apocalyptic - The body of ancient literature dealing with the end of the world - is vital to an understanding of the New Testament. Most of us, however, know very little about the subject - and if Leon Morris is correct, much of what we think we know is wrong. In this brief introduction to apocalyptic, Morris brings together the results of a great deal of work that has been done on the subject by himself and others. In a clear and lucid style, he addresses himself to the characteristics of apocalyptic writings, the world from which they arose, and their relations to the gospel....
The study of apocalyptic - The body of ancient literature dealing with the end of the world - is vital to an understanding of the New Testament. Most ...
63,15 zł |
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Christian Mission in Eschatological Perspective - Lesslie Newbigin's Contribution
ISBN: 9783941750159 / Angielski / Miękka / 276 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Schuster examines the implications of Lesslie Newbigin's understanding of the Kingdom of God for his theology of mission. Newbigin's theological thinking is based on an eschatologically oriented historical understanding of revelation.
Schuster examines the implications of Lesslie Newbigin's understanding of the Kingdom of God for his theology of mission. Newbigin's theological think...
176,58 zł |
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Three Worlds in Conflict: The High Drama of Biblical Prophecy
ISBN: 9781576733547 / Angielski / Miękka / 280 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. As the millennium draws near, only a handful of books on Bible prophecy will approach the clarity and scope of this one. Three Worlds in Conflict satisfies the growing curiosity of both Christians and non-Christians about God's vision for the future by simply yet fully explaining the facts and philosophy of scriptural prophecy. Unlike many titles, this book presents the whole range of Bible prophecy in chronological form, not just bits and pieces. And the style is contemporary and approachable, unfolding the whys, whats, and whens of God's plan for His world with more twists and turns than a...
As the millennium draws near, only a handful of books on Bible prophecy will approach the clarity and scope of this one. Three Worlds in Conflict sati...
65,14 zł |
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Poetry, Providence, and Patriotism: Polish Messianism in Dialogue with Dietrich Bonhoeffer
ISBN: 9781606080429 / Angielski / Miękka / 322 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Description: Polish messianism tells the story of a nation struggling to survive and regain its independence. As narrated by the poets Jan Pawe_ Woronicz and Adam Mickiewicz, its vision of patriotism and civil responsibility, first told two hundred years ago, contains promising resources today for a world facing challenged by pluralism, secularization, nationalism and religious fundamentalism. Yet this messianism has a dark side. The romantic philosophy of history that funded this messianism proved an inadequate defense against Prussian and Russian military might, and failed to inoculate...
Description: Polish messianism tells the story of a nation struggling to survive and regain its independence. As narrated by the poets Jan Pawe_ Woron...
187,08 zł |
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The Rapture and the Coming - A Scriptural Treatise
ISBN: 9781608621156 / Angielski / Miękka / 204 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The author breaks with tradition and shows by compelling scriptural arguments when the rapture will occur. This book will tantalize your eschatological palate. A stimulating scriptural expose of the rapture and the coming of Our Lord.
The author breaks with tradition and shows by compelling scriptural arguments when the rapture will occur. This book will tantalize your eschatologica...
59,09 zł |
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The Origins of Left Behind Eschatology
ISBN: 9781615796670 / Angielski / Miękka / 418 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
104,91 zł |
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The Millennium: A Present Reality: A Critique of Premillennialism
ISBN: 9781441434364 / Angielski / Miękka / 50 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book briefly examines premillennial thought from four perspectives: Biblical, Exegetical, Historical, and Theological. There is also a summary evaluation of postmillennialism.
This book briefly examines premillennial thought from four perspectives: Biblical, Exegetical, Historical, and Theological. There is also a summary ev...
27,80 zł |
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The Kingdom of God 101: A Primer
ISBN: 9781448616329 / Angielski / Miękka / 292 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. When you pray, -Thy kingdom come, - what are you asking for? Have you really stopped to think about it? I think the most important goal any living person can possibly have is to lay hold of the assurance of being allowed to live in God's kingdom. This is the only hope ever held out to mankind by God. This assurance is Jesus Christ. Every book has a central idea, and the Bible is no exception. It's about the kingdom of God. This is a textbook written to help you gain a greater appreciation and understanding of what God has told us regarding His kingdom. You should ask yourself several very...
When you pray, -Thy kingdom come, - what are you asking for? Have you really stopped to think about it? I think the most important goal any living per...
51,11 zł |
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Eternal Life: A New Vision: Beyond Religion, Beyond Theism, Beyond Heaven and Hell
ISBN: 9780060778422 / Angielski / Miękka / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Drawing on a lifetime of wisdom, New York Times bestselling author and controversial religious leader John Shelby Spong continues to challenge traditional Christian theology in Eternal Life: A New Vision. In this remarkable spiritual autobiography about his lifelong struggle with the questions of God and death, he reveals how he ultimately came to believe in eternal life.
Drawing on a lifetime of wisdom, New York Times bestselling author and controversial religious leader John Shelby Spong continues to challeng...
77,36 zł |
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Some Posttribulationists Say the Darndest Things!: About PreTrib Rapturists
ISBN: 9780977424450 / Angielski / Miękka / 70 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Obviously, not all aspects of Eschatology can be correct. Does this mean however, that an incorrect view of Eschatology means a lack (or even a loss) of salvation? Are the two connected? To hear some talk, the answer would be a vociferous "yes." Most often, people point to those who believe and espouse a PreTrib Rapture position, as one major source of error, resulting from deception. Not only is this view seen as erroneous, but it is also believed that the individuals who hold to this position are in grievous danger of falling headlong into the Great Tribulation completely unprepared. The...
Obviously, not all aspects of Eschatology can be correct. Does this mean however, that an incorrect view of Eschatology means a lack (or even a loss) ...
42,74 zł |
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The PreTrib Rapture
ISBN: 9780982644300 / Angielski / Miękka / 170 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Rather than simply attempting to deal with aspects of this subject which have already been dealt with, author Fred DeRuvo tackles the claims against the PreTrib Rapture from another perspective. He deals with the plausibility of a few men being able to pull off what has got to be the greatest hoax the church has ever known...if it actually was a hoax. Beyond this, DeRuvo also deals with many other claims by the Anti-PreTrib Rapturist, finding out if these claims hold any water at all.
Rather than simply attempting to deal with aspects of this subject which have already been dealt with, author Fred DeRuvo tackles the claims against t...
59,85 zł |
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Ancient Prophecies Revealed: 500 Prophecies Listed In Order Of When They Were Fulfilled
ISBN: 9781438253466 / Angielski / Miękka Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book shows over 500 biblical prophecies in the order of when they were fulfilled. These include pre-flood times though the first Coming of Jesus and into the Middle Ages. The heart of this book is the 53 prophecies fulfilled between 1948 and 2008. The last 11 prophecies between 2008 and the Tribulation are also given. All these are documented and interpreted from the Ancient Church Fathers. The Ancient Church Fathers, including disciples of the 12 apostles, were firmly premelinnial, pretribulational, and very Pro-Israel
This book shows over 500 biblical prophecies in the order of when they were fulfilled. These include pre-flood times though the first Coming of Jesus ...
68,40 zł |
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Third Corinthians: Ancient Gnostics And The End Of The World
ISBN: 9781438296265 / Angielski / Miękka / 94 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This little known, 2000-year old Greek manuscript was used in the first two centuries to combat Gnostic cults. Whether or not it is an authentic copy of the original epistle written by the apostle Paul or not is gives an incredible look into the cults that arise in the last days. It contains a prophecy that the same heresies that pervaded the first century church would return before the Second Coming of the Messiah.
This little known, 2000-year old Greek manuscript was used in the first two centuries to combat Gnostic cults. Whether or not it is an authentic copy ...
55,57 zł |
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The Rapture: The Pretribulational Rapture Viewed from the Bible and the Ancient Church
ISBN: 9781448627639 / Angielski / Miękka / 136 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book presents the doctrine of the pretribulational Rapture of the church. Many prophecies are explored with Biblical passages and terms explained from the Scripture itself. Evidence is presented that proves the first century church believed the end times would begin with the return of Israel to her ancient homeland. More than fifty prophecies have been fulfilled since Israel became a state; several more are yet to be fulfilled. Evidence is also given that at least four ancient church fathers taught a pretribulational Rapture. This book also gives many of the answers to the arguments...
This book presents the doctrine of the pretribulational Rapture of the church. Many prophecies are explored with Biblical passages and terms explained...
59,85 zł |
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Restoring the Holy of Holies: Revelation - A Seven Act Play
ISBN: 9781449907785 / Angielski / Miękka / 300 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Revelation's prophesies explained, simply and clearly as a seven act play. Read about the restoration of all things, first the image of God in His people, then the world to as it was before Adam sinned.
Revelation's prophesies explained, simply and clearly as a seven act play. Read about the restoration of all things, first the image of God in His peo...
83,41 zł |
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Hiding in Plain Sight: Unmasking the Secret Combinations of the Last Days
ISBN: 9781599554372 / Angielski / Miękka / 322 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The world is full of evil men conspiring for total control. Composed of religious, financial, and political committees, this secret combination coordinates with other groups to accomplish its ultimate plana one-world government called the New World Order and a one-world religion led by the Anti-Christ. But if this is true, why do so few people know about it? Why isn't it broadcast by the media for all the world to see? One reason is that the media obscures the actions of this great conspiracy. But the greatest reason is that the conspiracy is taking place right before our eyes, staring at us...
The world is full of evil men conspiring for total control. Composed of religious, financial, and political committees, this secret combination coordi...
81,44 zł |