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Nefesh HaTzimtzum, Volume 2 Volume 2: Understanding Nefesh HaChaim through the Key Concept of Tzimtzum and Related Writings
ISBN: 9789655241778 / Angielski / Twarda / 760 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Nefesh HaTzimtzum provides the single most comprehensive and accessible presentation of the teachings and worldview of the Vilna Gaon s primary student, Rabbi Chaim Volozhin. It is focused on Rabbi Chaim s magnum opus, Nefesh HaChaim, a work that has lain in almost total obscurity for nearly two centuries due to its deep Kabbalistic subject matter. Nefesh HaTzimtzum opens up the real depth of the ideas presented in Nefesh HaChaim together with all of Rabbi Chaim s related writings, making them accessible to the public for the first time in any language. In addition...
Nefesh HaTzimtzum provides the single most comprehensive and accessible presentation of the teachings and worldview of the Vilna Gaon s primary...
176,86 zł |
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Hasidism Incarnate: Hasidism, Christianity, and the Construction of Modern Judaism
ISBN: 9780804791304 / Angielski / Twarda / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Hasidism Incarnate contends that much of modern Judaism in the West developed in reaction to Christianity and in defense of Judaism as a unique tradition. Ironically enough, this occurred even as modern Judaism increasingly dovetailed with Christianity with regard to its ethos, aesthetics, and attitude toward ritual and faith. Shaul Magid argues that the Hasidic movement in Eastern Europe constitutes an alternative "modernity," one that opens a new window on Jewish theological history. Unlike Judaism in German lands, Hasidism did not develop under a "Christian gaze" and had no need to...
Hasidism Incarnate contends that much of modern Judaism in the West developed in reaction to Christianity and in defense of Judaism as a unique...
312,93 zł |
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Kabbalah and Ecology: God's Image in the More-Than-Human World
ISBN: 9781107081338 / Angielski / Twarda / 420 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Kabbalah and Ecology is a groundbreaking book that resets the conversation about ecology and the Abrahamic traditions. David Mevorach Seidenberg challenges the anthropocentric reading of the Torah, showing that a radically different orientation to the more-than-human world of nature is not only possible, but that such an orientation also leads to a more accurate interpretation of scripture, rabbinic texts, Maimonides and Kabbalah. Deeply grounded in traditional texts and fluent with the physical sciences, this book proposes not only a new understanding of God's image but also a new direction...
Kabbalah and Ecology is a groundbreaking book that resets the conversation about ecology and the Abrahamic traditions. David Mevorach Seidenberg chall...
508,38 zł |
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Yishmru Daat: Hasidic Teachings of the Fourth Turning
ISBN: 9780615808734 / Hebrajski / Miękka / 174 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
66,98 zł |
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Kabbalah: A Neurocognitive Approach to Mystical Experiences
ISBN: 9780300152364 / Angielski / Twarda / 216 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this original study, Moshe Idel, an eminent scholar of Jewish mysticism and thought, and the cognitive neuroscientist and neurologist Shahar Arzy combine their considerable expertise to explore the mysteries of the Kabbalah from an entirely new perspective: that of the human brain. In lieu of the theological, sociological, and psychoanalytic approaches that have generally dominated the study of ecstatic mystical experiences, the authors endeavor to decode the brain mechanisms underlying these phenomena. Arzy and Idel analyze first-person descriptions to explore the Kabbalistic techniques...
In this original study, Moshe Idel, an eminent scholar of Jewish mysticism and thought, and the cognitive neuroscientist and neurologist Shahar Arzy c...
381,37 zł |
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El Poder de los Salmos - Libro I - Salmos 1-41: Ideas e Inspiración Tomadas de las enseñanzas clásicas de Breslov Para enriquecer la Lectura de los Te
ISBN: 9781503220607 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 432 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. EL PODER DE LOS SALMOS Libro I - Salmos 1-41 Para muchos de nosotros, los Tehilim son un enigma. Como aplicamos exactamente las plegarias del rey David a nuestras propias situaciones? Como despertar nuestros corazones con palabras que no podemos comprender plenamente? En pocas palabras, como es posible encontrarnos a nosotros mismos en los Salmos? El Rebe Najman de Breslov nos muestra como hacerlo. Sus ensenanzas buscan y extraen el significado mas profundo de los Salmos y su relacion con nuestras vidas diarias. Con incisivos comentarios e ideas originales, el Rebe transforma nuestro recitado...
EL PODER DE LOS SALMOS Libro I - Salmos 1-41 Para muchos de nosotros, los Tehilim son un enigma. Como aplicamos exactamente las plegarias del rey Davi...
84,84 zł |
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Frames of Mind: Motivation According to Kabbalah (The Judaism and Modern Times Series)
ISBN: 9789657146798 / Angielski / Miękka / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. THE MOST DIFFICULT PAGE IS PAGE NUMBER ONE
We all know the feeling. A book looks interesting, inspiring, bene?cial even... then something happens, and we put it down. That something is a distraction. THE ANTIDOTE IS MOTIVATION. While our lives appear to be moving at an ever increasing pace, we risk an experience known as the vertigo of modernism. With so much happening all around, amidst the dizzying pace of progress and change, how do we keep our focus and maintain our motivation? To answer that question, FRAMES OF MIND examines the recent psychological theory of growth and ?xed mind... THE MOST DIFFICULT PAGE IS PAGE NUMBER ONE
We all know the feeling. A book looks interesting, inspiring, bene?cial even... then something ha... |
125,08 zł |
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Torah Mail vol. 1: A Porção Semanal ao Alcance de Cada Um
ISBN: 9781500704414 / Portugalski / Miękka / 286 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Torah Mail is a book with powerful content for each Portion of the Torah. Usually it has a 'sentence to think', a 'thought to understand', a 'story to live', the 'portion in a nutshell' and 'Mashiach to redeem us'.
Torah Mail is a book with powerful content for each Portion of the Torah. Usually it has a 'sentence to think', a 'thought to understand', a 'story to...
49,07 zł |
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The Cabala: Its Influence on Judaism and Christianity
ISBN: 9781479199082 / Angielski / Miękka / 56 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
44,34 zł |
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Eternally Yours - Volume 1: The Collected Letters of Reb Noson of Breslov
ISBN: 9781500989941 / Angielski / Miękka / 548 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Reb Noson's letters to his friends and family are filled with inspiration for putting Rebbe Nachman of Breslov's teachings of joy and fortitude into daily practice. The mind and energy of Rebbe Nachman's advice pulsate in every letter. These 2 volumes also yield fascinating insights into Reb Noson's life and activities during the years he was building the Breslov movement virtually single-handedly in the face of overwhelming obstacles. The biographies of several people mentioned in the letters, along with synopses of Rebbe Nachman's lessons quoted by Reb Noson, are provided. Volume 2 includes...
Reb Noson's letters to his friends and family are filled with inspiration for putting Rebbe Nachman of Breslov's teachings of joy and fortitude into d...
88,85 zł |
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Cuatro Lecciones del Rabí Najmán de Breslov
ISBN: 9781507542194 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 286 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Este volumen incluye cuatro importantes lecciones del Rebe Najman, acompanadas por una seleccion de material explicativo, mostrando su profundidad y aplicacion a la vida diaria. AZAMRA - "Es una gran mitzva estar siempre alegres." Azamra es la ensenanza del Rebe Najman sobre el camino hacia la felicidad - encontrando los puntos buenos en nosotros mismos y en los demas. AIE? - Para alcanzar una felicidad duradera es necesario saber como salir de la depresion. Este es el tema de " Aie?," la ensenanza del Rebe Najman que muestra como encontrar esperanza hasta en las situaciones mas oscuras y...
Este volumen incluye cuatro importantes lecciones del Rebe Najman, acompanadas por una seleccion de material explicativo, mostrando su profundidad y a...
75,90 zł |
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Cabala; Alcanzando Los Mundos Superiores
ISBN: 9781508442226 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 430 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Una meta importante en el estudio de la Cabala es utilizar este conocimiento para influir en el destino de cada uno de nosotros. El proceso incluye darnos cuenta del verdadero proposito de estar aqui, descubriendo el significado de la vida y la razon por la cual esta se nos ha otorgado. Alcanzando los Mundos Superiores es una magnifica introduccion a la sabiduria de la Cabala, un primer paso hacia el descubrimiento del maximo logro del ascenso espiritual. Este libro llega a todos aquellos que buscan respuestas y para quienes tratan de encontrar una manera logica y confiable de entender los...
Una meta importante en el estudio de la Cabala es utilizar este conocimiento para influir en el destino de cada uno de nosotros. El proceso incluye da...
71,22 zł |
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Abriendo el Zohar
ISBN: 9781508555964 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 360 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. El Libro del Zohar (Libro del Resplandor), tambien conocido como, El Zohar, es uno de los mas misteriosos e incomprendidos composiciones que se han escrito. El asombro, admiracion, e incluso temen que ha suscitado en los ultimos anos son insuperables. Este libro contiene los secretos de toda la Creacion, pero hasta hace poco estos secretos se envuelto en una nube de misterio y conceptos erroneos. Ahora El Zohar esta desarrollando abiertamente su sabiduria en todo el mundo, para mostrar a la humanidad un camino a seguir, ya que el libro mismo declara (Vayera, articulo 460), "Cuando los dias...
El Libro del Zohar (Libro del Resplandor), tambien conocido como, El Zohar, es uno de los mas misteriosos e incomprendidos composiciones que se han es...
71,22 zł |
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Kabbala für Anfänger: Grundlagentexte zur Vorbereitung auf das Studium der authentischen Kabbala
ISBN: 9781897448359 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 648 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Woher komme ich und wohin gehe ich? War ich schon einmal hier? Warum bin ich hier? Kann ich die gesamte Wirklichkeit und den Sinn des Lebens verstehen? Wie kann ich nicht nur Leid vermeiden, sondern auch wahrhaft glucklich und zufrieden werden? Die grossten Kabbalisten unserer Zeit, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, Autor des Sulam Kommentars zum Buch Sohar und sein Sohn und Nachfolger, Rav Baruch Ashlag bieten wertvolle und verstandliche Antworten auf diese Fragen. Sie basieren auf den Schriften des Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Autor des Buches Sohar, und des Heiligen Ari (Rav Izchak Luria), Autor des Buches...
Woher komme ich und wohin gehe ich? War ich schon einmal hier? Warum bin ich hier? Kann ich die gesamte Wirklichkeit und den Sinn des Lebens verstehen...
111,41 zł |
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The Geometry of Creation: The Workings of the Chariot
ISBN: 9781484154151 / Angielski / Miękka / 92 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. (This book probably isn't for you, unless you understood "The Structure of Creation"). You are about to read a book profound as the depths of any abyss found in the world and alive as any waterfall propelling itself into the rocky depths. The book is difficult to understand even though crystal clear. It takes (quite) a few readings but the fruits are more than worth it. Just a word here to help the reader. The forms referred to here, the lines and points of the Star of David are axiomatic and primordial and arise almost before and simultaneously with thought. They are based on the numbers one...
(This book probably isn't for you, unless you understood "The Structure of Creation"). You are about to read a book profound as the depths of any abys...
66,98 zł |
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Hebrew Wisdom Kabbalah
ISBN: 9781508588429 / Angielski / Miękka / 120 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Revised 2, Aug 2016; The book's purpose is to illustrate basic principles of Kabbalah and to reveal some of the Kabbalah symbolisms. We look at the Sefirots what they mean and how they apply in the Tanak. We also look at the first chapter in Genesis and examine some of the symbols there. We examine the name of Elohim in Exodus 3:14 and see what it means. This book also demonstrates the application of Kabbalah. We also reveal the Merkabah in Ezekiel Chapter 1 and how it relates to the Messiah. This book will be a real eye opener for many. We also give you a kabbalistic technique that can give...
Revised 2, Aug 2016; The book's purpose is to illustrate basic principles of Kabbalah and to reveal some of the Kabbalah symbolisms. We look at the Se...
133,91 zł |
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Das Licht der Kabbalah: Die Einführung in das Wesen der Kabbala
ISBN: 9781508622949 / Angielski / Miękka / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Was bedeutet das Studium der Kabbala und welchen inneren und ausseren Weg kann es weisen? Die grundlegenden Konzepte hinter dem Studium und Leben kabbalistischer Weisheit werden verstandlich vorgestellt und so dargelegt, dass der Leser einen ersten Eindruck kabbalistischer Spiritualitat bekommt."
Was bedeutet das Studium der Kabbala und welchen inneren und ausseren Weg kann es weisen? Die grundlegenden Konzepte hinter dem Studium und Leben kabb...
44,60 zł |
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Leben aus der Kabbala: Das Handbuch für den spirituellen Weg
ISBN: 9781508623120 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 416 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Das Grundlagenwerk fur Studium und Praxis des spirituellen Weges der Kabbala. Kabbala ist eine exakte Wissenschaft, die uns Menschen nahe liegt und unsere Stellung im Universum definiert. Sie gibt uns Antworten auf die fundamentalen Fragen des menschlichen Daseins: Warum existieren wir, woher kommen wir, warum sind wir auf dieser Welt, wohin gehen wir, wenn unser Weg hier beendet ist? Die Kabbala stellt eine Methode zur Erfassung der spirituellen und damit auch dieser Welt dar, wobei unsere Welt eine Folgeerscheinung der erstgenannten ist. Einerseits vermittelt uns diese Lehre umfangreiche...
Das Grundlagenwerk fur Studium und Praxis des spirituellen Weges der Kabbala. Kabbala ist eine exakte Wissenschaft, die uns Menschen nahe liegt und un...
66,75 zł |
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Uniting the World Kli - Intentions: Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Congress Buffalo New York
ISBN: 9781508637998 / Angielski / Miękka / 48 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. When you are sitting at the lesson, you experience internal changes that are connected with the common spirit that is born because of others who study along with you. Everyone, including you, connect to the Source that unites you all together... As we study together, all of us must try to connect with one another during the lesson. The important thing is that everyone connects to the same Source, to the same idea...Only this power can correct us.
When you are sitting at the lesson, you experience internal changes that are connected with the common spirit that is born because of others who study...
49,07 zł |
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World Zohar Convention
ISBN: 9781508638322 / Angielski / Miękka / 138 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality World Zohar Convention
Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality World Zohar Convention
57,82 zł |