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Ingessana: The Religious Institutions of a People of the Sudan-Ethiopia Borderland
ISBN: 9789004103610 / Angielski / Twarda / 136 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Ingessana presents the results of field research carried out in the Ingessana Hills area of Sudan, between the White and the Blue Niles, among a people who maintain a proud tradition of cultural independence. The book examines the religious institutions of the Ingessana people, attempting to understand how their history and development has been affected by interaction with powerful neighbours, such as the Islamic Sudanese, Nilotics and Ethiopian groups. The Ingessana have always sought to define this engagement in their own terms and in such a way as to preserve their distinctive...
Ingessana presents the results of field research carried out in the Ingessana Hills area of Sudan, between the White and the Blue Niles, among ...
509,34 zł |
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Hail Orisha!: A Phenomenology of a West African Religion in the Mid-Nineteenth Century
ISBN: 9789004109421 / Angielski / Twarda / 578 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Orisha worshippers who were not subjected to forced migration to the Americas in the nineteenth century remained their own masters, inhabiting cities, towns and farm villages in their West African kingdoms. This study uses documentation from Yoruba writings and from the written record of European missionaries to describe the various facets of their religious life. Arranged in the form of a phenomenology, the work deals with such matters as the veneration of the environment; carved images of the divine; the orisha celebrated in festival, worship and sacrifice; systems of...
Orisha worshippers who were not subjected to forced migration to the Americas in the nineteenth century remained their own masters, inhabiting ...
648,26 zł |
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The Religious Itinerary of a Ghanaian People: The Kasena and the Christian Gospel
ISBN: 9789964877071 / Angielski / Miękka / 416 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
354,03 zł |
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Guardians of the Land
ISBN: 9780869227343 / Angielski / Miękka / 332 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Though Malawi and Central Africa are now predominantly Christian countries, African tradition relgion remains important everywhere. Now a classic, this study was first published in 1979 against the background of neglect in publishing texts on economic and social history and other aspects of cultural development. It provides important information on Central African territorial cults, and it one of a series recording the history of African religious systems. Ten scholars report on detailed case studies conducted in Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe.
Though Malawi and Central Africa are now predominantly Christian countries, African tradition relgion remains important everywhere. Now a classic, thi...
317,03 zł |
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Encyclopedia of African Religion 2 Volume Set
ISBN: 9781412936361 / Angielski / Twarda / 920 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych.
1752,61 zł |
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Sacred Spaces and Religious Traditions in Oriente Cuba
ISBN: 9780826343536 / Angielski / Twarda / 216 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dodson examines the history of traditional religious practices in the Oriente region of contemporary Cuba.
Dodson examines the history of traditional religious practices in the Oriente region of contemporary Cuba.
200,04 zł |
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Haunted by the Archaic Shaman: Himalayan Jhakris and the Discourse on Shamanism
ISBN: 9780739126219 / Angielski / Twarda / 270 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Haunted by the Archaic Shaman critically engages the general discourse on shamanism by using ethnographic data gathered among different ethnic groups in the Nepal Himalayas to address several key conceptual issues and problems in the scholarly field of shamanic studies.
Haunted by the Archaic Shaman critically engages the general discourse on shamanism by using ethnographic data gathered among different ethnic groups ...
537,64 zł |
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The Open Secret of India, Israel and Mexico-from Genesis to Revelations!
ISBN: 9780595498352 / Angielski / Miękka / 192 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. All the races of men, along with their gods, descend from Japhet, son of Noah. The Hebrew and Hindu holy books say that all our deities and religions came from a race of spacemen from Outer Space, to keep mankind from devolving to animal level. "It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth-when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men ." (Genesis 6:4). The ancient Hindus and Turks called them Navalin (Star Ship People) and Anunaka/Anunaki (One who is from the Sky; From the Place of No Pain). The Sumerians, Mesopotamians, and Akkadians called them Anunaki (Sky...
All the races of men, along with their gods, descend from Japhet, son of Noah. The Hebrew and Hindu holy books say that all our deities and religions ...
69,24 zł |
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Capoeira and Candomblé: Conformity and Resistance through Afro-Brazilian Experience
ISBN: 9781558763500 / Angielski / Miękka / 330 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This study encompasses the process of colonization and decolonization from the early modern period to the twentieth century. It shows that the Europeans were normally not considered dangerous invaders by local populations until they threatened the traditio
This study encompasses the process of colonization and decolonization from the early modern period to the twentieth century. It shows that the Europea...
114,14 zł |
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Dread Jesus
ISBN: 9780281051014 / Angielski / Miękka / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 'Dread Jesus' explores the black, dreadlocked Jesus taken from Christianity by the teachings of Rastafari. Is Rastafari simply a bizarre Christian cult, destined to fade if the Emperor Haile Selassie never reappears? Or could it become a vibrant two-thirds world reform movement, recalling Christianity to its original, non-oppressing gospel for all people? Rigorously researched, William David Spencer's unique and compelling study - which includes exclusive interviews with major Rastafarian thinkers and close analysis of the lyrics of many reggae songs - will prove genuinely accessible to...
'Dread Jesus' explores the black, dreadlocked Jesus taken from Christianity by the teachings of Rastafari. Is Rastafari simply a bizarre Christian cul...
163,34 zł |
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Pathology and Identity
ISBN: 9780521384278 / Angielski / Twarda / 352 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Earth People of Trinidad draw on Yoruba sources to assert the particular power of female creativity. This first new Caribbean religion since Rastafari is led by a woman, Mother Earth, whose ideas emerged from her experience of a cerebral disease. The author, Roland Littlewood, who is both a psychiatrist and a social anthropologist, offers a nonreductionist view on the relationship between pathology and creativity, between the natural and the human sciences.
The Earth People of Trinidad draw on Yoruba sources to assert the particular power of female creativity. This first new Caribbean religion since Rasta...
575,57 zł |
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The Sacred Void: Spatial Images of Work and Ritual Among the Giriama of Kenya
ISBN: 9780521404662 / Angielski / Twarda / 284 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this innovative study, David Parkin shows how indigenous African rites and beliefs may be reworked to accommodate a variety of economic systems, new spatial and ecological relations among communities, and the locally variable influences of Islam and Christianity. The Giriama people of Kenya include pastoralists living in the hinterland; farmers, who work land closer to the coast; and migrants, who earn money as laborers or fisherman on the coast itself. Wherever they live, they revere an ancient and formerly fortified capital, located in the pastoralist hinterland, which few of them ever...
In this innovative study, David Parkin shows how indigenous African rites and beliefs may be reworked to accommodate a variety of economic systems, ne...
528,13 zł |
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Magic and the Supernatural in Fourth Century Syria
ISBN: 9780415392426 / Angielski / Miękka / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Magic and the Supernatural in Fourth Century Syria presents an in-depth investigation of a variety of 'magical' practices with a focused study in the late antique Syria and Palestine. Offering new research using both archaeological and literary sources, and blending Classical, Jewish, and Christian traditions from both regions, Silke Trzcionka examines a myriad of magical activities such as:
Magic and the Supernatural in Fourth Century Syria presents an in-depth investigation of a variety of 'magical' practices with a focused s... |
200,25 zł |
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African Ancestors Religion: Chipembedzo Cha Makolo Achikuda
ISBN: 9789990876390 / Angielski / Miękka / 92 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book sets out, translates into English and interprets the key documents and texts of the African Ancestors Religion. It contextualises the movement within Malawi's new religious movements and conflicts between tradition and modernisation. It argues that both the negative and positive aspects of the teaching reflect an indigenous, carefully considered strategy to mobilise the masses for a return to traditional practices of worship, and to challenge the foreign ideologies of Christianity, which its follows consider are undermining the religious heritage of Africans.
This book sets out, translates into English and interprets the key documents and texts of the African Ancestors Religion. It contextualises the moveme...
163,82 zł |
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Galu Wamkota: Missiological Reflections from South-Central Africa
ISBN: 9789990887051 / Angielski / Miękka / 512 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "An old dog (galu wamkota) does not dig for nothing," so the proverb says. The two authors, one from America (with 45 years in Zambia); the other from Zambia, explore the encounter of the Christian faith with African Traditional Religion, treating concept(s) of God, the world of the spirits, of powers and witchcraft, and then how the Bible can be translated into the language of Zambia and Malawi taking into account both changes in concepts of translation and in society
"An old dog (galu wamkota) does not dig for nothing," so the proverb says. The two authors, one from America (with 45 years in Zambia); the other from...
375,17 zł |
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Translating the Message: The Missionary Impact on Culture
ISBN: 9781570758041 / Angielski / Miękka / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Working with new insights on the influence that Christian translations of Scriptures and catechisms into African languages had on cultural self-understanding, social awakening, religious renewal, reciprocity in mission, process, Sanneh shows that mission and translation were and continue to be integral parts of cultural renewal in the face of the relentless onslaught of imperialism in its classic and contemporary forms.
Working with new insights on the influence that Christian translations of Scriptures and catechisms into African languages had on cultural self-unders...
155,21 zł |
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Ban of the Bori: Demons and Demon-Dancing in West and North Africa
ISBN: 9780714617305 / Angielski / Twarda / 564 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. First Published in 1968. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
First Published in 1968. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
701,04 zł |
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Religion, Morality and the Person: Essays on Tallensi Religion
ISBN: 9780521336932 / Angielski / Miękka / 364 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Meyer Fortes (1906 1982) was one of the foremost anthropologists of this century, who for many years worked among the Tallensi of northern Ghana. Although he published seminally important monographs on Tallensi family and kinship and on political organization, his work on their religion has hitherto remained confined to disparate journals and edited volumes. This collection brings together in one place his major writings on religion."
Meyer Fortes (1906 1982) was one of the foremost anthropologists of this century, who for many years worked among the Tallensi of northern Ghana. Alth...
277,00 zł |
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Plantation Church: How African American Religion Was Born in Caribbean Slavery
ISBN: 9780195369137 / Angielski / Miękka / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Noel Leo Erskine investigates the history of the Black Church as it developed both in the United States and the Caribbean after the arrival of enslaved Africans. Typically, when people talk about "the Black Church" they are referring to African-American churches in the U.S., but in fact, the majority of African slaves were brought to the Caribbean. It was there, Erskine argues, that the Black religious experience was born. The massive Afro-Caribbean population was able to establish a form of Christianity that preserved African Gods and practices, but fused them with Christian teachings,...
Noel Leo Erskine investigates the history of the Black Church as it developed both in the United States and the Caribbean after the arrival of enslave...
179,40 zł |
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Plantation Church: How African American Religion Was Born in Caribbean Slavery
ISBN: 9780195369144 / Angielski / Twarda / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Noel Leo Erskine investigates the history of the Black Church as it developed both in the United States and the Caribbean after the arrival of enslaved Africans. Typically, when people talk about "the Black Church" they are referring to African-American churches in the U.S., but in fact, the majority of African slaves were brought to the Caribbean. It was there, Erskine argues, that the Black religious experience was born. The massive Afro-Caribbean population was able to establish a form of Christianity that preserved African Gods and practices, but fused them with Christian teachings,...
Noel Leo Erskine investigates the history of the Black Church as it developed both in the United States and the Caribbean after the arrival of enslave...
670,45 zł |