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God and Goodness
ISBN: 9780199256648 / Angielski / Miękka / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Hugh Rice explains why belief in God need not be seen as a strange or irrational belief, but can be a natural extension of our ordinary ways of thinking. He suggests that we should think of God in an abstract way, and he offers a satisfying account of the relationship between God and goodness.
Hugh Rice explains why belief in God need not be seen as a strange or irrational belief, but can be a natural extension of our ordinary ways of thinki...
147,03 zł |
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Small Christian Communities
ISBN: 9780268017613 / Angielski / Twarda / 132 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This text presents the findings of a theological consultation held in 1996, which discussed the future of the Christian Church. It describes how small communities can enrich the life of the Church by drawing together people of diverse cultures and economic situations for spiritual renewal.
This text presents the findings of a theological consultation held in 1996, which discussed the future of the Christian Church. It describes how small...
80,55 zł |
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How to Speak to Youth . . . and Keep Them Awake at the Same Time: A Step-By-Step Guide for Improving Your Talks
ISBN: 9780310201465 / Angielski / Miękka / 192 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Speaking to youth is challenging. Here's the help you've been looking for. . . . How to Speak to Youth is packed with tons of tips to make you a better speaker with any size group large or small. You'll enhance your communication skills with - A proven system for preparing dynamic talks - Exercises to improve your voice, gestures, and eye contact - Techniques to use the humor you find in everyday life - Ideas to make Scriptures come alive. And you'll discover ways to- Prepare with focus - Speak with clarity - Communicate with power. Plus, you'll enjoy the many humorous illustrations... Speaking to youth is challenging. Here's the help you've been looking for. . . . How to Speak to Youth is packed with tons of tips to make you a be... |
85,43 zł |
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Creative Bible Lessons in John: Encounters with Jesus
ISBN: 9780310207696 / Angielski / Miękka / 112 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Do you want to teach solid Biblical truth to your kids without their eyes glazing over as soon as you say "open your Bibles"? Now you can, with Creative Bible Lessons in John: Encounters with Jesus. Following in the successful path of Youth Specialties' instant bestseller Creative Bible Lessons on the Life of Christ by Doug Fields, veteran family life and youth workers Janice and Jay Ashcraft have created 12 lively, ready-to-use lessons that actually make it fun to dig into Scripture. The Ashcrafts utilize creative learning techniques to spark your kids interest and keep them actively... Do you want to teach solid Biblical truth to your kids without their eyes glazing over as soon as you say "open your Bibles"? Now you can, with Cre... |
98,25 zł |
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Spontaneous Melodramas: 24 Impromptu Skits That Bring Bible Stories to Life
ISBN: 9780310207757 / Angielski / Miękka / 104 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. You know them as hilarious, boisterous skits that get kids involved, whether they're hamming up front, or in the audience cheering for the good guys, hissing the bad guys, and getting nearly as animated as the onstage actors. Better yet, these no-rehearsal skits are comic takes on 24 classic Bible stories, from Babel to Zacchaeus. Use these skits to take your students into or out of your Bible lesson -- for the humor never buries the central message of the Bible passage. Inside you'll find 12 Old Testament and 12 New Testament stories -- like these: - The First Tongue Twister (the Tower of... You know them as hilarious, boisterous skits that get kids involved, whether they're hamming up front, or in the audience cheering for the good guy... |
106,80 zł |
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What If . . . ?: 450 Thought Provoking Questions to Get Teenagers Talking, Laughing, and Thinking
ISBN: 9780310207764 / Angielski / Miękka / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This stimulating, go-anywhere resource provides 450 provocative questions to get kids talking.
This stimulating, go-anywhere resource provides 450 provocative questions to get kids talking.
98,25 zł |
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Creative Bible Lessons in Romans: Faith in Fire!
ISBN: 9780310207771 / Angielski / Miękka / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Think of it as a lean, mean Bible doctrine course--without the lecture. But with lots of options, videos, music, and drama. And small group work. And reproducible, interactive worksheets with eye-catching designs and soul-searching content. (Like, what else do you expect from St. Paul when he sits down to write the meatiest book of doctrine in the Bible?) in the 12 clear, complete sessions of Creative Bible Lessons in Romans. Author Chap Clark guides kids (and you) through the Big Ideas in this first-century letter to Christians trying their darndest to live godly lives in an ungodly... Think of it as a lean, mean Bible doctrine course--without the lecture. But with lots of options, videos, music, and drama. And small group work. A... |
72,61 zł |
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Help! I'm a Sunday School Teacher: 50 Ways to Make Sunday School Come Alive
ISBN: 9780310209195 / Angielski / Miękka / 144 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Yes, help is on the way--in this funny, yet extremely practical volume. Flannel graph-tested Sunday school veteran Ray Johnston offers empathy and understanding as he serves up 50 creative thoughts, tips, and ideas you can use to make Sunday school come alive, including: Letting students choose the content. How to use the element of surprise. How to tackle tough topics. Small can be beautiful. Keep your kids guessing. How to adapt curriculum for your kids. You (yes, you) can be creative. It's OK to have fun and many more As an added bonus, Ray has included resources that you can use to... Yes, help is on the way--in this funny, yet extremely practical volume. Flannel graph-tested Sunday school veteran Ray Johnston offers empathy and ... |
85,43 zł |
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Would You Rather . . . ?: 465 Provocative Questions to Get Teenagers Talking
ISBN: 9780310209430 / Angielski / Miękka / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Ask away . . . and get your students talking with these provocative questions. Would You Rather . . .? gives you 465 stimulating either-or questions that will get your students talking, laughing, debating, and thinking. Questions like Would You Rather . . . watch a soap opera or make fun of one? . . . be gossiped about or lied to? . . .get shot from a cannon or walk a high wire? . . . make a child cry or kick a puppy? . . . attend the Last Supper or discover Jesus' empty tomb? You can use these questions anywhere, anytime -- when you want to break the ice, spark a discussion, build... Ask away . . . and get your students talking with these provocative questions. Would You Rather . . .? gives you 465 stimulating either-or question... |
85,43 zł |
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Basic Principles of Biblical Counseling: Meeting Counseling Needs Through the Local Church
ISBN: 9780310225607 / Angielski / Miękka / 112 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "The local church should and can successfully assume responsibility within its ranks for restoring troubled people to full, productive, creative lives." "If we are to hope for success in such immense and seriously neglected responsibility, pastors need to return to the biblical model not of ministering to their people but of equipping their people to minister to each other by using their spiritual gifts." "Congregations need to regain that wonderful sense of 'koinonia' fellowship and pro practice true community." "The local church should and can successfully assume responsibility within its ranks for restoring troubled people to full, productive, creative li... |
106,80 zł |
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Your Church Sign: 1001 Attention-Getting Sayings
ISBN: 9780310228028 / Angielski / Miękka / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Signs have been almost as much a part of the modern church as the front doors. For that matter, they've been the entry into church life for countless people who have responded to their brief but cogent message. Your church sign has more potential than you may imagine -- if you're smart in using it. Your Church Sign offers you sound pointers on signage. You'll find tips on impactful sign placement, captions, themes, and how to write effective messages. And you'll get more than one thousand ready-made, eye-catching sayings. Some are humorous, some are encouraging, some are wise, some are... Signs have been almost as much a part of the modern church as the front doors. For that matter, they've been the entry into church life for countle... |
85,43 zł |
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Serving in Your Church Nursery
ISBN: 9780310241041 / Angielski / Miękka / 93 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. - For Individual use - Group training Photocopyable resources include: job descriptions, caregiver interview form, staff evaluation survey, guidelines for nursery use, information card, and incident report form A well-run nursery is a tremendous asset to a church. The responsibilities are demanding, but with prayer, patience, and commitment, you can minimize the frustrations and maximize the difference you make in the lives of children ages three and under and their parents. Whether you're leading your church's nursery ministry, serving in it, or just thinking of getting involved, you will... - For Individual use - Group training Photocopyable resources include: job descriptions, caregiver interview form, staff evaluation survey, guideli... |
72,61 zł |
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Serving by Safeguarding Your Church
ISBN: 9780310241058 / Angielski / Miękka / 96 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. For: -Individual use -Group training Includes diagrams, checklists, and resource lists Church ought to be the safest place on earth. Here's how to fulfill that goal in practical ways, from developing a security structure and team, to assessing interior and exterior building security, training ushers and greeters to be sensitive to security, forming an emergency reaction team, establishing financial accountability, and much more. Serving by Safeguarding Your Church takes you through the ins and outs of -Building for Security -Organizing for Security -Taking Actions to Improve Security... For: -Individual use -Group training Includes diagrams, checklists, and resource lists Church ought to be the safest place on earth. Here's how to ... |
81,15 zł |
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The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations
ISBN: 9780310245643 / Angielski / Miękka / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Includes -Samples and photos of emerging church worship gatherings -Recommended resources for the emerging church The seeker-sensitive movement revolutionized the way we did church and introduced countless baby boomers to Jesus. Yet trends show that today's post-Christian generations are not responding like the generations before them. As we enter a new cultural era, what do worship services look like that are connecting with the hearts of emerging generations? How do preaching, leadership, evangelism, spiritual formation, and, most of all, how we even think of "church" need to change? The... Includes -Samples and photos of emerging church worship gatherings -Recommended resources for the emerging church The seeker-sensitive movement rev... |
81,15 zł |
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Who Runs the Church?: 4 Views on Church Government
ISBN: 9780310246077 / Angielski / Miękka / 320 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Churches have split and denominations have formed over the issue of church government. Yet while many Christians can explain their particular church's form of rule and may staunchly uphold it, few have a truly biblical understanding of it. What model for governing the church does the Bible provide? Is there room for different methods? Or is just one way the right way? In Who Runs the Church? Four predominant approaches to church government are presented by respected proponents: - Episcopalianism (Peter Toon) - Presbyterianism (L. Roy Taylor) - Single-Elder Congregationalism (Paige Patterson)...
Churches have split and denominations have formed over the issue of church government. Yet while many Christians can explain their particular church's...
106,80 zł |
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I'm More Than the Pastor's Wife: Authentic Living in a Fishbowl World
ISBN: 9780310247289 / Angielski / Miękka / 192 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Lorna Dobson knows firsthand the struggles and joys of being married to a pastor--and the questions, not the least of which is, "What is a 'pastor's wife, ' anyway?" As her poll of hundreds of women reveals, the wife of a minister is rarely the piano-playing, committee-leading stereotype. With humor, disarming genuineness, personal stories, and wisdom rooted in Scripture, Dobson cuts through the labels. "How I live has little to do with whether my husband is a pastor; rather, my life reflects my growth, or lack of it, as a Christian." In this revised edition of I'm More Than the Pastor's...
Lorna Dobson knows firsthand the struggles and joys of being married to a pastor--and the questions, not the least of which is, "What is a 'pastor's w...
98,25 zł |
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Serving as a Church Greeter
ISBN: 9780310247647 / Angielski / Miękka / 80 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. For: -Individual use -Group training Greeters are the welcoming arms that people long to find in a church. This practical guidebook will help you reach out to people who need to experience the warmth of belonging to a church family. Serving as a Church Greeter sheds light on -The Ministry of Church Greeters -The Need for Warmhearted Greeters -Developing a User-Friendly Foyer -A Better Way of Doing Things -The Parking Lot Ministry Zondervan Practical Ministry Guides provide you with simple, practical insights for serving in today's churches. Written by experienced pastors and church... For: -Individual use -Group training Greeters are the welcoming arms that people long to find in a church. This practical guidebook will help you r... |
34,15 zł |
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The Church of Irresistible Influence: Bridge-Building Stories to Help Reach Your Community
ISBN: 9780310250159 / Angielski / Miękka / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A city set on a hill, inescapably visible. A lit lamp brilliantly illuminating the darkest room. With compelling metaphors, Jesus described the church and its impact on the world. And indeed, filled with the Holy Spirit, the early church demonstrated a spiritual energy and depth that transformed the surrounding culture. Don't let your church settle for less Using bridges as a metaphor for "irresistible influence"--or i2, as he calls it--Robert Lewis shows how your church can become a strong, well-traveled link between heaven and earth in your community. In this engaging and uplifting... A city set on a hill, inescapably visible. A lit lamp brilliantly illuminating the darkest room. With compelling metaphors, Jesus described the chu... |
98,25 zł |
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Walking the Small Group Tightrope: Meeting the Challenges Every Group Faces
ISBN: 9780310252290 / Angielski / Miękka / 208 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Six Ways to Improve Your Balance as a Group Leader Leading a successful small group is like walking a tightrope. You traverse a taut, exciting line, balancing the dynamic tensions characteristic of every group. Drawing from the concept of "polarity management," Bill Donahue and Russ Robinson help you understand and deal with six dynamic areas every group leader must manage in order to create genuine, transforming small group community. Your group is in for unprecedented connection and growth when you harness the interplay between - Truth and Life - Care and Discipleship - Friendship and... Six Ways to Improve Your Balance as a Group Leader Leading a successful small group is like walking a tightrope. You traverse a taut, exciting line... |
55,51 zł |
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The Search to Belong: Rethinking Intimacy, Community, and Small Groups
ISBN: 9780310255000 / Angielski / Miękka / 192 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A practical guide for those struggling to build a community of believers in a culture that wants to experience belonging over believing Who is my neighbor? Who belongs to me? To whom do I belong? These are timeless questions that guide the church to its fundamental calling. Today terms like neighbor, family, and congregation are being redefined. People are searching to belong in new places and experiences. The church needs to adapt its interpretations, definitions, and language to make sense in the changing culture. This book equips congregations and church leaders with tools to: - Discern... A practical guide for those struggling to build a community of believers in a culture that wants to experience belonging over believing Who is my n... |
85,43 zł |