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The Parables of Peanuts
ISBN: 9780060011611 / Angielski / Miękka / 336 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. First published in 1968, this contemporary case for vigorous Christian faith -- profusely illustrated by Charles Schulz′s delightful peanuts cartoon strips -- sheds more light on the Christian faith and how it is to be lived than many more "serious" theological works, with hundreds of cartoons featuring your favorite peanuts characters Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, And of course, Snoopy (including the earliest red baron strips). This book′s wise observations are as timeless as they are timely. "Short . . .succeeds in making theology enjoyable." --Christian Century ." . . a real... First published in 1968, this contemporary case for vigorous Christian faith -- profusely illustrated by Charles Schulz′s delightful peanuts ... |
78,16 zł |
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A Grief Observed
ISBN: 9780060652388 / Angielski / Miękka / 112 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A classic work on grief, A Grief Observed is C.S. Lewis's honest reflection on the fundamental issues of life, death, and faith in the midst of loss. Written after his wife's tragic death as a way of surviving the "mad midnight moments," A Grief Observed an unflinchingly truthful account of how loss can lead even a stalwart believer to lose all sense of meaning in the universe, and the inspirational tale of how he can possibly regain his bearings. A classic work on grief, A Grief Observed is C.S. Lewis's honest reflection on the fundamental issues of life, death, and faith in the mid... |
74,05 zł |
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ISBN: 9780060653019 / Angielski / Miękka / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In the classic Miracles, C.S. Lewis, the most important Christian writer of the 20th century, argues that a Christian must not only accept but rejoice in miracles as a testimony of the unique personal involvement of God in his creation. In the classic Miracles, C.S. Lewis, the most important Christian writer of the 20th century, argues that a Christian must not only accept... |
74,05 zł |
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El Gran Divorcio: Un Sueno
ISBN: 9780061140006 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 144 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Un fantastico viaje entre el Cielo y el Infierno En El Gran Divorcio, C. S. Lewis de nuevo utiliza su formidable talento para contar fabulas y alegorias. En un sueno, el escritor se sube a un autobus una tarde lloviznosa y se embarca en un increible viaje por el Cielo y el Infierno. Este es el punto de partida para la profunda meditacion sobre el bien y el mal. "Si insistimos en quedarnos con el Infierno (o incluso la Tierra) no veremos el Cielo: si aceptamos al Cielo no podremos quedarnos ni siquiera con el mas pequeno e intimo souvenir del Infierno."
Un fantastico viaje entre el Cielo y el Infierno En El Gran Divorcio, C. S. Lewis de nuevo utiliza su formidable talento para contar fabulas y alegori...
49,35 zł |
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Mero Cristianismo
ISBN: 9780061140013 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Esta obra poderosa y practica es una de las mas populares y queridas introducciones a la fe cristiana jamas escritaMero Cristianismo reune las legendarias charlas radiofonicas de C. S. Lewis que se transmitieron durante tiempos de guerra, charlas en las cuales el se proponia "explicar y defender las creencias que han sido comun a casi todos los cristianos de todos los tiempos." Rechazando los limites que dividen las distintas denominaciones del cristianismo, C. S. Lewis ofrece una inigualable oportunidad al creyente y al no creyente para escuchar un argumento fuerte y racional para la fe...
Esta obra poderosa y practica es una de las mas populares y queridas introducciones a la fe cristiana jamas escritaMero Cristianismo reune las legenda...
49,35 zł |
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Los Milagros
ISBN: 9780061140020 / Angielski / Miękka / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. En realidad suceden milagros?"El milagro principal del que hablan los cristianos es la Encarnacion. Ellos dicen que Dios se hizo Hombre. Cualquier otro milagro sucedio en preparacion para esto, o es un resultado de esto."Este es el punto clave de Los Milagros, obra en la cual C. S. Lewis nos muestra que un cristiano debe no solo aceptar sino tambien regocijarse de los milagros como testimonios de la participacion de Dios en la creacion. Utilizando su caracteristico calor, lucidez e ingenio, Lewis desafia a los racionalistas y a los cinicos por su falta de imaginacion, y ofrece una poetica y...
En realidad suceden milagros?"El milagro principal del que hablan los cristianos es la Encarnacion. Ellos dicen que Dios se hizo Hombre. Cualquier otr...
49,18 zł |
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El Problema del Dolor
ISBN: 9780061140037 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Por que debemos sufrir? "Si Dios es bueno y todopoderoso, por que permite que suscriaturas sufran?" Y que del sufrimiento de los animales, quienes ni se merecen el dolor ni pueden mejorarse por medio de el? C. S. Lewis, el mas importante pensador cristiano de nuestros tiempos, se propone aclarar este tema espinoso en este libro. Con su estilo conocido, su profunda compasion y su extenso entendimiento, el autor ofrece respuestas a estas cruciales preguntas, y comparte su esperanza y su conocimiento para ayudar a sanar a un mundo hambriento por el verdadero entendimiento de la naturaleza...
Por que debemos sufrir? "Si Dios es bueno y todopoderoso, por que permite que suscriaturas sufran?" Y que del sufrimiento de los animales, quienes ni ...
49,35 zł |
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Los Cuatro Amores
ISBN: 9780061140051 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Un ensayo lucido, directo y colmado de ejemplos sobre una eterna realidad de la vida del hombre y de la mujerEn este libro, C. S. Lewis refleja sobre los cuatro tipos basicos del amor humano -- el afecto, la amistad, el eros y la caridad. El autor explora la promesa y el peligro del amor entre padres e hijos; el amor que los hombres comparten con otros hombres y las mujeres con otras mujeres; el amor entre hombre y mujer; y el amor de y por Dios que aumenta todo amor. Lewis tambien considera las preguntas acerca del sexo, la posesividad, los celos, el orgullo, el falso sentimentalismo, los...
Un ensayo lucido, directo y colmado de ejemplos sobre una eterna realidad de la vida del hombre y de la mujerEn este libro, C. S. Lewis refleja sobre ...
49,35 zł |
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Cautivado Por La Alegria
ISBN: 9780061140068 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Una autobiografia sumamente personal y sinceraacerca de la conversionC. S. Lewis, un observador del yo infaliblemente honesto y sumamente perspicaz, cuenta vividamente la trayectoria espiritual que lo llevo desde una ninez cristiana en Belfast a una adolescencia atea y de vuelta finalmente al cristianismo. Lewis describe sus dias en la escuela a una edad temprana, sus experiencias en las trinches durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y los anos como estudiante universitario en Oxford, donde se encontro otra vez atraido a Dios. El aspecto racional de su conversion hace que el relato de Lewis sea...
Una autobiografia sumamente personal y sinceraacerca de la conversionC. S. Lewis, un observador del yo infaliblemente honesto y sumamente perspicaz, c...
57,58 zł |
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Una Pena En Observacion
ISBN: 9780061140075 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 112 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Esta obra es un lindo y resuelto testamento de como hasta un creyente incondicional puede perder el sentido de la vida, y de como puede gradualmente orientarse de nuevoEscrito tras la tragica muerte de su amada esposa como una ma-nera de sobrevivir los "dificiles momentos de la medianoche," Una Pena en Observacion relata los mas sinceros pensamientos deC. S. Lewis sobre los temas fundamentales de la vida, la muerte y la fe al sufrir una perdida. Esta obra contiene sus mas intimas re-flexiones sobre esa etapa de su vida.
Esta obra es un lindo y resuelto testamento de como hasta un creyente incondicional puede perder el sentido de la vida, y de como puede gradualmente o...
49,35 zł |
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Speak What We Feel
ISBN: 9780062517531 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Four Unexpected Prophets Who Shine Light into the Darkness Four Unexpected Prophets Who Shine Light into the Darkness |
65,81 zł |
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Early Christian Lives
ISBN: 9780140435269 / Angielski / Miękka / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Written between the mid-fourth and late sixth centuries to commemorate and glorify the achievements of early Christian saints, these six biographies depict men who devoted themselves to solitude, poverty and prayer. Athanasius records Antony's extreme seclusion in the Egyptian desert, despite temptation by the devil and visits from his followers. Jerome also shows those who fled persecution or withdrew from society to pursue lives of chastity and asceticism in his accounts of Paul of Thebes, Hilarion and Malchus. In his Life of Martin, Sulpicius Severus describes the achievements of a...
Written between the mid-fourth and late sixth centuries to commemorate and glorify the achievements of early Christian saints, these six biographies d...
65,07 zł |
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The Bible and Its Rewritings
ISBN: 9780198184874 / Angielski / Twarda / 248 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book examines the Bible and its medieval and modern rewritings. It looks at some of the most beautiful and intriguing scenes from the Old and New Testament and the direct or indirect Re-Scriptures of these by writers such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, and T.S. Eliot as well as by ancient exegesis, catacomb frescoes, and church paintings.
This book examines the Bible and its medieval and modern rewritings. It looks at some of the most beautiful and intriguing scenes from the Old and New...
726,39 zł |
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Nineteenth-Century Religion and Literature: An Introduction
ISBN: 9780199277100 / Angielski / Twarda / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Recent scholarship in nineteenth-century literary studies consistently recognizes the profound importance of religion, even as it marginalizes the topic. There are few, if any, challenging yet manageable introductions to religion and literature in the long-nineteenth century, a factor that serves to fuel scholars' neglect of theological issues. This book aims to show how religion, specifically Christianity, is integral to the literature and culture of this period. It provides close readings of popular texts and integrates these with accessible explanations of complex religious ideas. Written...
Recent scholarship in nineteenth-century literary studies consistently recognizes the profound importance of religion, even as it marginalizes the top...
762,39 zł |
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Finding Saint Francis in Literature and Art
ISBN: 9780230602861 / Angielski / Twarda / 209 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Contributors demonstrate how the tools of various intellectual disciplines can be used to examine what we now know about the story of Saint Francis in his own era and how that story has been appropriated in our period.
Contributors demonstrate how the tools of various intellectual disciplines can be used to examine what we now know about the story of Saint Francis in...
200,30 zł |
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Faithful Persuasion: In Aid of a Rhetoric of Christian Theology
ISBN: 9780268009847 / Angielski / Twarda / 312 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Over the past twenty years, scholars in a wide variety of academic disciplines have been giving increasing attention to rhetoric - the study of persuasive argument. In Faithful Persuasion David S. Cunningham offers the contemporary era's first sustained account of the relationship between rhetoric and Christian theology. Cunningham argues that Christian thinkers should abandon their attempts to codify argumentation within the canons of formal logic and suggests that they should instead come to a more organic understanding of the process of persuasion. This rhetorical approach to theology can...
Over the past twenty years, scholars in a wide variety of academic disciplines have been giving increasing attention to rhetoric - the study of persua...
81,03 zł |
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Keys to the Deeper Life
ISBN: 9780310333616 / Angielski / Miękka / 96 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this revised and expanded collection of Tozer's most popular essays readers will discover the way to a vital, personal Christianity as they read commentary on revival, renewal, and much more.
In this revised and expanded collection of Tozer's most popular essays readers will discover the way to a vital, personal Christianity as they read co...
61,70 zł |
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Saint Thomas More: Selected Writings
ISBN: 9780375725722 / Angielski / Miękka / 320 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Thomas More is perhaps most familiar to us from his courageous struggle with Henry VIII, unforgettably portrayed in Robert Bolt's classic, A Man for All Seasons. But that final struggle, which ended in his execution for treason, was only the crowning act in a life that he had devoted to God long before.
In the first selection in decades made for the general reader from his collected works, this volume traces More's journey of moral conviction in his own words and writings. Drawing on a variety of More's late writings-the extraordinary "Tower Works," written in prison, his poignant... Thomas More is perhaps most familiar to us from his courageous struggle with Henry VIII, unforgettably portrayed in Robert Bolt's classic, A Man fo...
65,86 zł |
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The City of God
ISBN: 9780385029100 / Angielski / Miękka / 551 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. No book except the Bible itself had a greater influence on the Middle Ages than City of God. Since medieval Europe was the cradle of today s Western civilization, this work by consequence is vital for understanding our world and how it came into being.
Saint Augustine is often regardarded as the most influential Christian thinker after Saint Paul, and City of God is his materpiece, a cast synthesis of religious and secular knowledge. It began as a reply to the charge that Christian otherworldiness was causing the decline of the Roman Empire. Augustine produced a wealth of... No book except the Bible itself had a greater influence on the Middle Ages than City of God. Since medieval Europe was the cradle of today s We...
86,44 zł |
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Christ's Body: Identity, Culture and Society in Late Medieval Writings
ISBN: 9780415144261 / Angielski / Miękka / 216 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. At the very heart of Christian doctrine and late medieval practice was the image of the crucified Christ. Sarah Beckwith examines the social meaning of this image across a range of key devotional English texts, using insights from anthropology and cultural studies.
The image of the crucified Christ, she argues, acted as a place where the tensions between the sacred and the profane, the individual and the collective, were played out. The medieval obsession with the contours of Christ's body functioned to challenge and transform social and political relations. A fascinating and... At the very heart of Christian doctrine and late medieval practice was the image of the crucified Christ. Sarah Beckwith examines the social meaning o...
197,58 zł |