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Devotions for Life: New Ideas from Old Ways
ISBN: 9781443841153 / Angielski / Twarda / 345 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. All of us wrestle with the trials and difficulties of life. Everywhere we turn these days there seems to be frustration, heartache, and disappointment. We want to know how to persevere when we face adverse situations that constantly threaten to knock us down. This collection of devotions will help you build your faith and strengthen your trust in God. You will discover dynamic new ways for dealing with the same old problems. There are hundreds of inspirational meditations that can be read individually, in series, or randomly. Each one is based on parables, lessons, and scriptures from the Old...
All of us wrestle with the trials and difficulties of life. Everywhere we turn these days there seems to be frustration, heartache, and disappointment...
251,32 zł |
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Praying Through Genesis
ISBN: 9781478377757 / Angielski / Miękka / 174 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Genesis means "In the beginning." Genesis is about beginnings - the beginning of creation, time, mankind, relationships, sin and salvation. The only thing Genesis is not about is the beginning of God, who always was and always is. Genesis helps us to understand where it all began and why things are the way they are. It shows us the importance of Israel and how God protects and guides a people dedicated to him. Genesis shows us that God has a plan and if you follow that plan, he will lead you to eternal life. Genesis sets purpose in motion. The faith of Abraham reveals a belief that moves from...
Genesis means "In the beginning." Genesis is about beginnings - the beginning of creation, time, mankind, relationships, sin and salvation. The only t...
38,56 zł |
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Walking with Jesus
ISBN: 9781612036236 / Angielski / Miękka / 98 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Included in this book are Walking with Jesus along with Some Dying Sayings of Mary Winslow.
"Let us keep our eye and our hearts upon our blessed home. Earth is but a stage erected as our passage to the place Jesus has gone to prepare for us. What a place must that be which infinite power and love has engaged to provide! Oh, let us not lose sight of heaven for a moment. How prone are we to allow our minds and hearts (treacherous hearts!) to become entangled with the baubles of a dying world. No wonder Christ exhorted us to watch and pray. Heaven is our home; our happy home. We are but... Included in this book are Walking with Jesus along with Some Dying Sayings of Mary Winslow.
"Let us keep our eye and our hearts upon our bles... |
57,14 zł |
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A Series of Practical Meditations
ISBN: 9781612036281 / Angielski / Miękka / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Every different name or title by which a Christian is described, leads to a particular practical obligation. I wish to consider some of the practical and personal thoughts and conclusions which flow from each. The object of such meditation is to aid us in walking worthy of our high vocation, and to encourage us to perfect holiness in the fear of God. No object could be more important. If God shall be pleased to bless us in this, no greater blessing can be bestowed. Thus shall we be made able to glorify the Savior on earth--to confess him in the world--to honor him among men--to walk in the...
Every different name or title by which a Christian is described, leads to a particular practical obligation. I wish to consider some of the practical ...
60,00 zł |
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Confessions That Brings Prosperity
ISBN: 9780615691428 / Angielski / Miękka / 90 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. God wants you Blessed but you must understand how to get into the Blessings. Prosperity scriptures must be confessed to activate our faith. The Last days are days of the supernatural and Believers will get wealth creating ideas while they get God's word into their spirit man.
God wants you Blessed but you must understand how to get into the Blessings. Prosperity scriptures must be confessed to activate our faith. The Last d...
42,84 zł |
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100 Dias de Comunion, Sabiduria y Gracia
ISBN: 9780615703855 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 162 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Este no es un libro con una historia que tiene principio y fin. Es un manual, un libro de referencia para la vida diaria. Los consejos y principios en este libro son para ser visitados continuamente, para meditar en ellos y refrescar nuestro espiritu continuamente. J.A.Perez nos entrega reflexiones y consejos practicos sacados de su diario caminar y devocion. Para crecer en comunion con Dios, en sabiduria y conocimiento de verdades del Evangelio de Gracia, que nos ayudan a vivir seguros, gozosos y libres de culpa.
Este no es un libro con una historia que tiene principio y fin. Es un manual, un libro de referencia para la vida diaria. Los consejos y principios en...
60,00 zł |
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Leaping the Wall: Practical Ways to Empower Faith During Difficult Times
ISBN: 9781478245032 / Angielski / Miękka / 148 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Using a storytelling style and biblical truth to encourage practical aspects of faith, LEAPING THE WALL investigates ways to empower our faith during difficult times. Written with compassion, honesty and truth, this book explores the deeper questions of faith that haunt us. Why does a loving God allow pain and suffering? How do sorrow and grief fit in with the biblical understanding that God has a good plan for our lives? Does God care about our pain? Through practical suggestions, encouraging stories, and Scripture, Kloster gently encourages readers to focus on grace, peace, joy, and hope to...
Using a storytelling style and biblical truth to encourage practical aspects of faith, LEAPING THE WALL investigates ways to empower our faith during ...
29,98 zł |
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Step Forward
ISBN: 9781479740772 / Angielski / Miękka / 130 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
85,73 zł |
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Einheitsstiftende Herrlichkeit
ISBN: 9781581581058 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 262 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Was ist Einheitsstiftende Herrlichkeit? - Es ist die Beruhrung der Herrlichkeit, die Geschwister auf gottliche Weise zusammenbringt. - Es ist eine wundersame Vereinigung der verschiedenen Mitglieder der Familie Gottes. - Es ist die Antwort auf Jesu Gebet: "Dass sie alle eins seien." Gott hat uns dazu berufen in der Wolke Seiner Herrlichkeit zu leben, in Seiner manifesten Gegenwart.Er mochte, dass sein Volk bekannt ist als "Die Menschen der Herrlichkeitswolke," nicht als "Das Volk, dass in tausend Denominationen gesplittet ist.""
Was ist Einheitsstiftende Herrlichkeit? - Es ist die Beruhrung der Herrlichkeit, die Geschwister auf gottliche Weise zusammenbringt. - Es ist eine wun...
86,88 zł |
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Through Dark Rivers: A Journey Through Loss to Joy
ISBN: 9780615420813 / Angielski / Miękka / 122 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Scripture encourages us with the truth that we do not grieve like those who have no hope, but we do grieve, and our sometimes overwhelming loss can come in a variety of packages: friendships that go awry, children that walk away from us and the faith, great disappointments, change, and the death of beloved family members or friends. Where should we go when we are placed in life's crucible, but straight into Christ's arms and the Word of God? It is only there that we can find true peace and rest. If you are struggling with loss, travel with this author's personal and honest devotional journey...
Scripture encourages us with the truth that we do not grieve like those who have no hope, but we do grieve, and our sometimes overwhelming loss can co...
102,93 zł |
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Beyond Peaceful Shores
ISBN: 9781479325436 / Angielski / Miękka / 308 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Beyond Peaceful Shores is a series of lessons for life. The lessons range from parables to personal experiences based on the teachings found in the Bible. Beyond Peaceful Shores will not only touch your heart but will touch your life. Based on sound Christian principles, the book will take you beyond peaceful shores and lead you towards an utopian world known as heaven.
Beyond Peaceful Shores is a series of lessons for life. The lessons range from parables to personal experiences based on the teachings found in the Bi...
64,11 zł |
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The Traveler
ISBN: 9781612037110 / Angielski / Miękka / 158 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Traveler is a series of meditations written by James Meikle when he was a surgeon on a British battleship. Part journal, part Devotional Meikle leads us on a journey at sea and of faith. "The highest wisdom of the traveler, then, is to be made a member of the heavenly family. Thus, when the frail family, of which he is a mortal member, must be divided, parted, and spread abroad-some in death, some in distant lands-he shall never be cast out of the celestial family, nor denied the high privileges thereof-but may cry to God, 'Abba, Father, ' and shall find him not far off, when roaring...
The Traveler is a series of meditations written by James Meikle when he was a surgeon on a British battleship. Part journal, part Devotional Meikle le...
61,23 zł |
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Psalms for Troubled Times
ISBN: 9781620326404 / Angielski / Miękka / 192 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Description: Dr. Morse comments on the so-called psalms of lamentation or sad psalms as resources for the difficult days in our life journeys. While often dark and angry and dealing with themes of suffering, sorrow, sin, repentance, and anguish, the sad psalms can be intensely personal and rewarding in dealing with life's stresses and sorrows. About the Contributor(s): Merrill Morse, MDiv, PhD, has led small group Bible studies from England to Minnesota to Japan. He is author of Kosuke Koyama: A Model for Intercultural Theology, Isaiah Speaks: A voice from the Past for the Present.
Description: Dr. Morse comments on the so-called psalms of lamentation or sad psalms as resources for the difficult days in our life journeys. While o...
110,28 zł |
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Beneath The Falling Waters
ISBN: 9781481078160 / Angielski / Miękka / 220 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Beneath the Falling Waters is a book designed for the forlorn and restless in spirit. Filled with lessons for life, the author has endeavors to offer stories, parables and personal experiences based on sound Biblical principles. Each saga is referenced via the Bible and shows the manner in which Christians walk in the footsteps of Christ. The purpose of the lessons is to help the reader realize there is always peace after the turbulence. The realization that God can do for you what you cannot do for yourself is paramount. Praising Him in the storms as well as the still waters will become a...
Beneath the Falling Waters is a book designed for the forlorn and restless in spirit. Filled with lessons for life, the author has endeavors to offer ...
55,53 zł |
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WHO CARES? Meditations for Lent
ISBN: 9780956255976 / Angielski / Miękka / 260 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 'Who Cares?' is a powerful and provocative series of meditations inspiring the reader to compassionate and caring action. Written as a collection of reflections for Lent (all 47 and a half days of it), these thought-provoking devotions contain meditations, challenges, and a play, as well as lots of ideas for things to do. The central theme is one of following adventurously in the steps of Jesus, caring as He cares for a broken, lost, and hurting world. By taking the practical steps included here, readers may expand their caring lifestyle and be able to say at the end of Lent, "I cared. Look...
'Who Cares?' is a powerful and provocative series of meditations inspiring the reader to compassionate and caring action. Written as a collection of r...
135,75 zł |
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Thanks Be for These: Meditations on Life and Death
ISBN: 9781475973198 / Angielski / Miękka / 102 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. There is an almost desperate quest for spirituality in our time. The "nones" claim to be spiritual, but not religious. Gurus abound; "quick fixes" are everywhere. In Thanks Be for These the Rev. Richard Gilbert provides a spiritual starting point for both the "spiritual" and the "religious" seeker. Here is a collection of meditations written from the perspective of a mystical religious humanist. Gilbert claims that gratitude is at the heart of the religious experience. It is fundamentally a spiritual act. We are grateful, in the first place, for being itself. Everything else is a bonus.... There is an almost desperate quest for spirituality in our time. The "nones" claim to be spiritual, but not religious. Gurus abound; "quick fixes" ... |
48,81 zł |
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More than Meets the Eye
ISBN: 9781480024779 / Angielski / Miękka / 152 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. From begining to end in any language, the Bible shares with us amazing stories of Miracles, Prophets, and Acts of God. More than a collection of Sunday school stories (or even movie scripts) it's about changing lives: Trust, Faith, Hope. More than Meets the Eye tries to help you dig under the surface to get down to more meat. Maybe even reveal new truth from the original stories. If you haven't read the Bible in a while, you might be surprised at at what you find
From begining to end in any language, the Bible shares with us amazing stories of Miracles, Prophets, and Acts of God. More than a collection of Sunda...
42,67 zł |
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Being Led Beside Still Waters
ISBN: 9781480042261 / Angielski / Miękka / 154 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. We often wonder how periods of quiet and stillness can be obtained in a world full of multi-tasking, harried schedules, constant movement and noise. In fact, we find ourselves longing for a place to adjourn from the daily stresses of life and rest in the arms of our Creator God; a place where we can comprehend the Word of God and listen as His voice explains the scriptures enabling its message to permeate our minds and guide our decisions. Being Led Beside Still Waters has been written with these thoughts in mind as Cookie White shares what the Lord has laid on her heart for a second time....
We often wonder how periods of quiet and stillness can be obtained in a world full of multi-tasking, harried schedules, constant movement and noise. I...
51,42 zł |
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Demenz in Theologie und Seelsorge
ISBN: 9783110302974 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 358 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Menschen mit Demenz stellen sowohl hinsichtlich der anthropologischen Debatte um die Beschreibung von Personalitat und Identitat als auch im Hinblick auf die Seelsorgepraxis eine theologische Herausforderung dar. In Bezug auf diese Herausforderungen entwickelt diese praktisch-theologische Untersuchung anthropologische und poimenische Antworten. Grundkategorien fur ein theologisches Demenzparadigma bilden hierbei die Gottebenbildlichkeit, die Fragmentaritat, die relationale Verfasstheit, die Leiblichkeit und die abschiedliche Existenz. Im Durchgang durch diese einzelnen Perspektiven werden... Menschen mit Demenz stellen sowohl hinsichtlich der anthropologischen Debatte um die Beschreibung von Personalitat und Identitat als auch im Hinbli... |
653,80 zł |
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Find rest in God: 30 comforting Bible verses to doodle and colour: UK edition
ISBN: 9781530940998 / Angielski / Miękka / 64 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This is an interactive Bible verse colouring book: instead of just colouring the pictures, the first step is to find the verse in the Bible, then add the quote into the picture and finally colour the whole artwork. The book is ideal for those who enjoy colouring and want to meditate on God's word at the same time. As you are doodling and colouring, let the Bible verses and pictures comfort you. The process of creating your own Bible verse art will help you memorise the verses - and draw closer to God. The book contains a variety of designs from easy to more intricate.... This is an interactive Bible verse colouring book: instead of just colouring the pictures, the first step is to find the verse in the Bible, then a... |
43,49 zł |