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Logical Positivism
ISBN: 9780029011300 / Angielski / Miękka / 464 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Featuring a detailed introduction from Professor A.J. Ayer, the concepts and main ideas of logical positivism and its revolutionary theories and explained and discussed in this bibliography featuring several classic papers in English for the first time. Edited by a A.J. Ayer, Logical Positivism offers—in the words of the movement’s founders—revolutionary theories on meaning and metaphysics, the nature of logic and mathematics, the foundations of knowledge, the content of psychological propositions, ethics, sociology, and the nature of philosophy itself. In the pages of this book,...
Featuring a detailed introduction from Professor A.J. Ayer, the concepts and main ideas of logical positivism and its revolutionary theories and expla...
114,63 zł |
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The Impending Crisis: America Before the Civil War, 1848-1861
ISBN: 9780061319297 / Angielski / Miękka / 672 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "David M. Potter's magisterial The Impending Crisis is the single best account to date of the coming of the Civil War." --Civil War History
"The magnum opus of a great American historian." --Newsweek Now in a new edition for the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War, David Potter's Pulitzer Prize-winning history of antebellum America offers an indispensible analysis of the causes of the war between the states. The Journal of Southern History calls Potter's incisive account, "modern scholarship's most comprehensive account of the coming of... "David M. Potter's magisterial The Impending Crisis is the single best account to date of the coming of the Civil War." --Civil War Histo...
85,43 zł |
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Crimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Priests, Journalists, and Other Serial Offenders
ISBN: 9780071446433 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Uncover the truth under all the BS In the daily battle for our hearts and minds--not to mention our hard-earned cash--the truth is usually the first casualty. It's time we learned how to see through the rhetoric, faulty reasoning, and misinformation that we're subjected to from morning to night by talk-radio hosts, op-ed columnists, advertisers, self-help gurus, business "thinkers," and, of course, politicians. And no one is better equipped to show us how than award-winning philosopher Jamie Whyte. In Crimes Against Logic Whyte take us on a fast-paced,... Uncover the truth under all the BS In the daily battle for our hearts and minds--not to mention our hard-earned cash--the truth is us... |
94,02 zł |
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Essentials of Logic
ISBN: 9780132380348 / Angielski / Miękka / 450 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Rendered from the 11th Edition of Copi/Cohen, "Introduction to Logic," the most respected introductory logic book on the market, this concise version presents a simplified yet rigorous introduction to the study of logic. It covers all major topics and approaches, using a three-part organization that outlines specific topics under logic and language, deduction, and induction. For individuals intrigued by the formal study of logic.
Rendered from the 11th Edition of Copi/Cohen, "Introduction to Logic," the most respected introductory logic book on the market, this concise version ...
438,20 zł |
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Logic and Its Limits
ISBN: 9780192892805 / Angielski / Miękka / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book grew out of the conviction, not in itself strange or startling, that the ordinary person can and should think straight rather than crooked.'
Patrick Shaw has written a commonsense introduction to the use of logic in everyday thought and argument. It explains some of the rules of good argument and some of the ways in which arguments can fail, drawing illustrations from a variety of contemporary and international sources, such as the press, radio, and television. Symbols and technicalities are kept to a minimum in this thorough and provocative investigation of the rational... This book grew out of the conviction, not in itself strange or startling, that the ordinary person can and should think straight rather than crooked.'...
211,46 zł |
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Cogitations: A Study of the Cogito in Relation to the Philosophy of Logic and Language and a Study of Them in Relation to the Cogit
ISBN: 9780195055504 / Angielski / Miękka / 226 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The cogito ergo sum of Descartes is one of the best-known (and simplest) of all philosophical formulations, but ever since it was first propounded it has defied any formal accounting of its validity. How is it that so simple and important an argument has caused such difficulty and such philosophical controversy? In this pioneering work, Jerrold Katz argues that the problem with the cogito lies where it is least suspected--in a deficiency in the theory of language and logic that Cartesian scholars have brought to the study of the cogito. Katz contends that the laws of...
The cogito ergo sum of Descartes is one of the best-known (and simplest) of all philosophical formulations, but ever since it was first propo...
292,64 zł |
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Dividing Reality
ISBN: 9780195057546 / Angielski / Twarda / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The central question in this book is why it seems reasonable for the words of our language to divide up the world in ordinary ways rather than other imaginable ways. Hirsch calls this the division problem. His book aims to bring this problem into sharp focus, to distinguish it from various related problems, and to consider the best prospects for solving it. In exploring various possible responses to the division problem, Hirsch examines series of "division principles" which purport to express rational constraints on how our words ought to classify and individuate. The ensuing discussion deals...
The central question in this book is why it seems reasonable for the words of our language to divide up the world in ordinary ways rather than other i...
757,93 zł |
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The Liar: An Essay on Truth and Circularity
ISBN: 9780195059441 / Angielski / Miękka / 208 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Bringing together powerful new tools from set theory and the philosophy of language, this book proposes a solution to one of the few unresolved paradoxes from antiquity, the Paradox of the Liar. Treating truth as a property of propositions, not sentences, the authors model two distinct conceptions of propositions: one based on the standard notion used by Bertrand Russell, among others, and the other based on J.L. Austin's work on truth. Comparing these two accounts, the authors show that while the Russellian conception of the relation between sentences, propositions, and truth is crucially...
Bringing together powerful new tools from set theory and the philosophy of language, this book proposes a solution to one of the few unresolved parado...
359,45 zł |
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The Genealogy of Disjunction
ISBN: 9780195075243 / Angielski / Twarda / 360 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This is a comprehensive study of the English word or, and the logical operators variously proposed to present its meaning. Although there are indisputably disjunctive uses of or in English, it is a mistake to suppose that logical disjunction represents its core meaning. Or is descended from the Anglo-Saxon word meaning second, a form which survives in such expressions as "every other day." Its disjunctive uses arise through metalinguistic applications of an intermediate adverbial meaning which is conjunctive rather than disjunctive in character. These...
This is a comprehensive study of the English word or, and the logical operators variously proposed to present its meaning. Although there are...
223,39 zł |
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Modern Logic: A Text in Elementary Symbolic Logic
ISBN: 9780195080292 / Angielski / Miękka / 448 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Filling the need for an accessible, carefully structured introductory text in symbolic logic, Modern Logic has many features designed to improve students' comprehension of the subject, including a proof system that is the same as the award-winning computer program MacLogic, and a special appendix that shows how to use MacLogic as a teaching aid. There are graded exercises at the end of each chapter--more than 900 in all--with selected answers at the end of the book. Unlike competing texts, Modern Logic gives equal weight to semantics and proof theory and explains their...
Filling the need for an accessible, carefully structured introductory text in symbolic logic, Modern Logic has many features designed to impr...
655,27 zł |
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In the Light of Logic
ISBN: 9780195080308 / Angielski / Twarda / 352 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this collection of essays written over a period of twenty years, Solomon Feferman explains advanced results in modern logic and employs them to cast light on significant problems in the foundations of mathematics. Most troubling among these is the revolutionary way in which Georg Cantor elaborated the nature of the infinite, and in doing so helped transform the face of twentieth-century mathematics. Feferman details the development of Cantorian concepts and the foundational difficulties they engendered. He argues that the freedom provided by Cantorian set theory was purchased at a heavy...
In this collection of essays written over a period of twenty years, Solomon Feferman explains advanced results in modern logic and employs them to cas...
478,76 zł |
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Dividing Reality
ISBN: 9780195111422 / Angielski / Miękka / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The central question in this book is why it seems reasonable for the words of our language to divide up the world in ordinary ways rather than other imaginable ways. Hirsch calls this the division problem. His book aims to bring this problem into sharp focus, to distinguish it from various related problems, and to consider the best prospects for solving it. In exploring various possible responses to the division problem, Hirsch examines series of "division principles" which purport to express rational constraints on how our words ought to classify and individuate. The ensuing discussion deals...
The central question in this book is why it seems reasonable for the words of our language to divide up the world in ordinary ways rather than other i...
359,45 zł |
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Wittgenstein on Mind and Language
ISBN: 9780195111477 / Angielski / Miękka / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Drawing on ten years of research on the unpublished Wittgenstein papers, Stern investigates what motivated Wittgenstein's philosophical writing and casts new light on the Tractatus and Philosophical Investigations. The book is an exposition of Wittgenstein's early conception of the nature of representation and how his later revision and criticism of that work led to a radically different way of looking at mind and language. It also explains how the unpublished manuscripts and typescripts were put together and why they often provide better evidence of the development of his...
Drawing on ten years of research on the unpublished Wittgenstein papers, Stern investigates what motivated Wittgenstein's philosophical writing and ca...
359,45 zł |
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Religion and Science
ISBN: 9780195115512 / Angielski / Miękka / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this timely work, Russell, philosopher, agnostic, mathematician, and renowned peace advocate, offers a brief yet insightful study of the conflicts between science and traditional religion during the last four centuries. Examining accounts in which scientific advances clashed with Christian doctrine or biblical interpretations of the day, from Galileo and the Copernican Revolution, to the medical breakthroughs of anesthesia and inoculation, Russell points to the constant upheaval and reevaluation of our systems of belief throughout history. In turn, he identifies where similar debates...
In this timely work, Russell, philosopher, agnostic, mathematician, and renowned peace advocate, offers a brief yet insightful study of the conflicts ...
85,43 zł |
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Russell's Hidden Substitutional Theory
ISBN: 9780195116830 / Angielski / Twarda / 352 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book explores an important central thread that unifies Russell's thoughts on logic in two works previously considered at odds with each other, the Principles of Mathematics and the later Principia Mathematica. This thread is Russell's doctrine that logic is an absolutely general science and that any calculus for it must embrace wholly unrestricted variables. The heart of Landini's book is a careful analysis of Russell's largely unpublished "substitutional" theory. On Landini's showing, the substitutional theory reveals the unity of Russell's philosophy of logic and...
This book explores an important central thread that unifies Russell's thoughts on logic in two works previously considered at odds with each other, th...
722,14 zł |
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The Logic of Strategy
ISBN: 9780195117158 / Angielski / Twarda / 208 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Edited by three leading figures in the field, this exciting volume presents cutting-edge work in decision theory by a distinguished international roster of contributors. These mostly unpublished papers address a host of crucial areas in the contemporary philosophical study of rationality and knowledge. Topics include causal versus evidential decision theory, game theory, backwards induction, bounded rationality, counterfactual reasoning in games and in general, analyses of the famous common knowledge assumptions in game theory, and evaluations of the normal versus extensive form formulations...
Edited by three leading figures in the field, this exciting volume presents cutting-edge work in decision theory by a distinguished international rost...
326,05 zł |
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Reasoning Practically
ISBN: 9780195125511 / Angielski / Twarda / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Reasoning Practically deals with a classical philosophical topic, the link between thought and action--how we think about what we do or ought to do, and how we move from thinking to doing. The essays by such renowned contributors as Donald Davidson, Barry Stroud, Cass R. Sunstein, Seyla Benhabib, and Gerald Dworkin, cover a range of issues raised when we link reason and practice. This collection connects state-of-the-art philosophical work with concrete issues in social life and political practice, making it of interest not only to philosophers, but to political theorists, legal...
Reasoning Practically deals with a classical philosophical topic, the link between thought and action--how we think about what we do or ought...
698,28 zł |
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Agency and Deontic Logic
ISBN: 9780195134612 / Angielski / Twarda / 208 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. John Horty effectively develops deontic logic (the logic of ethical concepts like obligation and permission) against the background of a formal theory of agency. He incorporates certain elements of decision theory to set out a new deontic account of what agents ought to do under various conditions over extended periods of time. Offering a conceptual rather than technical emphasis, Horty's framework allows a number of recent issues from moral theory to be set out clearly and discussed from a uniform point of view.
John Horty effectively develops deontic logic (the logic of ethical concepts like obligation and permission) against the background of a formal theory...
161,35 zł |
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The Architecture of Reason: The Structure and Substance of Rationality
ISBN: 9780195141122 / Angielski / Twarda / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The literature on theoretical reason has been dominated by epistemological concerns, treatments of practical reason by ethical concerns. This book overcomes the limitations of dealing with each separately. It sets out a comprehensive theory of rationality applicable to both practical and theoretical reason. In both domains, Audi explains how experience grounds rationality, delineates the structure of central elements, and attacks the egocentric conception of rationality. He establishes the rationality of altruism and thereby supports major moral principles. The concluding part describes the...
The literature on theoretical reason has been dominated by epistemological concerns, treatments of practical reason by ethical concerns. This book ove...
698,28 zł |
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The Voice of Reason: Fundamentals of Critical Thinking
ISBN: 9780195141221 / Angielski / Miękka / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Lively, comprehensive, and contemporary, The Voice of Reason: Fundamentals of Critical Thinking covers three principal areas: thought and language, systematic reasoning, and modes of proof. It employs highly accessible explanations and a multitude of examples drawn from social issues and various academic fields, showing students and other readers how to construct and criticize arguments using the techniques of sound reasoning.
The Voice of Reason examines the traditional elements of the field and also explores new ground. The first section of the book elucidates the... Lively, comprehensive, and contemporary, The Voice of Reason: Fundamentals of Critical Thinking covers three principal areas: thought and lan...
612,33 zł |