ilość książek w kategorii: 742
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Tropical Forest Conservation
ISBN: 9780195109962 / Angielski / Twarda / 192 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Attempts to halt the destruction of rain forests and other natural habitats in the tropics have met with little success. In particular, national parks, like those found in wealthy nations, have proven difficult to establish in Africa, Asia, and South and Central America. More often than not, people inhabiting areas designated for protection resist being told by outsiders that they must change how and where they live. Alternative approaches, frequently embodied in integrated conservation and development projects (ICDPs), are now being pursued. The goal is to address local communities' desires...
Attempts to halt the destruction of rain forests and other natural habitats in the tropics have met with little success. In particular, national parks...
278,32 zł |
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Tropical Rainforests: Past, Present, and Future
ISBN: 9780226044682 / Angielski / Miękka / 672 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Synthesizing theoretical and empirical analyses of the processes that help shape these unique ecosystems, "Tropical Rainforests" looks at the effects of evolutionary histories, past climate change, and ecological dynamics on the origin and maintenance of tropical rainforest communities. Featuring recent advances in paleoecology, climatology, geology, molecular systematics, biogeography, and community ecology, the volume also offers insights from those fields into how rainforests will endure the impact of anthropogenic change. With more than sixty contributors, "Tropical Rainforests" will be...
Synthesizing theoretical and empirical analyses of the processes that help shape these unique ecosystems, "Tropical Rainforests" looks at the effects ...
265,13 zł |
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Stinging Trees & Wait-A-Whiles: Confessions of a Rainforest Biologist
ISBN: 9780226468969 / Angielski / Twarda / 196 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The last traces of Australia's tropical rainforest, where the southeasterly winds bring rain to the coastal mountains, contain a unique assemblage of plants and animals, some primitive, many that are found nowhere else on earth. And fifteen years ago, they also contained Bill Laurance, a budding ecologist seduced by the nature of the landscape in north Queensland. Laurance isn't your typical scientist: he wears cut-offs instead of white coats, enjoys the occasional food fight, and isn't afraid to speak his mind, even if it gets him into trouble, as it often did in the Australian rainforest...
The last traces of Australia's tropical rainforest, where the southeasterly winds bring rain to the coastal mountains, contain a unique assemblage of ...
127,26 zł |
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The Cutting Edge: Conserving Wildlife in Logged Tropical Forests
ISBN: 9780231114554 / Angielski / Miękka / 700 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Recent decades have seen unprecedented growth in the scale and intensity of industrial forestry. Directly and indirectly, it has degraded the wildlife and ecological integrity of these tropical forests, prompting a need to evaluate the impact of current forest management practices and reconsider how best to preserve the integrity of the biosphere.
Synthesizing the body of knowledge of leading scientists and professionals in tropical forest ecology and management, this book's thirty chapters examine in detail the interplay between timber harvesting and wildlife, from hunted and protected... Recent decades have seen unprecedented growth in the scale and intensity of industrial forestry. Directly and indirectly, it has degraded the wildlife...
371,18 zł |
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Jungle of the Maya
ISBN: 9780292714120 / Angielski / Twarda / 148 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Selva Maya (Jungle of the Maya) is one of the world's most magical yet least appreciated places--an enormous tropical forest that encompasses much of Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. At 9,000,000 acres, it is the largest contiguous tropical forest north of the Amazon in the Western Hemisphere. Within its borders, the Selva Maya provides habitat for an astonishing diversity of plants and animals--more than 500 species of birds alone. The forest also contains the fascinating ruins of ancient Maya cities, which attract visitors and researchers from all over the... The Selva Maya (Jungle of the Maya) is one of the world's most magical yet least appreciated places--an enormous tropical forest that encompasses m... |
140,99 zł |
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Walking the Forest with Chico Mendes: Struggle for Justice in the Amazon
ISBN: 9780292717060 / Angielski / Miękka / 205 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A close associate of Chico Mendes, Gomercindo Rodrigues witnessed the struggle between Brazil's rubber tappers and local ranchers--a struggle that led to the murder of Mendes. Rodrigues's memoir of his years with Mendes has never before been translated into English from the Portuguese. Now, Walking the Forest with Chico Mendes makes this important work available to new audiences, capturing the events and trends that shaped the lives of both men and the fragile system of public security and justice within which they lived and worked. In a rare primary account of the... A close associate of Chico Mendes, Gomercindo Rodrigues witnessed the struggle between Brazil's rubber tappers and local ranchers--a struggle that ... |
138,55 zł |
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Origin and Evolution of Tropical Rain Forests
ISBN: 9780471983262 / Angielski / Twarda / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Provides the first comprehensive review of the evolution of tropical rain forests on a continent by continent basis, within an up-to-date tectonic, palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatic framework primarily by reference to the record of fossil pollens and spores.
Although tropical rain forests form the world's most species-rich ecosystems, their origin and history remain unclear, except on the very short timescale of the last 40,000 years or so. This book looks at their history on a long term geological and global timescale, commencing with the origin of the angiosperms over 100... Provides the first comprehensive review of the evolution of tropical rain forests on a continent by continent basis, within an up-to-date tectonic, pa...
1691,24 zł |
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Tropical Forests and the Human Spirit: Journeys to the Brink of Hope
ISBN: 9780520230897 / Angielski / Miękka / 325 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Tropical forests are vanishing at an alarming rate. This book, based on extensive international field research, highlights one solution for preserving this precious resource: empowering local people who depend on the forest for survival. Synthesizing a vast amount of information that has never been brought together in one place, Roger D. Stone and Claudia D'Andrea provide a clearly written and energizing tour of global efforts to empower community-based forest stewards. Along the way, they show the fundamental importance of tropical forest ecosystems and deepen our sense of urgency to save...
Tropical forests are vanishing at an alarming rate. This book, based on extensive international field research, highlights one solution for preserving...
190,41 zł |
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The Ecology of Trees in the Tropical Rain Forest
ISBN: 9780521801836 / Angielski / Twarda / 316 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. With detailed information available for perhaps only a few hundred of the many thousand of species that occur, our current knowledge of the ecology of tropical rainforest trees is limited. This book aims to summarize the contemporary understanding of the ecology of tropical rainforest trees. The emphasis is on comparative ecology, an approach that can help to identify possible adaptive trends and evolutionary constraints and that may also lead to a workable ecological classification for tree species, conceptually simplifying the rainforest community and making it more amenable to analysis.
With detailed information available for perhaps only a few hundred of the many thousand of species that occur, our current knowledge of the ecology of...
641,01 zł |
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The Tapir's Morning Bath: Mysteries of the Tropical Rain Forest and the Scientists Who Are Trying to Solve Them
ISBN: 9780618257584 / Angielski / Miękka / 336 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. An engaging portrait of a community of biologists, The Tapir's Morning Bath is a behind-the-scenes account of life at a tropical research station that "conveys the uncertainties, frustrations, and joys of [scientific] field work" (Science). On Panama's Barro Colorado Island, Elizabeth Royte works alongside the scientists -- counting seeds, sorting insects, collecting monkey dung, radiotracking fruit bats -- as they struggle to parse the intricate workings of the tropical rain forest. While showing the human side of the scientists at work, Royte explores the tensions between the slow pace of...
An engaging portrait of a community of biologists, The Tapir's Morning Bath is a behind-the-scenes account of life at a tropical research station that...
90,51 zł |
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Tropical Deforestation
ISBN: 9780742534827 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Tropical Deforestation introduces readers to the important concepts for understanding the environmental challenges and consequences of the deforestation. Contributions from scientists and academics in the social sciences and humanities provide readers with an initial 'tool kit' for understanding the concepts central to their disciplinary perspective and the multi-dimensional aspects of deforestation.
Tropical Deforestation introduces readers to the important concepts for understanding the environmental challenges and consequences of the deforestati...
201,50 zł |
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The Brazilian Amazon Rainforest: Global Ecopolitics, Development, and Democracy
ISBN: 9780761815228 / Angielski / Miękka / 208 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This provocative book documents how national and global politics intersected to bring about changes in Brazil's environmental preservation laws. Luiz Barbosa argues that global forces coupled with two decades of military rule in Brazil led to policies that promoted deforestation for the sake of development, ultimately having devastating consequences for AmazTnia's ecosystem and its native populations. By the mid-1980s, changes in global ecopolitics and the onset of democracy in Brazil paved the way for new environmental preservation laws. Barbosa's study is unique in showing the impact of...
This provocative book documents how national and global politics intersected to bring about changes in Brazil's environmental preservation laws. Luiz ...
501,81 zł |
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The Fourth Circle: A Political Ecology of Sumatra's Rainforest Frontier
ISBN: 9780804752114 / Angielski / Twarda / 392 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book addresses the politics of environmental change in one of the richest areas of tropical rainforest in Indonesia. Based on field studies conducted in three agricultural communities in rural Aceh, this work considers a number of questions: How do customary (adat) village and state institutions work? What roles do they play in managing local resources? How have they evolved over time? Are villagers, state policies, or corrupt local networks responsible for the loss of tropical rainforest? Will better outcomes emerge from revitalizing customary management, from changing state...
This book addresses the politics of environmental change in one of the richest areas of tropical rainforest in Indonesia. Based on field studies condu...
750,57 zł |
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The Fourth Circle: A Political Ecology of Sumatraas Rainforest Frontier
ISBN: 9780804752121 / Angielski / Miękka / 392 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book addresses the politics of environmental change in one of the richest areas of tropical rainforest in Indonesia. Based on field studies conducted in three agricultural communities in rural Aceh, this work considers a number of questions: How do customary (adat) village and state institutions work? What roles do they play in managing local resources? How have they evolved over time? Are villagers, state policies, or corrupt local networks responsible for the loss of tropical rainforest? Will better outcomes emerge from revitalizing customary management, from changing state...
This book addresses the politics of environmental change in one of the richest areas of tropical rainforest in Indonesia. Based on field studies condu...
176,31 zł |
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Ecology of an African Rain Forest: Logging in Kibale and the Conflict Between Conservation and Exploitati
ISBN: 9780813016665 / Angielski / Miękka / 432 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "A unique book that is likely to become a benchmark for those who wish to save the rain forests through sustainable logging practices. Its uniqueness lies in the author's collection of long-term data (up to 25 years) on both plants and animals in the same site, the Kibale forest in Uganda. . . . Very highly recommended for libraries specializing in ecology, environmental science, forestry, and rain forests." Choice"A much-needed volume that will be of interest to a wide audience, written by a leader in the field, and one with an international reputation. The current rosy advocacy for...
"A unique book that is likely to become a benchmark for those who wish to save the rain forests through sustainable logging practices. Its uniqueness ...
132,30 zł |
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Tropical Pioneers: Human Agency and Ecological Change in the Highlands of Sri Lanka, 1800-1900
ISBN: 9780821414279 / Angielski / Twarda / 243 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In 1800, the highlands of Sri Lanka had some of the most biologically diverse primary tropical rainforest ecosystems in the world. By 1900, only a few craggy corners and mountain caps had been spared the firestick. Highland villagers, through the extension of slash-and-burn agriculture, and British managers, through the creation of plantations - first of coffee, then cinchona, and finally tea - had removed virtually the entire primary forest cover. Tropical Pioneers documents the conversion of a tropical rainforest biome and the collision between what previously had been more discrete...
In 1800, the highlands of Sri Lanka had some of the most biologically diverse primary tropical rainforest ecosystems in the world. By 1900, only a few...
332,47 zł |
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Tropical Pioneers
ISBN: 9780821414286 / Angielski / Miękka / 336 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In 1800, the highlands of Sri Lanka had some of the most biologically diverse primary tropical rainforest ecosystems in the world. By 1900, only a few craggy corners and mountain caps had been spared the fire stick. Highland villagers, through the extension of slash-and-burn agriculture, and British managers, through the creation of plantations-first of coffee, then cinchona, and finally tea-had removed virtually the entire primary forest cover. Tropical Pioneers documents the conversion of a tropical rainforest biome and the collision between what previously had been more discrete ecological...
In 1800, the highlands of Sri Lanka had some of the most biologically diverse primary tropical rainforest ecosystems in the world. By 1900, only a few...
115,80 zł |
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Tropical Rainforests: Latin American Nature and Society in Transition
ISBN: 9780842029087 / Angielski / Miękka / 244 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Emerging awareness of the plight of the rainforests of Central and South America has catapaulted this issue to the forefront of global environmental concerns. As understanding has increased, so has the contention between the various groups that have a stake in the forest. Developers, environmentalists, governments and the landless poor whose livelihood depends on the rainforest all have contributed to the debate on how to address this problem.
Emerging awareness of the plight of the rainforests of Central and South America has catapaulted this issue to the forefront of global environmental c...
305,95 zł |
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Tropical Moist Forest Silviculture and Management: A History of Success and Failure
ISBN: 9780851992556 / Angielski / Twarda / 386 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Silviculture in tropical forests has a long history going back many centuries and active management for timber production began about 200 years ago. There is therefore a considerable body of evidence regarding both sustainable and destructive forestry practices in these forests, the future of which is the subject of one of the great scientific and public debates of the late 20th century. Based on 50 years' experience by each author and extensive research of the literature, this book provides information, much of which was previously not widely available, on the development of silvicultural...
Silviculture in tropical forests has a long history going back many centuries and active management for timber production began about 200 years ago. T...
687,47 zł |
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Men Who Matched the Mountains: The Forest Service in the Southwest
ISBN: 9781410108609 / Angielski / Miękka / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. For nearly a year, Edwin A. Tucker tape recorded interviews with early-day Rangers and other officials, some retired, some still in harness. And from newspapers and official sources he gleaned news items, letters and reports concerning early activities and people. This book is a distillation of that material, plus such other material and chapters that were needed to clarify and bring up to date the story of some of the people of the Forest Service in the Southwest. Tucker has spent his adult life in the Forest Service, beginning during the period when many pioneer conditions still prevailed...
For nearly a year, Edwin A. Tucker tape recorded interviews with early-day Rangers and other officials, some retired, some still in harness. And from ...
92,15 zł |