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Teologia Sistem tica
ISBN: 9788580452730 / Portugalski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
83,77 zł |
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Learning to Breathe Again: Choosing Life and Finding Hope After a Shattering Loss
ISBN: 9780849909542 / Angielski / Miękka / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Follow Christian singer/songwriter Tammy Trent as she tells of her beautiful love story turned tragic, still pointing to God as the source of all life and hope. Theirs was a fairy-tale romance. Her husband, Trent, was Tammy's best friend and business manager. While vacationing in Jamaica in 2001, a routine free diving excursion in the Blue Lagoon turned drastically tragic when Trent never resurfaced. Unfortunately, the following day's events of 9/11 would create an incredible obstacle to Tammy's and her family's efforts to connect and handle these horrendous events. Tearful... Follow Christian singer/songwriter Tammy Trent as she tells of her beautiful love story turned tragic, still pointing to God as the source of all l... |
77,56 zł |
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Open Up the Doors: Music in the Modern Church
ISBN: 9781845531867 / Angielski / Twarda / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Within the Judaeo-Christian tradition -with few exceptions- music has always been central to the performance of sacred rites. The musical setting of liturgy has its roots in the earliest customs of the church and the practice has continued to evolve up to the present day. As the contemporary church in many Western societies grapples with the divisive issues of gay clergy or female ordination, just as divisive a schism appears to be in progress in the world of church music. On the traditional side are those that keep the ancient choral traditions alive. They face the new, intense informality...
Within the Judaeo-Christian tradition -with few exceptions- music has always been central to the performance of sacred rites. The musical setting of l...
542,97 zł |
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Open Up the Doors
ISBN: 9781845531874 / Angielski / Miękka / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Within the Judaeo-Christian tradition -with few exceptions- music has always been central to the performance of sacred rites. The musical setting of liturgy has its roots in the earliest customs of the church and the practice has continued to evolve up to the present day. As the contemporary church in many Western societies grapples with the divisive issues of gay clergy or female ordination, just as divisive a schism appears to be in progress in the world of church music. On the traditional side are those that keep the ancient choral traditions alive. They face the new, intense informality...
Within the Judaeo-Christian tradition -with few exceptions- music has always been central to the performance of sacred rites. The musical setting of l...
162,70 zł |
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Aspekte der Musik, Kunst und Religion zur Zeit der Tschechischen Moderne- Aspects of Music, Arts and Religion during the Period of Czech Modernism
ISBN: 9783039108565 / Angielski / Miękka / 308 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts setzt sich die tschechische Gesellschaft intensiv mit neuen spirituellen Stromungen wie Theosophie, Anthroposophie und Okkultismus auseinander. Durch die Ubersetzungen der Werke von Huysmans, Strauss, Nietzsche, Steiner und anderen ein?ussreichen europaischen Denkern gerat der Katholizismus immer starker in den Kon?ikt mit der Moderne. Die Bewegung Katolicka moderna versucht in Bohmen den Katholizismus zu erneuern. Zu den Mitarbeitern der Zeitschrift Novy ivot zahlen wichtige tschechische Kunstlerpersonlichkeiten. Auch die Autoren der Zeitschrift...
Am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts setzt sich die tschechische Gesellschaft intensiv mit neuen spirituellen Stromungen wie Theosophie, Anthroposophie und Ok...
531,52 zł |
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Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music: Pop, Rock, and Worship
ISBN: 9780313344251 / Angielski / Twarda / 505 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The "Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music: Pop, Rock, and Worship" is the first comprehensive reference work on a form of American music that is far more popular than nonfans may realize. It fills a major gap in the literature on American music and Christian culture, looking at this increasingly popular genre in the context of the overall history of religious music in the United States. With over 200 entries, "The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music" covers important performers and industry figures, songs and albums, concerts and festivals, the rise of Christian radio... The "Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music: Pop, Rock, and Worship" is the first comprehensive reference work on a form of American music th... |
423,36 zł |
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Verzaubertes Hören: Das Zusammenwirken Von Musik- Und Wortsprache ALS Zeichen Gottesdienstlicher Polyphonie
ISBN: 9783110221954 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 405 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In einem Gottesdienst steht die Erneuerung des Lebens auf dem Spiel. Daher spielt Kunst, z.B. Musik, hier eine zentrale Rolle: Sie eroffnet einen Freiraum der Auseinandersetzung mit verschiedenen Lebensperspektiven und weist uber die Alltagserfahrung hinaus in die Erfahrung von Transzendenz hinein. Musik erreicht also auf ihre Weise, worauf das Evangelium von der Auferweckung des Gekreuzigten zielt: dass die Gottesdienstgemeinde sich zu Lebendigkeit und Menschlichkeit "verzaubern" lasst. Das Modell der Incantation zeigt, wie Musik- und Wortteile im Gottesdienst dieses Ziel... In einem Gottesdienst steht die Erneuerung des Lebens auf dem Spiel. Daher spielt Kunst, z.B. Musik, hier eine zentrale Rolle: Sie eroffnet einen F... |
801,48 zł |
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Kicking at the Darkness
ISBN: 9781587432538 / Angielski / Miękka / 218 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. For forty years, singer and songwriter Bruce Cockburn has been writing beautifully evocative music. Bestselling author and respected theologian Brian Walsh has followed Cockburn's work for years and has written and spoken often on his art. In this creative theological and cultural engagement, Walsh reveals the imaginative depth and uncompromising honesty of the artist's Christian spirituality. Cockburn offers hope in the midst of doubt, struggle, failure, and anger; indeed, the sentiment of -kicking at the darkness- is at the heart of his spirituality. This book engages the rich imagery of...
For forty years, singer and songwriter Bruce Cockburn has been writing beautifully evocative music. Bestselling author and respected theologian Brian ...
100,64 zł |
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The Hillsong Worship Collection
ISBN: 9781458406507 / Angielski / Miękka / 111 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. (Easy Piano Mixed Folio). Easy piano arrangements of 20 worship favorites from this Australian music ministry. Includes: Came to My Rescue * Everyday * From the Inside Out * Hosanna * Lead Me to the Cross * Mighty to Save * Shout to the Lord * Worthy Is the Lamb * and more
(Easy Piano Mixed Folio). Easy piano arrangements of 20 worship favorites from this Australian music ministry. Includes: Came to My Rescue * Everyday ...
84,90 zł |
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Music in Kenyan Christianity: Logooli Religious Song
ISBN: 9780253006677 / Angielski / Twarda / 312 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This sensitive study is a historical, cultural, and musical exploration of Christian religious music among the Logooli of Western Kenya. It describes how new musical styles developed through contact with popular radio and other media from abroad and became markers of the Logooli identity and culture. Jean Ngoya Kidula narrates this history of a community through music and religious expression in local, national, and global settings. The book is generously enhanced by audiovisual material on the Ethnomusicology Multimedia website. This sensitive study is a historical, cultural, and musical exploration of Christian religious music among the Logooli of Western Kenya. It describ... |
382,08 zł |
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Music in Kenyan Christianity: Logooli Religious Song
ISBN: 9780253006684 / Angielski / Miękka / 312 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This sensitive study is a historical, cultural, and musical exploration of Christian religious music among the Logooli of Western Kenya. It describes how new musical styles developed through contact with popular radio and other media from abroad and became markers of the Logooli identity and culture. Jean Ngoya Kidula narrates this history of a community through music and religious expression in local, national, and global settings. The book is generously enhanced by audiovisual material on the Ethnomusicology Multimedia website. This sensitive study is a historical, cultural, and musical exploration of Christian religious music among the Logooli of Western Kenya. It describ... |
126,96 zł |
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Der Vahldorfer Gesangbuchstreit: Zur Geschichte, Kultur, Musik Und Lebensweise in Der «Niederen Boerde»
ISBN: 9783631586372 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Der Vahldorfer Gesangbuchstreit 1806 fuhrt in eine politisch und theologisch bedeutsame Zeit preussischer Geschichte. Singen besass einen hohen Stellenwert mit gesellschaftlicher und sozialer Bindung. Der ebenso handgreiflich wie klug diplomatisch ausgetragene Gesangbuchstreit zeigt, wie eine kleine Gemeinde gegen die preussischen Behorden aufbegehrt und einen grossen Sieg davontragt. Primarquellen geben authentische Zeugnisse, die religiose Bedeutung und emotionale Qualitat der Gesangbucher zu werten und das ortliche Geschehen in die preussische Staats- und Religionspolitik unter Konig...
Der Vahldorfer Gesangbuchstreit 1806 fuhrt in eine politisch und theologisch bedeutsame Zeit preussischer Geschichte. Singen besass einen hohen Stelle...
134,06 zł |
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Studien Zur Kirchenmusik Von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)
ISBN: 9783631611487 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 244 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Die Studien untersuchen ausgehend von der Musikanschauung Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs, wie sich diese formal, harmonisch und inhaltlich in seinen kirchenmusikalischen Vokalwerken vermittelt, welchen Einfluss sie auf seinen Stil und die Modernitat seiner Musiksprache hat und wie intensiv sie auch nachfolgende Epochen pragt. Die von Bach zur Instrumentalmusik dargelegten Ansichten zu Figuration, Harmonik, Vortrag und Wirkung fuhren auch in der kirchlichen Vokalmusik zu einer neuen ausdrucksstarken, gleichermassen den Geist des Sturm und Drang wie der Empfindsamkeit atmenden Musiksprache....
Die Studien untersuchen ausgehend von der Musikanschauung Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs, wie sich diese formal, harmonisch und inhaltlich in seinen kirch...
336,02 zł |
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Beziehungen Zwischen Den Drei Subkategorien Der Heirmologischen Gesaenge-Hauptgattung in Der Griechischen Kirchenmusik: Verdeutlicht Am Fall Eines Im
ISBN: 9783631620236 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 152 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Gegenstand dieser Studie sind die Subkategorien (syntomos, arge und kalophonisch) der heirmologischen Gesange-Hauptgattung der griechischen Kirchenmusik. Am Paradigma ausgewahlter Stucke wird zweierlei angestrebt: Zum einen die signifikanten Merkmale dieser drei Gesangetypen in ihren unterschiedlichen Tonsatzanlagen (syllabisch, gemassigt teilmelismatisch und bereichert teilmelismatisch) zu erschliessen. Zum anderen das besondere Verhaltnis, in dem diese zueinander stehen, zu eruieren und exemplarisch aufzuzeigen. Durch analytisch-vergleichende Untersuchungen lasst sich verifizieren, dass es...
Gegenstand dieser Studie sind die Subkategorien (syntomos, arge und kalophonisch) der heirmologischen Gesange-Hauptgattung der griechischen Kirchenmus...
216,89 zł |
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The Origins of Russian Music: Introduction to the Kondakarian Notation. Revised, Translated and with a Chapter on Relationships Between Latin, Byzan
ISBN: 9783631595534 / Angielski / Twarda / 311 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Five kondakarian manuscripts dating from the 11th to 13th century belong among the oldest witnesses of Russian church music. The Slavonic church texts are accompanied by a peculiar notation which represents the most complex notational system of the European Middle Ages. For centuries this system has been viewed as being undecipherable. In 1962 the author of this book succeeded in deciphering this notation using various methods even though directly compatible Greek sources were unknown at that time. His research appeared in two issues of journal which ceased publication several years ago....
Five kondakarian manuscripts dating from the 11th to 13th century belong among the oldest witnesses of Russian church music. The Slavonic church texts...
420,35 zł |
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Studi Pergolesiani- Pergolesi Studies
ISBN: 9783034312066 / Angielski / Miękka / 520 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. La musica napoletana conosce uno straordinario successo europeo fin dai primi decenni del Settecento. I contributi raccolti in questo volume presentano le fonti e la fortuna dei Napoletani, e di Pergolesi in particolare, a Dresda, in Boemia e in Slesia. Le fonti pergolesiane vengono esaminate fin nei dettagli di scrittura, tanto in vista della nuova edizione critica quanto nella prospettiva della prassi esecutiva storicamente informata. La corrispondenza diplomatica tra Dresda e Napoli si rivela un canale ricchissimo di scambi di informazioni e di partiture. Lontano dalla corte sassone, per...
La musica napoletana conosce uno straordinario successo europeo fin dai primi decenni del Settecento. I contributi raccolti in questo volume presentan...
383,67 zł |
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Aretha Franklin's Amazing Grace
ISBN: 9781441148889 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. For two days in January 1972, Aretha Franklin sang at the New Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles while tape recorders and film cameras rolled. Everyone there knew the event had the potential to be historic: five years after ascending to soul royalty and commercial success, Franklin was publicly returning to her religious roots. Her influential minister father stood by her on the pulpit. Her mentor, Clara Ward, sat in the pews. Franklin responded to the occasion with the performance of her life and the resulting double album became a multi-million seller-even without any... For two days in January 1972, Aretha Franklin sang at the New Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles while tape recorders and film cameras... |
50,22 zł |
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The Dissemination of Music in Seventeenth-Century Europe: Celebrating the Dueben Collection- Proceedings from the International Conference at Uppsala University 2006
ISBN: 9783034300575 / Angielski / Miękka / 358 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this volume fifteen musicologists from five countries present new findings and observations concerning the production, distribution and use of music manuscripts and prints in seventeenth-century Europe. A special emphasis is laid on the Duben Collection, one of the largest music collections of seventeenth-century Europe, preserved at the Uppsala University Library.
The papers in this volume were initially presented at an international conference at Uppsala University in September 2006, held on the occasion of the launching of The Duben Collection Database Catalogue on the... In this volume fifteen musicologists from five countries present new findings and observations concerning the production, distribution and use of musi...
459,88 zł |
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The Giant Book of Christian Sheet Music: Easy Piano
ISBN: 9781470610715 / Angielski / Miękka / 148 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Arranged by prolific Christian music arranger Carol Tornquist, this easy piano collection features the most popular praise, worship, and gospel songs of today. Lyrics and basic chord symbols are included along with helpful fingering and phrasing indications. Each arrangement is fun and easy to play, whether as a piano solo or for sing-alongs. Titles: 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) (Matt Redman) * Above All (Michael W. Smith) * Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (Chris Tomlin) * Blessed (Lazarus) * Blessings (Laura Story) * Cinderella (Steven Curtis Chapman) * God's Not Dead (Like a Lion)...
Arranged by prolific Christian music arranger Carol Tornquist, this easy piano collection features the most popular praise, worship, and gospel songs ...
102,07 zł |
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The Music of Chopin and the Rule of St Benedict: A Mystical Panorama of Life
ISBN: 9783631650653 / Angielski / Twarda / 143 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The book defines and describes the relationships between Chopin s music and one of the oldest but still used monastic rules, the Rule of Saint Benedict. Its goal is to construct bridges between music and spirituality. Since these two realms both refer to human life, the chapters of the book deal with current and existential issues such as beginnings, authority, weakness, interactions, emotions and others. The Rule of Saint Benedict and Chopin s music appear to belong to the same stylistic category of human culture, characterized by nobleness, moderation and high sensibility. In this way two...
The book defines and describes the relationships between Chopin s music and one of the oldest but still used monastic rules, the Rule of Saint Benedic...
196,43 zł |