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55 Recettes de Jus pour la Prévention du cancer et la Lutte contre le cancer: Stimuler Votre Système Immunitaire, Améliorer Votre Digestion, et Deveni
ISBN: 9781635310221 / Francuski / Miękka / 104 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 55 Recettes de Jus pour la PrEvention du cancer et la Lutte contre le cancer - Ce livre va vous aider A avoir un systEme immunitaire plus fort grAce a une variEtE d'ingrEdients puissants et aux mElanges de ces jus. La prEvention du cancer est un sujet grave qui doit Etre abordE avec l'exercice cardiovasculaire, un repos suffisant, et une bonne nutrition. Ces jus ne devraient pas remplacer vos repas quotidiens rEguliers, mais devraient complEter vos repas rEguliers de chaque jour.
Ne pas prendre le temps de nourrir votre corps correctement peut avoir des... 55 Recettes de Jus pour la PrEvention du cancer et la Lutte contre le cancer - Ce livre va vous aider A avoir un systEme immunitai... |
108,96 zł |
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55 Saftrezepte gegen den Krebs und für den Kampf dagegen: Stärke dein Immunsystem, verbessere deine Verdauung und lebe noch heute gesünder
ISBN: 9781635310115 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 122 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 55 Saftrezepte gegen den Krebs und dem Kampf dagegen werden dir aufgrund der Vielfalt an kraftvollen Zutaten und Mischungen in diesen SAften helfen, ein stArkeres Immun-system aufzubauen. Krebs-Vorsorge ist ein ernsthaftes Thema, das mithilfe von kardiovaskulAren Ubungen, ausreichend Erholung und richtiger ErnAhrung angegangen werden sollte. Die SAfte sollten keinesfalls eine normale Mahlzeit ersetzen, aber sie kOnnen deine tAglichen Mahlzeiten ergAnzen. Sich keine Zeit dafUr zu nehmen, den KOrper richtig zu er-nAhren, kann negative Langzeiteffekte haben. Darum wird dieses Buch dir... 55 Saftrezepte gegen den Krebs und dem Kampf dagegen werden dir aufgrund der Vielfalt an kraftvollen Zutaten und Mischungen in diesen SAften helfen... |
108,96 zł |
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33 Prostate Cancer Meal Recipes That Will Help You Fight Cancer, Increase Your Energy, and Feel Better: The Simple Solution to Your Cancer Problems
ISBN: 9781635311457 / Angielski / Miękka / 76 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 33 Prostate Cancer Meal Recipes That Will Help You Fight Cancer, Increase Your Energy, and Feel Better By Joe Correa CSN Cancer, in general, is a well-known disease that attacks many organs and other parts of our body, somehow it increases the abnormal growth of cells causing the spread of carcinoma in a process called metastases; although there are many treatments for cancer they are extremely invasive, and can many times kill good cells in the process. Prostate Cancer is a main concern for many men these days. Preventing cancer is all about developing a style of life... 33 Prostate Cancer Meal Recipes That Will Help You Fight Cancer, Increase Your Energy, and Feel Better By Joe Correa CSN Cancer, in g... |
94,74 zł |
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42 All Natural Meal Recipes for Ovarian Cancer: Give Your Body the Tools It Needs To Protect and Heal Itself against Cancer
ISBN: 9781635311488 / Angielski / Miękka / 98 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 42 All Natural Meal Recipes for Ovarian Cancer: Give Your Body the Tools It Needs To Protect and Heal Itself against Cancer By Joe Correa CSN The importance of nutrition can't be overstated in ovarian cancer patients. That's why I want to share this recipe book with as many people as possible who are looking for a natural alternative. The risk of Ovarian Cancer is sometimes higher when you have a family history of cancer in general, being obese or over weight, being post-menopausal, and having an unhealthy lifestyle. Doctors have confirmed that having a well-balanced diet can... 42 All Natural Meal Recipes for Ovarian Cancer: Give Your Body the Tools It Needs To Protect and Heal Itself against Cancer By Joe Correa CS... |
94,74 zł |
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43 Natural Skin Cancer Meal Recipes That Will Protect and Revive Your Skin: Help Your Skin to Get Healthy Fast by Feeding Your Body the Proper Nutrien
ISBN: 9781635311495 / Angielski / Miękka / 108 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 43 Natural Skin Cancer Meal Recipes That Will Protect and Revive Your Skin: Help Your Skin to Get Healthy Fast by Feeding Your Body the Proper Nutrients and Vitamins It Needs A varied and healthy diet will provide you with the necessary vitamins and nutrients to keep your immune system strong and will reduce the risk of skin cancer. Making a few small changes in your diet will increase your bodys capacity to fight skin cancer. Some studies recommend at least 35 weekly portions of vegetables, including broccoli, radish, tomatoe, cauliflower, and kale. Also, dark green leafy... 43 Natural Skin Cancer Meal Recipes That Will Protect and Revive Your Skin: Help Your Skin to Get Healthy Fast by Feeding Your Body the Proper Nutr... |
94,74 zł |
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One Step at a Time: Getting through Chemotherapy with Breast Cancer
ISBN: 9781911425014 / Angielski / Miękka / 180 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "I was first drawn to working in oncology while I was a student nurse at St Thomas' Hospital in London. There I met a woman who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and showed such strength and fortitude in the face of her diagnosis that it left a strong impression on me. "She said that, despite all the information that had been provided by the professionals and the internet, she would love to be able to dip in and out of a book that had useful advice for newly diagnosed patients, based on the experiences of other patients. The idea for this book was born. "I decided to... "I was first drawn to working in oncology while I was a student nurse at St Thomas' Hospital in London. There I met a woman who had been diagnosed ... |
66,64 zł |
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33 Recettes de Repas qui vous aideront à lutter contre le Cancer de la Prostate, augmenter votre énergie, et vous sentir mieux: La solution simple à v
ISBN: 9781635311716 / Francuski / Miękka / 80 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 33 Recettes de Repas qui vous aideront A lutter contre le Cancer de la Prostate, augmenter votre Energie, et vous sentir mieux: La solution simple A vos problEmes de cancer Par Joe Correa CSN
En gEnEral, le Cancer est une maladie bien connue qui attaque plusieurs organes et autres parties de notre corps, d'une certaine maniEre il augmente anormalement la croissance des cellules en causant la propagation du carcinome en un processus appelE mEtastases; bien qu'il existe plusieurs traitements pour le cancer, les mEtastases sont extrEmement envahissants, et peuvent tuer... 33 Recettes de Repas qui vous aideront A lutter contre le Cancer de la Prostate, augmenter votre Energie, et vous sentir mieux: La solution simple ... |
94,74 zł |
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43 Natural Skin Cancer Meal Recipes That Will Protect and Revive Your Skin: Help Your Skin to Get Healthy Fast by Feeding Your Body the Proper Nutrien
ISBN: 9781635311730 / Angielski / Miękka / 90 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 43 Natural Skin Cancer Meal Recipes That Will Protect and Revive Your Skin: Help Your Skin to Get Healthy Fast by Feeding Your Body the Proper Nutrients and Vitamins It Needs By Joe Correa CSN
A varied and healthy diet will provide you with the necessary vitamins and nutrients to keep your immune system strong and will reduce the risk of skin cancer. Making a few small changes in your diet will increase your body's capacity to fight skin cancer.
Some studies recommend at least 35 weekly portions of vegetables, including broccoli, radish, tomato,... 43 Natural Skin Cancer Meal Recipes That Will Protect and Revive Your Skin: Help Your Skin to Get Healthy Fast by Feeding Your Body the Proper Nutr... |
94,74 zł |
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58 Testicular Cancer Meal Recipes: Prevent and Treat Testicular Cancer Naturally Using Specific Vitamin Rich Foods
ISBN: 9781635312157 / Angielski / Miękka / 118 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 58 Testicular Cancer Meal Recipes: Prevent and Treat Testicular Cancer Naturally Using Specific Vitamin Rich Foods By Joe Correa CSN
Testicular cancer is a very serious condition and can have fatal results. However, in more than 90% of cases, testicular cancer is totally curable which is why some general knowledge about this illness is lifesaving. Health risks that lead to testicular cancer have not yet been discovered, but there are some general prevention guidelines everyone should know about. Healthy lifestyle and early prevention are crucial factors in... 58 Testicular Cancer Meal Recipes: Prevent and Treat Testicular Cancer Naturally Using Specific Vitamin Rich Foods By Joe Correa CSN ... |
94,74 zł |
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41 Recetas de Comidas Sanadoras del Cáncer de Piel: Las Comidas Más Completas Para Combatir El Cáncer de Piel Para Ayudarlo a Sanar Rápido
ISBN: 9781635312362 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 88 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 41 Recetas de Comidas Sanadoras del CAncer de Piel: Las Comidas MAs Completas Para Combatir El CAncer de Piel Para Ayudarlo a Sanar RApido Por Joe Correa CSN
La Epoca del aNo mAs peligrosa es definitivamente el verano, cuando estamos expuestos al sol la mayor parte del tiempo. Muchas personas usan protector para protegerse de los rayos UV daNinos, lo cual es una gran idea. Sin embargo, la mayorIa de estos productos comerciales contienen quImicos tOxicos que bloquean la absorciOn de vitamina D, que necesitamos, del sol. QuE hacemos para proteger nuestra piel y salud?... 41 Recetas de Comidas Sanadoras del CAncer de Piel: Las Comidas MAs Completas Para Combatir El CAncer de Piel Para Ayudarlo a Sanar RApido P... |
94,74 zł |
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61 Bio-Rezepte um Krebs vorzubeugen: Stärke dein Immunsystem auf natürliche Weise um den Krebs zu bekämpfen
ISBN: 9781635313048 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 114 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 61 Bio-Rezepte um Krebs vorzubeugen: StArke dein Immunsystem auf natUrliche Weise um den Krebs zu bekAmpfen Von Joe Correa CSN
Krebs ist eine Krankheit, die jedes Jahr Millionen an Leben nimmt und es kann jeden treffen, egal wie alt. Es trifft auch Menschen, die vollkommen gesund leben. Das Beste was Sie tun kOnnen ist so gut wie mOglich darUber informiert zu sein, wie man diese schreckliche Krankheit verhindern kann. Studien zeigen, dass 33% aller Krebsarten durch einen gesunden Lebensstil verhindert werden kOnnen. Aber das ist in erster Linie mit gesundem Essen... 61 Bio-Rezepte um Krebs vorzubeugen: StArke dein Immunsystem auf natUrliche Weise um den Krebs zu bekAmpfen Von Joe Correa CSN
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94,74 zł |
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42 All Natural Meal Recipes for Ovarian Cancer: Give Your Body the Tools It Needs To Protect and Heal Itself against Cancer
ISBN: 9781635313147 / Angielski / Miękka / 96 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 42 All Natural Meal Recipes for Ovarian Cancer: Give Your Body the Tools It Needs To Protect and Heal Itself against Cancer By Joe Correa CSN
Ovarian cancer is a serious and malignant disease that mostly affects women. It's the second most frequently diagnosed and most lethal gynecological disease. It's caused by an uncontrolled growth of cancerous or malignant cells in the ovaries. The actual cause of this growth is still unknown but it is usually related to age, fertility, late birth, delayed menopause, family history of ovarian cancer, hormone treatments,... 42 All Natural Meal Recipes for Ovarian Cancer: Give Your Body the Tools It Needs To Protect and Heal Itself against Cancer By Joe Correa CS... |
94,74 zł |
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61 Recetas de Comidas Orgánicas Para Ayudar a Prevenir el Cáncer: Fortalezca e Impulse Naturalmente Su Sistema Inmune Para Combatir el Cáncer
ISBN: 9781635313031 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 120 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 61 Recetas de Comidas OrgAnicas Para Ayudar a Prevenir el CAncer: Fortalezca e Impulse Naturalmente Su Sistema Inmune Para Combatir el CAncer Por Joe Correa CSN
Estudios muestran que el 33% de todos los tipos de cAncer pueden ser prevenidos con un estilo de vida saludable. Pero esto estA primariamente relacionado con comer sano y hacer actividad fIsica. En este libro, hemos preparado la mejor selecciOn de recetas con ingredientes recomendados por expertos como la mejor forma de prevenir cAncer. Las frutas frescas, varios tipos de vegetales ricos en fibras, e... 61 Recetas de Comidas OrgAnicas Para Ayudar a Prevenir el CAncer: Fortalezca e Impulse Naturalmente Su Sistema Inmune Para Combatir el CAncer |
94,74 zł |
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41 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir el Alzheimer: ¡Reduzca El Riesgo de Contraer La Enfermedad de Alzheimer De Forma Natural!
ISBN: 9781635312522 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 118 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 41 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir el Alzheimer: Reduzca El Riesgo de Contraer La Enfermedad de Alzheimer De Forma Natural Po Joe Correa CSN
La enfermedad de Alzheimer es devastadora. Comienza como simples olvidos. Gradualmente con el tiempo, esta enfermedad puede destruir la comunicaciOn y la comprensiOn, sumado a causar inquietud y cambios de Animo dramAticos. Mientras esto es difIcil para los amados, estos sIntomas son peores para el paciente. Sin embargo, con la dieta apropiada, el inicio del Alzheimer puede ser demorado y disminuido. El cambio de dieta es... 41 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir el Alzheimer: Reduzca El Riesgo de Contraer La Enfermedad de Alzheimer De Forma Natural Po Joe Correa CS... |
94,74 zł |
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61 Recetas de Comidas Para Asmáticos Que Ayudarán a Reducir Naturalmente Síntomas Crónicos y Problemáticos: Remedios Caseros Para Pacientes Asmáticos
ISBN: 9781635312591 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 138 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 61 Recetas de Comidas Para AsmAticos Que AyudarAn a Reducir Naturalmente SIntomas CrOnicos y ProblemAticos: Remedios Caseros Para Pacientes AsmAticos Por Joe Correa CSN
El asma es una condiciOn en la que los conductos del pulmOn o tubos bronquiales estAn inflamados. Usualmente estA seguido de sIntomas tIpicos como toser, entumecimiento del pecho y dolor, jadeos, etc. Si su doctor confirma que tiene esta condiciOn, entonces hay algunas cosas que deberIa saber. No hay ninguna sUper comida que cure el asma o pare los ataques, pero hay una conexiOn directa entre este... 61 Recetas de Comidas Para AsmAticos Que AyudarAn a Reducir Naturalmente SIntomas CrOnicos y ProblemAticos: Remedios Caseros Para Pacientes AsmAtic... |
94,74 zł |
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42 Ricette Naturali Contro Il Cancro Alle Ovaie: Dai Al Tuo Corpo Gli Strumenti Necessari Per Proteggere E Guarire Se Stesso Dal Cancro
ISBN: 9781635312874 / Włoski / Miękka / 100 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 42 Ricette Naturali Contro Il Cancro Alle Ovaie: Dai Al Tuo Corpo Gli Strumenti Necessari Per Proteggere E Guarire Se Stesso Dal Cancro Di Joe Correa CSN
L'importanza dell'alimentazione non puO essere sopravvalutata per I pazienti che soffrono di cancro alle ovaie. Per questo motive voglio condividere questo libro con piU persone possibili che stanno cercando un'alternativa naturale. Il rischio di cancro alle ovaie E a volte piU alto quando vi sono episodi in famiglia di cancro in generale, quando si E in sovrappeso o obesi, durante la menopausa o se si ha uno stile di... 42 Ricette Naturali Contro Il Cancro Alle Ovaie: Dai Al Tuo Corpo Gli Strumenti Necessari Per Proteggere E Guarire Se Stesso Dal Cancro Di Jo... |
94,74 zł |
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News from Lake Boobbegone: A Breast Cancer Memoir from the Heart
ISBN: 9780998762364 / Angielski / Miękka / 106 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Question: Does the world really need another breast cancer memoir? Answer: Probably not. But writing is the only way Carolyn Redman knew how to process a heartbreaking breast cancer diagnosis and the year-long treatments that ensued. These honest, heartfelt, and sometimes humorous e-mails and essays, written solely to keep family and friends informed of her medical condition morphed into the definitive exercise in self-compassion and healing. In the end, no one was more surprised or more grateful than she was to find purpose and meaning masquerading as... Question: Does the world really need another breast cancer memoir? Answer: Probably not. But writing is the o... |
66,31 zł |
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42 kraftvolle Saftrezepte gegen Krebs: Zur natürlichen Abwehr und Behandlung von Krebs durch die Zufuhr von Vitaminen und Mineralien, die dein Körper
ISBN: 9781635315882 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 56 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 42 kraftvolle Saftrezepte gegen Krebs: Zur natUrlichen Abwehr und Behandlung von Krebs durch die Zufuhr von Vitaminen und Mineralien, die dein KOrper in diesem Kampf benOtigt Von Joe Correa CSN
Etwa 10-12 Millionen Menschen erkranken jedes Jahr an Krebs. Darum gehOrt Krebs zu den hAufigsten Todesarten der modernen Welt. In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten hat Krebs epidemische Ausmae angenommen und betrifft etwa einen von zwei MAnnern und eine von drei Frauen. Mit 7-8 Millionen Todesopfern jAhrlich kann ich zurecht behaupten, dass der Kampf gegen Krebs eine wichtige... 42 kraftvolle Saftrezepte gegen Krebs: Zur natUrlichen Abwehr und Behandlung von Krebs durch die Zufuhr von Vitaminen und Mineralien, die dein KOrp... |
94,74 zł |
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44 Testicular Cancer Juice Recipes: Naturally Prevent and Treat Testicular Cancer without Recurring to Medical Treatments or Pills
ISBN: 9781635316230 / Angielski / Miękka / 100 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 44 Testicular Cancer Juice Recipes: Naturally Prevent and Treat Testicular Cancer without Recurring to Medical Treatments or Pills By Joe Correa CSN
The testicular cancer is the most common cancer in the male reproductive system. It is usually detected by a person discovering some form of abnormality in their testicles. Your diet, lifestyle, and overall health condition are extremely important in order to prevent testicular cancer. There are certain foods that are proven to be extremely effective against this type of cancer. These foods include basil, garlic,... 44 Testicular Cancer Juice Recipes: Naturally Prevent and Treat Testicular Cancer without Recurring to Medical Treatments or Pills By Joe Cor... |
94,55 zł |
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47 Home Remedy Juice Recipes for Ovarian Cancer: Vitamin Packed Recipes That Will Give Your Body What It Needs to Fight Cancer
ISBN: 9781635316568 / Angielski / Miękka / 106 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. 47 Home Remedy Juice Recipes for Ovarian Cancer: Vitamin Packed Recipes That Will Give Your Body What It Needs to Fight Cancer Cells By Joe Correa CSN
When we talk about ovarian cancer preventing foods, we simply have to mention juices. This is the easiest way to give your body all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Besides, they are easy to make and can fit into anybody's budget and schedule. This is why I have created this healthy collection of delicious juice recipes that will help you fight off ovarian cancer. Juicing is not something new. It is an... 47 Home Remedy Juice Recipes for Ovarian Cancer: Vitamin Packed Recipes That Will Give Your Body What It Needs to Fight Cancer Cells By Joe ... |
94,74 zł |